
A phenomenon known as "in-need-of-praise" has taken Chinese social media by storm. Users can now join a chat group on WeChat or QQ, where they will 1 (praise) and gain encouragement from others—for a price. The "in-need-of praise" chat groups are a reflection of Chinese culture 2 values modesty and humility (謙遜), leading many people to often cover their true emotions. In Chinese culture,3 (open) seeking and giving praise is uncommon. The trend seemed to have started with a chat group on the platform Douban four years ago. Since March many other chat groups 4 (become) popular, especially among young people. For them, 5(gain) recognition from peers is more important than getting approval from older 6(generation). They can feel7 sense of belonging and gain praise in these chat groups, which is 8 (benefit) to their mental health. It's also an outlet for users to show 9 (kind) and support to each other. Life pressure can be big enough, so we need to be surrounded by warm words, or even some blind confidence. But anyone receiving or giving praise in such groups should be cautious. The biggest risk is the constant focus on the “false self”, which makes 10harder to see the “true self”.


1be praised



4have become










考查被動語態(tài)。句意:用戶可以加入微信或者QQ上的聊天群。在群里他們付錢的話會得到其他成員的贊揚和鼓勵。分析句子成分可知,theypraise之間是被動關(guān)系,所以這里要用動詞被動語態(tài)。故填be praised


考查定語從句引導詞。句意:中國的文化提倡內(nèi)斂謙遜,導致很多人隱藏他們真實的情感。這種“求贊”的聊天群正是這種文化價值觀的體現(xiàn)。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,句子主干部分為the chat group are a reflection of Chinese culture,空格引導的從句做culture的定語。先行詞為culture,先行詞在后面的從句中做主語,故填which/that。


考查副詞。句意:在中國文化中,人們不會經(jīng)常公開尋求、給予贊揚。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,句子主語為seeking and giving praise,動名詞做主語。此處為動詞化的動名詞,我們用副詞來修飾動名詞,意為“公開尋求、給予贊揚”。故填openly。


考查現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)。句意:從三月開始,尤其是在年輕人中間,許多其他的聊天群也開始流行起來,句子中出現(xiàn)了完成時標志詞since,since后面加過去的一個時間點,主句通常用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),表示動作從過去某個時間開始一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在。這里主語為chat groups,遵循主謂一致原則,故填have become


考查動名詞。句意:對他們來說,從同齡人那里獲得認可要比從長輩那里得到認可更加重要。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,空格處在句子中做主語,句子中出現(xiàn)than,than前后名詞進行對比,than后面為getting approval from...,所以前面主語也要形式一致,用動名詞形式做主語。故填gaining。


考查名詞復數(shù)。句意:對他們來說,從同齡人那里獲得認可要比從長輩那里得到認可更加重要。generation意為“一代人”,為可數(shù)名詞。older generations意為“老一輩的人,長輩”。這里generation用復數(shù)形式,統(tǒng)稱比自己年長的人。且generation前無任何冠詞,所以用復數(shù)形式。故填generations。


考查不定冠詞。句意:他們可以感受到一種歸屬感。sense意為“感覺”,為可數(shù)名詞。a sense of belonging為固定表達,意為“歸屬感”。sense發(fā)音以輔音音素開頭,用不定冠詞a。故填a。


考查固定用法。句意:他們可以感受到一種歸屬感。在這些聊天群里獲得贊揚有助于他們的心理健康。be beneficial to...為固定表達,意為“對……有益”。故填beneficial。




考查it做形式賓語。句意:最大的風險在于我們一直關(guān)注“假我”,導致認識到“真我”會變得更難。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,定語從句中makes作謂語,to see the “true self”為動詞不定式作真正的賓語,空格處缺形式賓語it。故填it。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


People will do anything to see a free show, even if it is a bad one.

When the news got around that a comedy show would 1 (give) at our local cinema, we all rushed to see it. Everyone had to queue for hours to get 2 free ticket and there must have been several hundred people present. Unluckily, the show was one of the most boring shows we have ever seen. Those 3 failed to see it needn’t have felt 4(concern), as a great number of the artists who should have appeared didn't come. The only funny thing we 5(hear) that evening came from the advertiser 6 the beginning of the program. He seemed to be 7(extreme) nervous and for some minutes stood nervously before the microphone. As soon as he opened his mouth to make an introduction, everyone burst out 8(laugh). We all knew 9 the poor man should have said, but the words he actually said was, ”Good ladies, evening and10( gentleman).”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


It was a rainy November morning. Overcome with anger I knew if I didn’t leave the house soon I would lose my temper with my husband, Joe. As rain came down in sheets, Joe offered to take me to work. I struggled into my jacket, seized my bag and teaching plans and ignored him.

