【題目】I don’t think it serves anyone if you force yourself to be selfless in a way that’s not ________.




考查形容詞詞義辨析。句意:如果你強(qiáng)迫自己以不真實(shí)的方式變得無私,我認(rèn)為這不會(huì)對任何人有好處。A. optimistic樂觀的;B. systematic有系統(tǒng)的;C. automatic自動(dòng)地;不假思索的;D. authentic真實(shí)的,真正的。根據(jù)上文“force yourself to be selfless”可推斷,表示用不真實(shí)的方法強(qiáng)迫自己無私,符合句意,故選D。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】閱讀下面材料, 根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。續(xù)寫的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右。

Danger at Scituate Lighthouse

Rebecca stood by her father, looking out the windows of Scituate Lighthouse. Low sand dunes(沙丘) with sea grass topped the Massachusetts beach. There were no clouds in the sky—nothing at all to give warning of the danger that was sailing toward them.

"Now, Rebecca, " Mr. Bates began, gazing out across the open sea, "I want you and Abigail to help your mother and take care of things while I go to town for food and supplies. I won’t be gone long. "

"We’ll help, " Rebecca promised.

"I know I can count on you. "

Still, Mr. Bates looked a little worried about leaving the lighthouse. After all, peace between the US and the UK had not yet been declared, even though the war of 1812 was nearly over. Although English warships used to frequently attack towns along the coast—including Scituate—no English soldiers had been sighted for a long time. Besides, Rebecca thought as she watched her father set off, the family would soon starve if he didn’t go for food.

Her father hadn’t been gone long when Rebecca happened to look out the window at the ocean. What she saw nearly made her heart stop. It was an enemy ship: a small, light-gunned British warship. Calling for her mother, she grabbed her father’s telescope and could just make out the name painted on the side: La Hogue.

Rebecca, Abigail, and their mother stood together, frightened, as they watched the ship sail closer. Mother told the girls to watch the ship while she tried to sound the alarm and warn the home guard in the nearby village. The girls watched helplessly as the great ship drew near. Two small boats were lowered off the side, and Rebecca knew the boats would come ashore quickly.

It was time to run. As they ran down the lighthouse stairs, Rebecca suddenly stopped when she saw her fife(橫笛). Oh my! She thought. It just might work… Rebecca grabbed the fife and the drum() that Abigail had been learning to play.

Paragraph 1

She and her sister hurried out of the lighthouse and over to the large sand dunes that lay behind it.


Paragraph 2

The English soldiers looked nervously at one another—the music of “Yankee Doodle” had to be coming from the confident American soldiers.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 We just waved goodbye to this year's Mother's Day.1, but there are still things you might not know about Mother's Day.

The founder fought back.

Although Julia Ward Howe first suggested a day for mothers, Anna Jarvis campaigned for a national day for moms, in memory of her own mother, Ann Jarvis, who had spent years working to provide resources for poor mothers in West Virginia.2, but within a few years, Jarvis became annoyed with how commercial the day had become and started a petition(請?jiān)福?/span>to cancel the holiday.That clearly didn't come to pass.

It is an active day on the phone lines.

3. One study suggests that the more widespread use of cell phones has greatly increased the amount of contact adult children have with their mothers. So don't be lazy: your mom definitely expects to receive your call, and not just with a text message.


If you're thinking about taking your mom out to eat, you might want to consider which time of the day will have enough open tables. Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, with some 80 million adults dining out, which tops even Valentine's Day. Therefore, if you'd like to treat your mom to her favorite cuisine, go earlier on that day.

All in all, Mother's Day is set up to honor mothers' love and care for the family, so even a handmade card can show your appreciation.5

A.Mother's Day became an official holiday in 1914

B.Their devotion deserves your attention and respect

C.Some of you may find that day not new to you at all

D.Some of you might have forgotten to send greetings

E.Many people honor more than one mother in their life

F.It is the busiest day of the year in the restaurant industry

G.Call volume in the US goes up 11 percent on Mother's Day


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


If you have always wanted to become 1 astronaut, now could be your chance. Now the US space agency NASA is seeking candidates to be future astronauts.

The search comes after NASA 2(announce) plans to send the first woman and the next man to the moon as part of its Artemis Program last year. Artemis aims to return humans to the moon by 2024. NASA’s next goal is to establish a long-term base on the moon, 3 NASA says it will be able to launch regular space operations, 4 ( include) tasks to Mars (火星). NASA says it expects to choose the final candidates in the middle of 2021. They will then 5 (immediate) begin training to become Artemis Generation astronauts.

So what exactly is NASA looking for in its crew of new astronaut? Two general 6(requirement) are that applicants must be US citizens and hold a master’s degree in a field 7 (relate) to science, technology, engineering or mathematics. 8 addition,candidates should also have at least two years of 9 (profession) experience in their field. Of course, all applicants will have to complete a NASA physical 10 (examine) to test their fitness for long-term spaceflight.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Finding a New Spring

A tradesman was leading a caravan(商隊(duì))to another country1sell his goods. Along the way they came to the edge of a severe hot-sand desert. They learnt that during the daytime the sun heats up the fine sand until it's as hot as charcoal, so no one can walk on it--not even bullocks(小公牛)or camels! So the caravan leader hired a desert guide, one who could follow the stars, so they could travel only at night when the sand cools down. They began the dangerous night-time journey across the desert.2couple of nights later, after eating their evening meal, and waiting for the sand to cool, they started out again.

