精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情

【題目】Thousands of us struggle with letting go of the pain that was 1(cause) by past events and circumstances. Let's face it: none of us is perfect and we all may speak of something2could hurt someone else in the process.You can't change3past. What you can do though is realizing that we are all humans who make mistakes and then4(immediate) make a decision and choose to let go of the wounds.

Firstly, you need to accept5has happened since you can't change it. Life always 6(try) to teach us new lessons and you need to be alert, study and analyze them. Secondly, make a firm decision to forgive. One of the best blessings is the7(choose) to make. You can't go from point A to point B unless you first choose to do it. Lastly, realize that holding on8the hurtful emotions will only hurt one person—YOU. Therefore, since you love and value9(you), you need to look after yourself. Begin to focus on the idea that we are all humans and could easily make mistakes from time to time. Focus on the "goodness" that is in each of us. This type of focus and self-talk makes it easier10(let) go of past hurt and move on.











10】【10to let


1】【1考查語態(tài)。that was ___1___(cause) by past events and circumstances. 是一個定語從句,修飾先行詞the pain,關系詞替代先行詞,the paincause之前是被動關系,用被動語態(tài),所以填caused。

2】【2考查定語從句。____2____could hurt someone else in the process. 是一個定語從句,修飾先行詞something,指物,所以用that。

3】【3考查固定短語你不能改變過去。the past過去是固定短語,所以填the。

4】【4考查副詞。修飾動詞短語make a decision,用副詞所以填immediately。

5】【5考查賓語從句。____5____has happened是一個賓語從句,引導詞在從句中作主語,所以填what



8】【8考查不定式。that holding on____8____the hurtful emotions will only hurt one person—YOU.是一個賓語從句。不定式作hold on的賓語,所以填to。


10】【10考查不定式。表示“為了……”,不定式作目的狀語,填to let。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Dear Mr. Brown,
I am writing to thank you with your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could only speak a few words. But one and a half year later, I now think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I would always remember what you said. “If you try to, you can be No.1!” I hope you'll have a pleasant journey home but will come to China again sometimes in the future, I will write again and send you photos we take together.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】A lot of people are interested in sea animals, especially the ones that are beautiful and smart. Although some are wild, and can be deadly, each is also unique in its own way. Whales, sharks and dolphins are the main subjects of sea-animal research, with dolphins standing out from whales and sharks for their friendly behavior with humans. No doubt the desire to learn some interesting things about dolphins has led you to this article, and you too are eager to know more about these sea creatures.

It is sometimes believed that Dolphins have been evolved from land mammals. Among sea mammals, dolphins are the most advanced in intelligence. You may be surprised to learn that they are close relatives of camels and cows. The debate on the origin of the dolphin is an unending one, however. Some believe that they evolved from land-based hoofed (有蹄的) mammals, others believe thattheyevolved from other different kinds of mammals many millions of years ago. There are about 32 types of dolphins that live in salt water, each unique in its color and body shape. Five other types live in fresh water.

A grown-up dolphin eats nearly 20 to 22 kilos of fish every day. The eating habits of dolphins depend on where they live, and on the season. Seasons in which fish are abundant are like party time for dolphins. Dolphins decide how much they are going to eat based on the fat content of the fish available. They’ve a good sense of understanding about their hunger.

The social skills and intelligence of dolphins make them very attractive for zoos and aquariums, where they are often trained to show off their diving skills. Dolphins also communicate with each other by special sounds.

1Scientists like to research dolphins mainly because _______.

A. they are friendly to humans B. they have good diving skills

C. they have unique bodies D. they are beautiful and clever

2The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to _________?

A. Camels and cows. B. Dolphins.

C. The relatives of dolphins. D. Hoofed mammals.

3We can know for sure from the second paragraph that dolphins ___.

A. evolved from land animals B. are the most advanced animals in the world

C. have a close connection with camels D. live only in salt water

4Paragraph 3 mainly talks about ___________?

