【題目】 Whoever wrote the song 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year' must have never experienced the holiday blues. Fortunately, psychological research suggests some effective ways you can use to beat the holiday blues. The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid. 1. Here are four strategies to help you make your own happiness recipe this holiday season.

Don't force cheer

At family gatherings with cousins you secretly can’t stand, you tend to put on a happy face. Indeed, that might even seem like the most mature response—no drama, no conflict. But a 2011 study followed dozens of bus drivers, looking to see when they gave forced or honest smiles at their passengers. The results showed when the drivers pretended to have a good mood, their actual moods got worse. 2.

Let out sadness

The results of the busdriver study can be explained by researchers, who find that negative feelings like sadness or anger only increase when we try to control them. 3. We don't like contradictory behavior.

Respond cautiously

Recently, scientists have been paying special attention to the benefits of caution. When you respond cautiously to an emotional trigger, you pause rather than react at once. 4. Besides, it is associated with less anxiety, and may even carry physiological benefits.


Of course, the holidays will bring a mix of highs and lows, but the most important lesson to keep in mind is that this variety of emotions might be the best thing possible for your overall wellbeing. In other words, sadness, anger, and other difficult emotions are nothing to fear. Just make sure you're balancing them with lighter experiences. And don’t forget to give yourself a break.

A.Relax your mind

B.Enjoy a mix of emotions

C.We tend to deny the important function emotions serve

D.Instead, they can help contribute to a healthy and happy life

E.So trying to force happiness seems to have the opposite effects

F.A cautious response to a negative event reduces sadness we experience

G.We feel bad when our appearance contradicts how we truly feel inside










上文The key point is that sadness and other tough emotions are not what we should try to avoid.(問題的關(guān)鍵是悲傷和其他負面情緒不是我們應(yīng)該試圖避免的)D. Instead, they can help contribute to a healthy and happy life(相反,它們有助于一個健康和快樂的生活)承接自然,選項中的they就是上文所提到的sadness and other tough emotions,故選D項。


E. So trying to force happiness seems to have the opposite effects(因此,強顏歡笑會適得其反)符合本段小標題Don't force cheer(不要強顏歡笑)的話題,force是關(guān)鍵詞,故選E項。


下文We don't like contradictory behavior.(我們不喜歡不一致的行為)G. We feel bad when our appearance contradicts how we truly feel inside(當我們的外表和我們內(nèi)心真正的感受不一致時,我們感覺很糟糕)承接自然,contradictory是關(guān)鍵詞,故選G項。


上文When you respond cautiously to an emotional trigger, you pause rather than react at once.(當你對情感的觸發(fā)做出謹慎的反應(yīng)時,你會暫停而不是立刻做出反應(yīng))F. A cautious response to a negative event reduces sadness we experience(對消極情況的謹慎反應(yīng)會減少我們經(jīng)歷的痛苦)承接自然,cautious response是關(guān)鍵詞,且選項符合本段小標題Respond cautiously(謹慎回應(yīng))的話題,故選F項。


根據(jù)下文的Of course, the holidays will bring a mix of highs and lows, but the most important lesson to keep in mind is that this variety of emotions might be the best thing possible for your overall wellbeing.(當然,假期有高潮也有低谷,但重要的是要記住,這些各種各樣的情緒可能對你整體的健康是一件最好的事情)可知,本段主要講述我們要享受各種各樣的情緒,不管是好的還是壞的。B. Enjoy a mix of emotions(享受混合的情緒)可以作為本段小標題,故選B項。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華,學(xué)校每年傳統(tǒng)的英語話劇比賽因新冠疫情 (Coronavirus epidemic) 改為下周六在線舉行,請你寫郵件邀請外教Mike在線擔(dān)任評委,內(nèi)容包括:

1. 比賽的安排;

2. 比賽的意義;

3. 邀請及感謝。


1. 詞數(shù)80左右;

2. 可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】My interview is in the afternoon.I am so nervous.

You've prepared so well._____________.

A.Have butterflies in your stomachB.Be as sly as a fox

C.Interviews are battlefieldsD.Success is yours for the taking


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Suzhou,May 2020:According to a government's plan,all major cities in China are expected to start garbage classification this year, and the system should be completed and functioning by the end of 2025.The city of Suzhou has thus acted and related campaigns have been launched and flourishing throughout the neighborhoods.

In a summer camp,one of the events,a group of adolescents visited several waste treatment plants where they gained a better understanding of methods of sorting and recycling organic waste,sewage(生活污水)and sludge(生活污物)。In another event,a team of residents.and a team of students from a local college had a debate on"Should Practice of Garbage Classification Rely More on Law Enforcement or Moral Consciousness'.Many residents watched the debate and acquired a good knowledge of garbage classification in the process.Still another community offered the local administrative staff working on garbage disposal(處置)and environmental protection and staff from the local property management company a chance to visit a community in Wujiang District,Suzhou to learn experience for more efficient garbage classification.