He insisted and reached for his boots. I looked at the piles of newspapers and the dirty dishes still on the table. “Don’t you have enough to do?I can take care of myself.” I stormed out, not even kissing him good-bye. Joe shouted after me not to take the shortcut.

Joe and I had been eagerly looking forward to our retirement when heart a attack that past spring forced him to leave his job earlier than we had planned. As the medical bills mounted we realized I would have to continue working full-time while Joe stayed home and took over the housework.

The new arrangement was a disaster. Exhausted after a day of full work, all I wanted was hot homecooked meal and a good night’s sleep. However, what greeted me at the table was a microwave package. Sometimes he would serve oatmeal for several nights in a row. One night when I dragged myself to bed, I was terrified to discover Joe had turned our white sheets blue: He told me he had found out how to save on water, soap and electricity. He patted his blue trousers and announced proudly washing everything together was just the secret.

Ten minutes later, ignoring Joe’s warning I turned off the main route. I thought it hadn’t rained enough to flood the road, but as I rounded the corner water rushed across my path. After a few feet, the car got stuck. I opened the door and water poured in. I hurriedly closed the door. I couldn’t risk walking in this. Almost 20 minutes passed. The car began to shake. I got frightened to death when I heard three long honks.






Paragraph 1:

Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a truck.


Paragraph 2:

I screamed that I couldn’t make it.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 When the Bayside campus of Shekou International School (SIS) are still kept shut because of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching activities at the school have been resumed online since Feb. 3rd, 2020.

The school is using popular apps and software for online learning. Video conferencing and office automation are used to help teachers keep track of students’ conditions and communicate with their workmates across the world. Teaching online also offers a new experience to the teachers to update their teaching methods and to step out of their comfort zones.

Staying in Phuket, Thailand, science teacher Riley Laird records videos on a 10-year-old green sea turtle named Marlin and the local turtle sanctuary as part of the online classes on ecosystems for Grade 7 students. “I want to connect our learning with the reality. The sanctuary sends us updates on the turtles’ health and progress. They say that Marlin is likely to be released into the sea in mid-June,” says Laird.

Rebecca Wallace is a Grade 4 teacher at the school, staying in her mother’s home in New York. From 8 p.m. to midnight every day, she starts teaching mathematics and arts to her students living in different time zones. Though teaching nearly around the clock, Wallace says that she is getting to know the students better in terms of their homes, family and even pets.

Greg Smith, head of SIS, names the online teaching period a “new normal” at the school. “Students are now more skillful at using technology than before. They see that communication is the most powerful part of being an effective learner and can use the tools to shrink distance and time. The “new normal” will offer more choices for connection to the world and more focus on creating real solutions,” he says.

According to the school, 68% of its students are staying in Shenzhen while 27% of them are staying abroad for the epidemic.

1Riley Laird records videos on Marlin to ________ .

A.connect learning with the realityB.rescue the endangered turtles

C.study the ecosystem of the turtlesD.show his pet to the class

2Rebecca Wallace teaches around the clock, because ________.

A.she and her students live in different time zonesB.she needs to look after her mother in the daytime

C.she enjoys chatting with her studentsD.she has many lessons each day

3According to Greg Smith, online teaching ________.

A.builds up a new relationship among studentsB.makes teachers step out of their comfort zones

C.results in the skillful use of technologyD.helps create new education system

4What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A.To advertise an international school.B.To evaluate the online learning apps.

C.To suggest effective learning methods.D.To introduce online teaching attempts.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Every life-changing decision we make in our life shapes our current reality. Let’s talk about a few ways that you can use for reference when making your own life-changing decisions.

Realize the power of decision making. Before you start making a decision, you have to understand what a decision does. 1 When you decide to pick up a cigarette to smoke it, that decision might result in your picking up one after one later on to get that same high feeling.

Carry your decision out. It’s pointless to make a decision and just keep it in your head 2 If you want to make real changes in life, you have to apply action to your decision until it’s completed.

Tell others about your decisions. Telling other people what we’re going to do can make us follow through. For example, if you decide to become an early riser, you can go to a forum and tell people that you will wake up at 6 a.m. and keep on it. 3

Learn from your past decisions. It’s common that you are going to mess up at times when it comes to making decisions. 4 Ask yourself what is good or bad about your decision and what you will do to make a better decision next time.

