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科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

Mrs. Green is telling her experience

The brain is the most amazing part of our bodiesBut just like our bodiesit needs careGetting a good night's sleepeating a balanced diet均衡飲食and taking deep breaths are all important ways of looking after both your body and your brain.

Many people think their brain will slow down with age and their memory will get worseThe truth is,just like your bodyyou can also improve your brainI've found I can improve my memory by picturing what I need to rememberFor example,if I'm going shopping and I need bread milk and a birthday card for my brother,I picture a loaf of breada bottle of milk with a cow in the front and a birthday card with a football on it

The same kind of thing can be used with important datesIf you have a picture in your mind of a special event事件),it's much easier to remember than just a number

Another way of improving your mind is to make sure you often visit new places and have new experiencesI find learning Spanish is a great way to keep the brain workingbut communication in any language is important

1What is the woman’s main aim in telling her experience?

ATo explain how the brain works   

BTo talk about problems with the brain

CTo describe how clever she has become

DTo tell ways to make the memory better

2How does the woman improve her memory?

ABy doing some medical research   

BBy looking after her body

CBy picturing what she needs to remember

DBy doing a lot of shopping

3What does the woman say about her own memory?

    AIt has been possible to make her memory better

    BShe finds dates more difficult to remember than numbers

    CIt has got worse over the years

DShe often forgets birthdays

4Which would be the best title for the passage?

    AEasy ways Io improve your mind

    BThe latest research into the brain

    CThe amazing power of memory

    DHow to remember things you thought you'd forgotten


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

Arbor Day All over the World

All Over the world,people are planting trees,caring for them, and learning about their valueA special day was set aside for planting trees

Here in the United States,we call this tree-planting festival Arbor DayIn Japan,it is called Greening Week In Israel it is called the New Year's Day of the TreesKorea has a Tree-Loving WeekIceland has a Student's Afforestation DayThis means “to change open land into forest”People in India celebrate a National Festival of Free PlantingWhatever people call this special time of yearthey are saying that trees are important to us all

    Arbor Day began in the United States in 1872 in NebraskaJSterling Morton,a newspapermanknew how important trees were to the land so he began the ideaThe stateoffered prizes to the groups and people who planted the most treesOn that first Arbor Day,the people of Nebraska planted more than one million treesToday,Arbor Day is celebrated in all 50 states and around the world

    Why trees are so important to us all

    *Trees give us shade樹蔭to keep us and our homes cool on hot summer days

    *Trees give off oxygen which you and I and animals need to breathe

    *Trees reduce減少noise pollution

    *Trees provide a home and food for wildlife野生生物).

    *Trees are beautiful to look atnice to listen to,fun to explore,exciting to climband great to stream under

1We can infer推斷from the article that the writer is from___________

AAmerica               BJapan                   CIsrael                     DIceland

2Which is true about the first Arbor Day?

    AIt began in Nebraska,India

    BA book writer first thought of the idea

    CJ Sterling Morton planted the most trees that day

    DThe people who planted the most trees got the prize

3What is the importance of trees?

AThey keep us cool on hot days   

BThey give off oxygen we breathe

CThey provide a home and food for wildlife

DAll of the above

4In China,we celebrate Tree Planting Day on __________.

AMarch 2nd           BMarch 12th            CApril 2nd         DApril 12th


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

Computer games are very popularIt is natural to want to winso playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be difficult to stop “Just one more game,”often ruins into another game then another

    Computer games do have their advantagesThey are excellent for training hand-eye coordination協(xié)調(diào)).Surgeons外科醫(yī)生today who played computer games as children are often more skilled than those who didn'tComputer games can also be great for teaching studentsThe students are open to learning while playing and can study for longer than a teacher would be able to teachStudents can also learn at their own speed and not feel pressured有壓力的to match classmatesAnd practice makes perfect

    But like anything else in life,things should be balancedToo much time on the computer can hurlyour eyesRegular breaks間歇are neededIf students cannot stop playing computer games,they won't do as well in other areas in their life-not just schoolworkbut in developing important social skills such as how to talk with people and how to work with others as part of a teamAnd if they aren't taking regular exercise their health will suffer受苦).

    Computer games have their place,but people must also remember to lead well-balanced lives

1Computer games are good because________

Athey train us to be good with our hands

Bthey can replace teachers completely

Cthey are good for our eyes

Dcomputers are cheap

2Surgeons who played computer games as children may___________

Amake worse surgeons   

Bmake better surgeons

Cbe no better than surgeons who didn't

Dbe happy to do an operate on

3According to the text,which of the following is not a disadvantage缺點(diǎn)of computer games?

AThe effect影響on our health   

BThe effect on social skills

CThe effect Oil our eye-hand coordination

DThe effect on our eyes


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

The greatest wonder of the natural world

    When I arrivedit was early morning and it was rainingI got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a pathIn the east,the sky was becoming lightbut beside the path,it was still very darkI knew it was therebut there was nothing to see

    After about a kilometera stranger appeared in front of me“And I going the right way?”

I asked He knew where l was going”Yes,”he replied,”you’ll there in five minutes” Finally,I came to seine rocksand stoppedI looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see anything.

Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped The sun rose behind the and beyond the rocksI saw that the ground fell away and down to a river,far below rileI was on the edge of the Grand Canyon峽谷),one of the wonders of the natural world

I looked down to the Colorado River about 2 kilometers below meIf you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon,they still won't reach the topThen I looked across to the other side of the canyonHow far is it? It's 20 kilometers, maybe moreFinally,I looked to my left and to my right,and on both sides the canyon disappeared into the distance …over 400 kilometers longThe Grand Canyon is not just big It's huge

    That morning on the edge of the canyon,I asked myself a questionIt's not “How deep is it?” or “How wide is it” Or “How long is it?” but “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world?” I know the answer

1Where may the passage come from?

AA guidebook                                        BA grammar book 

CA dictionary                                               DA diary

2Why was there nothing to see?

ABecause there was nothing                    BBecause it was too dark

    CBecause it was raining                              DBecause it was in the morning

3Where was the writer facing on the edge of the Grand Canyon?

ATo the south                                        BTo the north   

CTo the east                                             DTo the west

4What is tile writer's purpose in writing this passage?

    ATo give facts about the Grand Canyon

    BTo tell how he feels about the Grand Canyon

    CTo describe the Grand Canyon

    DTo tell people to visit the Grand Canyon


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

Mike Robinson is a 15-year-old English schoolboyHis sister Clare is l4At the momentMike and Clare are at a school in Sydney, one of the biggest cities in Australia. They have been there for two yearsThey like the school,but they know that soon they will leave and return to England with their parents

    Mike and Clare have also been to schools in America, GermanyFrance and ChinaThis is because their father, Peter, works for a very big international companyThe company has offices in many different countriesThe company has sent Peter to work in many different countriesPeter usually stays in one country for about two years Then the company moves him againHis family always goes with him

    The Robinsons are a happy family and love seeing the worldMike and Clare have learnt to speak French,German and a little Chinese. The two children have friends all over  the world But they are glad that they are going to return to EnglandRecently,the children told their parents”We want to stay in England. We don't want to move again”Their father agrees and has asked his company to keep him in EnglandThe company has agreedMike and Clare are very happy about this

1What countries have the Robinson family lived in?

2Where does the company have offices?

3How long does Peter stay in one country?

4Why are Mike and Clare very happy?


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

Four foreigners in Britain talk about the people and the country

Nicolac from Romania works in a pub

“British people like children,but they don’t let them go to the pubs酒館or restaurants In my pub we have a rule’No children under 12’People in Britain drink a lot of coffee and beer

Alexandra from Russia is a student

“This is not a good country for smokers! Many coffee bars and restaurants are ‘No Smoking’I live with three British students and they don't smokeWhen l want to smokeI must go to the garden”.

Carlos is a teacher from Spain

“People read tile newspaper everywhere-on the train,on the bus,at the bus stopCars stop in Britain when you stand on the zebra crossingCars don’t stop for you in lily country

Marillia from Brazil works for a British family

“I think my British family is typical典型的The woman doesn’t cook,but she watches cooking programmer on TV every day The man cooks at the weekend He makes very nice food

1If your sister is 15 years old, can she go to the Nicolac's pub?

2Where must Alexandra go if she wants to smoke?

3What do British people often do on the train or bus?

4What programmes does the woman watch every day in Marillia’s British family?


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

In 1912 Gaffet AMorga was worried about the large number of fires in the factory of his cityHe wanted to make something that would protect the people who had to fight the fire. They were often hurtSometimes they were killed by gas and smokeThey needed something that would help them put out fires quickly and safely

    Morgan developed the safety hood頭罩. It was a hood to be worn over the face. Two tubes ran down the back leading to an air trap空氣收集器of clean air belowThis hood allowed the firefighters to remain in smoke-filled rooms longer and with less danger.

On July 25Cleveland,Ohio was rocked震撼by an explosion爆炸).The explosion trapped困住thirty-two workers in a tunnel隧道under Lake Erie. Morgan was called to helpMorgan and his brother,Frank,and two other men put on safety hoods. They went into the tunnelThey brought out all the workerswho were still aliveFor his help,Morgan received medals(獎(jiǎng)from the city of Cleveland and the International Association of Fire Engineers

    Morgan improved this safety hood in 1917 T11e11 in 1923,he made something else to help make the world safer for peopleMorgan invented the first electric traffic signal.

1What led to the invention of the safety hood?

2What is paragraph two mainly about?

3Why was Morgan called to help the people trapped in the tunnel?

4How many people went into the tunnel except Morgan?

5What was invented in 1923 by Morgan?


科目: 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年度沈陽市沈河區(qū)第二學(xué)期九年級(jí)第二次模擬考試試卷 題型:

Antarctica is the highest continent on Earthwith the coldest temperatures anti the most windPeople have never wanted to live there because it is so coldTheA_________ temperature once was 89.2! But now scientists from all over the world come to study the iceThey want toBlearn more about the Earth's history

Some scientists live on Antarctica for part of the yearBut they don't usually stay there for more than six monthsWhy? There are six months of light and six months of darkness .

Antarctica usually has a good deal of fine weatherC_________any wind at allThe strong winds are usually only in seine parts of it. It is also interesting to learn that it isn't very wet thereDThere is very little snow or rainIt snows on the ice Ill winter,but at other times Antarctica is dryjust like the Sahara Desert

    In winter the sea around Antarctica Echanges into ice for thousands of kilometersBut scientists tell us thatF地球在變暖So in future,there may be less ice ill the Antarctic sea When that happensour weather will never be the same again



3.將劃線部分D改寫成__________  __________ snow or rain alot