A. How dolphins know they are hungry. B. How much dolphins eat daily.

C. What dolphins like to eat. D. The eating habits of dolphins.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1. 節(jié)約用水,避免不必要的浪費;

2. 節(jié)約用電,離開時確保關燈和其他電器;

3. 節(jié)約紙張等學習用品;

4. 主動向父母及周圍親朋宣傳節(jié)約能源的思想。


Dear fellow students,

Our government is aiming to build a saving-based society.










科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

假定你是李華,暑假參加了澳大利亞游學活動,回國后給host family寫一封信表示感謝,要點如下:
Dear Helen,


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What is forbidden in the little kids’ area?

A. Playing. B. Diving. C. Swimming.

2Where can the rules be seen?

A. Near the kids’ area. B. By the director’s office.

C. Above the changing rooms.

3Where can the snacks be eaten?

A. Near the snack shop. B. Outside the pool. C. Anywhere.

4At what time does the pool close?

A. 6:30 pm. B. 6:00 pm. C. 5:00 pm.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can’t be avoided. 1

2When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, and working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.

Take care of yourself 3If you easily get angry and can’t sleep well enough,or if you’re not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.

Make time for yourself Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don't forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work.4 Gowindow-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day todo something you enjoy.

Make a list of things to do Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there’s so much to do,and not enough time”.5 Therefore, you may not achieve anything.Instead,make a list of everything you have to do,then do one thing at atime, checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important task first.

A. Try physical activity.

B. Do whatever you like and want to do.

C. Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you.

D. You could smile to yourself in front of a mirror every day.

E. The following are suggestions for ways to deal with stress.

F. You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest.

G. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Last week Ideep into space,but a black hole. Then Ito Brazil and experienced surviving an airplane crash After that,I went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blindthat have never seen .
That is what visitors can do at Futuroscope,a science and technologybased theme park in France. It uses the mosttechnology. Visitors can parts of the world they have never experienced. The amazing,information together with many opportunities for hands on learning makes the world in a completely new way for visitors.
Visitors can buy tickets at the entrance,but tickets are also available online. Futuroscope is not only for individuals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings. And also Futuroscope is easy to reach. Come ready to walk a lot—be sure to wear some comfortable sneakers.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

In many countries of the world, people do what is called housesitting.It means that if owners of the house are going away, they wantsomeone to come into their home and look after the house and maybe pets whilethey are away.
In Australia, many people travel.After peopleretire, they might buy a van and travel all over the country.
So if someone wants to travel or go away for some reason, theymight want someone in their home to care for it and keep the gardens tidy.House sittersmight have to care for pets.Also, quite afew people have swimming pools in their back yard and they need cleaning. . I feel it isa great way of seeing the country, because you go and stay in a new city, getto meet new people, and have time to go sightseeing in a new area.
. There arewebsites where you find the advertisements by people who want to travel, and byreplying to the advertisement, you can make arrangements to go and look aftertheir home.
There are some requirements to be a house sitter.You must be atrusted person, so that the home owner knows you will not steal anything.You must beable to go when the house owner wants you to go, so you need lots of free time. . You need to begood with pets, able to care for cats and dogs, or other pets they may have.
Some house sitting jobs are just for a few days or a couple ofweeks while the house owners have a short holiday.Sometimes itis for much longer.We have hadone house sit for six months, while the home owner travelled to Europe.
Then you can travel to many differentcountries and stay there.One of theimportant things to get is references from the home owners where you havestayed. A reference is a written letter to say that you are trustworthyand have looked after their home well.You can showthese letters to possible house sitting jobs and they know you will do a goodjob.
A.I have donehouse sitting many times.
B.Thousands ofpeople do this all the time.
C.It is alsopossible to do house sitting in other countries.
D.Generally youhave many opportunities to get a house sitting job.
E.You must takea little care over what your description says about you.
F.This is aninternational house sitting service for all city and country areas.
G.Youmust have a good car, so you can travel to different parts of the country.

