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科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級 題型:024

Read the news on newspaper and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

China Daily

Example: The famous footballer from London has come to China

1.for his holidays. His plane arrived ________the airport two

2.days ago. He is now ________in the Snowman Hotel, which has quite good environment all around. He is going to stay in

3.China________ about two weeks. He says he has already

4.________ to China twice and he loves the snack of China

5.a(chǎn)nd Chinese people. Next week he is going ________visit many famous places in China.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.


Last weekend a man called Harry with his wife decided to go climbing On way they were carrying

1.________rucksacks to the top of the mountain, when

2.suddenly his wife________and shouted, “Look! Harry! Look at the strange thing.”Harry looked there and he saw a strange flying bird. It was very big, but looked like

3.a(chǎn)(n)________At first, Harry was afraid. He

4.________“Oh, no, that looks dangerous!”But it didn't see them, and flew slowly away through the trees, so Harry

5.________it. Harry was taking his camera with him, so

6.he ________some photos quickly. Later, he gave these photos to his friend, who was a journalist. The next day, Harry's story and photos were in the newspaper. He's now famous for these photos because nobody else has ever seen that kind of bird before.

7.What is the story called? Choose the best name and tick one box.

[  ]

A.The Friendly Bird.

B.Harry Breaks His Camera.

C.Harry's Strange Bird.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級 題型:024

Read the diary and write the missing words. Write one word on each line.

Wednesday, June 17

Example: I won't have to go to shcool tomorrow. So I decided to

1.________all of my homework before I went to bed. But I really

2.had ________of them to do. So I didn't go to sleep

3.________midnight. Some of the maths problems were difficult

4.________the others were quite easy. And one of them was more

5.difficult ________any other problems. It took me almost half an hour to do it. And I was so happy that I worked it out at last. Oh, I must stop here now and go to bed before it was too late.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 三級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.


Tony didn't come to school today. The teacher asked me to go to his house to see him. I arrived his home and saw Tony lying on his bed. I asked him what was wrong with him. He told me what happened this morning when he was

1.going to school.“When I was________off the

2.school bus. Someone behind me________me. And

3.I________ down the bus. And my leg was

4.________”he said,“how long will you be like this?”I asked. He said, “I'm not sure. But I'm afraid I couldn't go to school tomorrow. Today is my worst day.”I said to him,

5.“Don't worry! I can help you. I can ________you to school by bike every day.”Tony was very happy after he

6.________that. He thanked me for helping him. But I said, “Remember, we are friends.”Friends should always help each other.

7.What is the story called? Choose the best name and tick one box.

[  ]

A.My friend Tony.

B.Tony's worst day.

C.Making friends.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.

What am I?

Example: I'm a kind of place. Some people like walking or having a

1.________in me for their holidays because it is their hobby.

They can see so many beautiful animals and plants they can

2.never see in the________But it is difficult for them to cross

3.me by car because there aren't any________for cars. I'm

4.a(chǎn)________and wet place because it often rains. There is

5.never________ in me. but sometimes windy and rainy. Some animals live in me but only the kinds which love my weather,

6.like monkeys, lions, crocodiles and________ Now more and more people like to come to me for their holidays.

7.What am I? Tick the box.

[  ]

A.I'm a jungle.

B.A field.

C.An island.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.

Example: I have got no arms or legs So I don't walk or fly. And I don't

1.live in the water or on the ground. There are no animals or________ living on me. People like to see me because I have a lot of beautiful and

2.different________But you can't buy me in the shop or take me

3.________ You can't see me on windy days. Sometimes you can find

4.me crossing the________after the rain and sometimes you can see

5.me above the________Climbing on me, you can be very close to

6.top of the________

7.What am I?

[  ]

A.I am a star.

B.A mountain.

C.A rainbow.


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the example. Write one-word answers.

What am I?

Example: I am not animal or a thing. Do you know what I am? Yes, I am a

1.________I don't often live in the city, town or countryside. I often live

2.on the________In the water near me you can find the sea animals like

3.fish, dolphins, whales or sometimes________I cross the sea on a boat.

4.People are always afraid of me because they have got to give me their.________

5.And sometimes you can________me in a children's story book -only have got one eye, a hat on the head and sometimes a

6.________ sitting on the shoulder!

7.What am I?

I am a ________


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the examples. Write one-word answers.

I often go out for my holidays. And my favourite one was last year's holiday.

Examples: I went to the beach near my cousin's by plane with my grandparents.

We didn't eat anything on the plane but drank some bottles of juice and milk. We also took some cool clothes with us like T-shirts, dresses

1.a(chǎn)nd skirts because it was________at that time and there is never

2.________then. We went to my cousin's house after the plane. The handbag was very heavy. I couldn't move it. My cousin came to help me

3.________it. How nice of him! I found there was a nice garden outside

4.the house when we got there. And there were many trees and________

5.on top of them are very green. We often played________in it. The

6.next day we went swimming. At the________of the water, I saw many beautiful fish. I enjoyed the holiday so much. And I wanted to go there again next holiday.

7.What is the best name for this story? Tick one box.

[  ]

A.The garden

B.My holiday

C.My cousin


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬題 二級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures and the examples. Write one-word answers.


Sally is my best friend, but we are in different classes. She lives opposite me. She is a pretty girl. She is tall and thin and is the tallest girl in her class. She has curly black hair and big eyes. She

1.likes fruit and her favourite one is banana. Everyday she________

2.a(chǎn) bike to school with me. But on________ days, she always

3.goes to school by bus. Her hobby is climbing________ and

4.________ pictures. But yesterday she didn't go to school because

5.she had a________Today she looks a lot better and now she is playing with other students on the school field. She also likes

6.________ very much. She always looks happy, so she's got another name 'Happy Girl'. After school we often do homework together ir my house or hers, and she often helps me with my English. That's my good friend Sally.

7.What's the best name for this story? Tick one box.

[  ]

A.My best friend Sally

B.A pretty girl

C.Sally's hobby


科目: 來源:劍橋少兒英語全真模擬試題 一級 題型:024

Read the story. Look at the pictures. Write the words.

What am I?

I live in the jungle. I look like a cat , but I am much bigger than a cat. I have four________and a big________.I am wearing a yellow and black________I like to eat meat. I am the________ of animals. I am a (n)________.