Later that night, the desert guide,3was driving the first cart, saw from the stars that they were getting close to the other side of the desert. He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he fell asleep. Then the bullocks who, of course, couldn't tell4directby reading the stars,5gradualturned to the side and went in a big wide circle until they arrived at the same place they had started from! By then it was morning, and the people realized they were back at the same spot. They lost heart and began to cry about their condition. Since the desert crossing was supposed to be over by then, they had no more water and were afraid they would die of6thirsty. They even began to blame the caravan leader and the desert guide.

However, the leader7hedidn't lose courage. He began walking back and forth,8tryto think out a plan. Remaining alert, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a small clump of grass. He thought,“9water, no plant could live in this desert.” So he asked his fellow travelers to dig up the ground on that very spot. They dug and dug, and after a while they got down to a large stone. He got down into the hole, put his ear to the stone, and heard the sound of flowing water.

A spring10find. All the people were overjoyed.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Over the last few years, there’s been a trend to focus on gratitude. We can buy different kinds of gratitude journals, or download apps that remind us to write down our blessings.1“But it's also important to remember that gratitude is free.”says Laurie Santos, who teaches a course on the science of well-being and happiness at Yale University.

Noting down gratitude seems to pay off. Studies have found that giving thanks can help people sleep better, lower stress and improve interpersonal relationships. Keeping a gratitude journal can decrease materialism and enhance generosity among adolescents.2“It’s one practices that really wins out from the field of positive psychology.” she says. Her students, in addition to keeping gratitude journals, are asked to write a thank-you letter and then read it out loud to the recipient (收信人). “They show measurable improvements in well-being even a month after they’ve done this.”she says.

3One study found that counting blessings once a week boosted happiness, but doing so three times a week didn't. There’s also a lack of research on bow gratitude exercises help people with clinical depression or anxiety. Indeed, for all the research on the broad benefits of expressing gratitude, it isn't for everyone.4 It can't make injustice, loss or pain disappear.

During really tough times, like when she suffers from poor health, Santos feels like she is reaching for reasons to be grateful. But she still tries to find some. “I’m grateful for the sun that’s shining or being able to wake up,” she says.5

A.And it isn’t a cure-all.

B.So it doesn’t feel pleasant.

C.Those products remind us to take time to be grateful.

D.What works for some people may not work for others.

E.Gratitude allows her to remember what is going well.

F.Practicing too much gratitude may have undesired effects.

G.That's why gratitude features heavily in Santos' happiness class.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:








One day, I played the chess with Father and I won the first round, said proudly: “Dad, you have to fight.” Father replied he will get back in the next round. The second round began and I launched a series of attacks, that caught my dad off guard and led to much falls. My heart leaped with the joy that he could win again. I thought victory was within my grasp, but I defeated instead. Dad explained that I should have taken a long-term view so that I could succeed eventually. Father’s words made me comprehended a principle that we students should look forward to the future. More important, we should be good at seizing opportunities, making plan, and moving forward to the goal.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


A kind of insect gets its name for the body shape, which resembles a long stick. Such an amazing 1 (appear) helps it successfully hide from predators(捕食者) in the branches of trees. These creatures 2 (call) stick insects. Often called walking sticks, they live on every continent except Antarctica. They can be smaller than an inch or longer than 3 18-inch ruler.

There are some other ways stick insects use to defend 4 (they). Some can hit attackers with their spiny legs. Others spray something in no time 5 burns an attacker’s eyes. And some just taste bad. The Peruvian stick insect is one of them. This stick insect is 6 (easy) to see because it has red, yellow, and black markings than others. These bright colors are a warning to predators, who know it discharges something with an unpleasant smell when 7 (attack).

Stick insects are mostly nocturnal, which means they are active at night, when they spend their time eating leaves. Darkness makes it harder for most predators 8 (discover) them. However, darkness doesn’t protect stick insects 9 one super set of insect hunters, insect-eating bats. These bats use echolocation(回聲定位) to find yummy bug dinners. And stick insects are 10 (absolute) on the menu as something these bats want to eat!


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Dachi was the name of my pet cockatiel. His name comes from the second half of the Japanese word tomodachi, 1means friend.

I taught Dachi to whistle two songs, “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow” and “Happy Birthday to You”. Though his whole range of skills was small, his 2 (confident) never lagged (滯后), and he would frequently wish me a happy birthday when it wasn’t — which could be 3 (embarrass).

When Dachi had been with us for three or four years, I think I may have become a bit too confident with him. One day, I didn’t realize that he was still sitting on my shoulder 4 until the door behind me shut loudly. He 5 (fly) away.

After I placed 6an advertisement in the local paper, I received a phone call from a woman. I was so relieved to hear this news that I 7 (immediate) drove to her house. When I arrived, she asked me to see whether the bird was 8(my).

I had a better idea 9 (identify) Dachi and began to whistle the “Happy Birthday” song. The lady stopped me, saying, “He is yours alright — he’s been whistling that all week.”

So Dachi came home in the car 10 (sit) on my shoulder, whistling.