3. 文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學(xué)校名稱;






科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Scientists say they have used the gene-editing tool CRISPR to repair a person’s eyesight for the first time. The CRISPR tool makes it possible to change DNA to add needed genes or take some away if they lead to problems.

A patient recently had the procedure done for an inherited form of blindness. The operation took place at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. “We literally have the potential to treat people who are essentially blind and make them see,” said Charles Albright. He is chief scientific officer at Editas Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Editas is one of the companies developing the treatment. Albright added, “We think it could open up a whole new set of medicines to go in and change your DNA.”

The people taking part in the study have a genetic condition that keeps the body from making a protein needed to turn light into signals to the brain, which leads to sight.

Scientists have found it difficult to treat the condition with usual gene therapy. So, they are aiming to edit or remove the mutation(突變)by making two cuts on either side of it. The hope is that the ends of DNA will reconnect and make the gene work as it should. Through a tube the width of a human hair, doctors put three drops of fluid containing the gene editing machinery just under the retina(視網(wǎng)膜), which is the lining at the back of the eye that contains the light-sensing cells. Doctors believe they need to fix one-tenth to one-third of the cells to repair vision. In animal tests, scientists were able to correct half of the cells with the treatment, Albright said.

Some independent experts were hopeful about the new study. Dr. Kiran Musunuru is a gene-editing expert at the University of Pennsylvania. He said the treatment seems likely to work, based on tests in mice and monkeys. The gene editing tool stays in the eye and does not travel to other parts of the body. So, “If something goes wrong, the chance of harm is very small.” Musunuru said. “It makes for a good first step for doing gene editing in the body.”

1Who can most possibly benefit from this new treatment?

A.Patients who are essentially color-blinded.

B.Patients who turn blind due to accidents or diseases.

C.Patients who are born with no ability to see.

D.Patients who lose their vision at a young age.

2Which is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The result of the treatment.

B.The theory of the treatment.

C.The difficulty of the treatment.

D.The disadvantage of traditional treatment.

3What is likely to be discussed after the last paragraph?

A.The function of the gene-editing tool.

B.The limitation of the gene-editing tool.

C.The effect of the treatment on animals.

D.The research of the treatment on humans.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華, 你校學(xué)生會組織學(xué)生下周六開展關(guān)愛自閉癥兒童(children with autism)義演活動。請你給外教Shelly寫一封郵件, 邀請她一同前往。


2. 活動內(nèi)容(現(xiàn)場表演、義賣等)。


2. 可以適當增加細節(jié), 以使行文連貫。



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是紅星中學(xué)的學(xué)生會主席李華,高考臨近,你校決定舉辦高三畢業(yè)典禮(the Graduation Ceremony),請你代表學(xué)生會向全體高三學(xué)生發(fā)一則通知,內(nèi)容包括:

1.畢業(yè)典禮時間 (74)及地點(報告廳lecture hall);

2. 參加者:

3. 活動;

4. 注意事項。


2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



The Student Union


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 The driver, Zhang Sai, hovered outside an apartment building in Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak. He had been ordered not to take food to customers’ doors in order to minimize the risk of infection. But the woman on the phone was pleading, he recalled. The food was for her mother, who couldn’t go down to meet him. Mr. Zhang relented. He would drop off the order and sprint away. As he placed the bag on the floor, Mr. Zhang said, the door opened. Startled, he rushed away. Without thinking, he jabbed the elevator button with his finger, touching a surface that could transmit the virus. That was how Mr. Zhang, 32, found himself speeding back to his delivery station with one finger held aloft, careful not to touch the rest of his hand.

For many in China, delivery drivers like Mr. Zhang are the only connection to the outside world. Once a common but invisible presence on the streets of nearly every Chinese city, the drivers are now being honored as heroes. What exhausting and dangerous work! Mr. Zhang, who works for Hema, a supermarket chain owned by the tech giant Alibaba, crisscrosses (穿梭) the city armed only with the face masks and hand sanitizer that his company supplies each morning.

The epidemic has brought some unexpected bright spots. Before, Mr. Zhang said, he sometimes ran red lights during rush hour in order to meet his delivery goals for the day. Now, the streets are empty. He has no problem getting around. People are nicer, too. Some customers barely opened the door or avoided eye contact. After the outbreak erupted, everyone said thank you.

1Why Zhang Sai couldn’t send food to customers’ doors?

A.To keep away from the deadly disease.

B.To reduce the chance of being transmitted.

C.To avoid communicating with others.

D.To give himself a day off.

2What does the underlined word “relented” in paragraph 1 refer to?



3What advantages did the epidemic bring accidently?

A.Economic prosperity and long culture.

B.Busy business and peaceful people.

C.Splendid surroundings and energetic persons.

D.Empty streets and friendly people.

4What can be the best title for the text?

A.The biography of Zhang Sai’s.

B.How did Zhang Sai send food?

C.The driver Zhang Sai during the epidemic.

D.How was Zhang Sai infected?


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







Dear Alan,



Li Hua