5 For example, if you made the decision to lose ten pounds by next month through aerobics (有氧運動). You don’t have to just do aerobics. You can be open to losing weight through different methods of dieting as long as it helps you reach your goal in the end.

A.Maintain a flexible approach.

B.Enjoy the process of making decisions.

C.That’s the same as not making a decision at all.

D.It always takes a lot of time to make a decision.

E.Any decision that you make causes a chain of events to happen.

F.So, instead of beating yourself up over it, learn a lesson from it.

G.You’re able to accomplish this because you feel it an obligation to keep your word.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假設(shè)你擁有一個名叫Allen的機器人,請根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容,以My Own Android為題,簡要介紹你的這位機器人朋友。

1. 制造于20081月,身高1.5米;

2. 具備人工智能: 可以聊天、下棋(play chess)、玩游戲;

3. 幾乎會做一切家務(wù),尤其在陪護年邁的爺爺方面令人滿意;

4. 希望能夠根據(jù)需要隨時升級(update)。

My Own Android



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Grandma’s Marathon doesn’t have the nationwide recognition. In Minnesota, though, people who’ve never run more than a few steps are familiar with the race.

While Grandma’s Marathon has been on my mind for years, I always found myself committed to a different race. When my sister mentioned she was signing up for the race last fall, I followed suit. It felt so far away at first, especially during those early training runs in the dead of winter. That changed once spring began. Before I knew it, the marathon day had arrived.

I’m no stranger to this, but nothing prepared me for Grandma’s Marathon mentally. Race day would be cold and rainy one day, then hot and sunny the next. Part of this has to do with the fact that Grandma’s Marathon is in June, the middle of Minnesota’s severe weather season, which typically witnesses the most thunderstorms.

Things weren’t looking great the night before the race. There was potential for thunderstorms, meaning race cancellation, and the temperature seemed a little hot. Everything changed when we woke up.

I’m not sure if it was because of the fog present through most of the morning, but the race course was just beautiful. We passed through gently rolling hills in quiet, wooded areas for much of the beginning. And the first time I saw Lake Superior, it nearly took my breath away. Even the finishing area was picturesque. I really had a good race that day.

I come from a family full of runners and many of us compete in the same events. The sad reality is that it’s rare that more than one of us will have a good race during the same competition until Grandma’s Marathon 2018. Finishing in a time of 3:26:18, I ran the second fastest.

1What does the author intend to tell in the first two paragraphs?

A.The training for Grandma’s Marathon is easy.

B.The author ran Grandma’s Marathon for the first time.

C.The place where Grandma’s Marathon take place is far away.

D.Grandma’s Marathon is popular among the people in America.

2Which of the following best explains “picturesque” underlined in paragraph 5?



3What can we know about the Grandma’s Marathon?

A.The weather on the race day was severe.

B.The author made full preparation for the race.

C.Things were not going smoothly along the race course.

D.The author got a good result in the Grandma’s Marathon.

4How is the author’s attitude to the result of the event?




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 The past week was by no means an ordinary week, 1.

This Monday, the topic was brought up again by my parents during dinner. 2. Seeing my hesitant look, Mom patted me on my shoulder and said that I still had enough time to think about it, her smile encouraging me to do more research.

Later that evening, I turned to the Internet for help. 3. As a science student, law could be a good choice. Business and computer science were also attracting me. No sooner had I noted down the majors one after another than I crossed them all off immediately, because what I wanted was a profession that could make a difference in people’s lives.

4. The moment “Role Models of Our Time” appeared on the screen, it caught my eye. The news story focused on superheroes-police officers, healthcare workers, deliverymen street cleaners-who guarded us selflessly to ensure our life ran normally. Suddenly, I realized my life's purpose-relieving pain and saving lives. And to pursue this call, I decided to specialize in medical science, just like my role models fighting against Covid-19 in Wuhan.

I jumped excitedly with joy at this idea. 5, saying that they would be so proud to see me in white. Now, determined to become a healthcare worker, whenever I start my schoolwork, I know I am studying for a noble cause.

A.Faced with so many choices, I seemed to be lost

B.Mom and Dad were also happy that I had found the compass for my future life

C.because of Chinese Ambassdor Liu Xiaoming’s exclusive interview on BBC’s Hardtalk

D.for I finally decided on my major

E.It occurred to me that although first discovered in Wuhan, Covid-19 was not originated from Wuhan

F.I had asked myself the same question many times, but still couldn’t make up my mind

G.The inspiration came unexpectedly with the CCTV News yesterday


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







Dear fellow students,


