【題目】 Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn’t agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a cold January evening, the two friends risked onto the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they threw a small stone to test it. Then they stepped on it. Believing the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then.... He fell through the seemingly frozen ice.

Cruz rushed to help his frightened friend—the pond “ate” him too. Gruz managed to lift himself out of the water and onto a more reliable part. He then carefully made his way to Anthony. But the ice didn’t hold, and he fell in again. This time he couldn’t get out. The boys quickly lost feeling in their arms and legs. Cruz was sure he was going to die.

Anthony’s older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started screaming for help. John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes, and run into the freezing water. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and saved them back to land. They were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five-minute stay in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees.

Fortunately, the boys have fully recovered, though they are still moved by their fearless neighbor. “Just to think,” says Gruz, “if he wasn’t there, I could have died.”

1Why did Gruz and Anthony step on the ice?

A. To go skating.B. To trap some birds.

C. To settle a disagreement.D. To test the strength of the ice.

2How did Cruz feel when caught in the water?

A. Hopeless.B. Puzzled.

C. Shocked.D. Calm.

3What basically saved the two boys’ lives?

A. Screaming of an older sister.B. Better care of doctors.

C. lowering of their body temperature.D. Brave act of a neighbor.

4What is the best title for the text?

A. Two Boys Falling in the WaterB. A Heroic Man to the Rescue

C. Duck or Geese, It Is a QuestionD. Curiosity Kills the Cat








1細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段中Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn’t agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a cold January evening, the two friends risked onto the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look.“11歲的克魯茲·吉內和10歲的安東尼·斯科皮克不同意這一觀點。冰上的鳥是鴨子還是鵝?只有一個辦法可以知道。因此,在一個寒冷的1月的晚上,這兩個朋友冒著危險來到他們位于伊利諾斯州法蘭克福市的家附近結冰的池塘里,想看得更清楚一些。可知他們?yōu)榱私鉀Q分歧才踏上了冰面。故選C。

2推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段最后一句Cruz was sure he was going to die.可知Cruz被困在水里時感到疑惑。故選A。

3推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段中John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes, and run into the freezing water. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and saved them back to land.“開車去雜貨店的鄰居約翰拉文(John Lavin)聽到了她的聲音。他迅速靠邊停車?吹胶⒆觽,他脫掉鞋子,跑進冰冷的水里。拉文找到克魯茲和安東尼,把他們救回了陸地。可知,一個勇敢的鄰居救了這兩個男孩的命。故選D。

4主旨大意題。根據(jù)第三段中John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes, and run into the freezing water. Lavin made his way to Cruz and Anthony and saved them back to land.“開車去雜貨店的鄰居約翰拉文(John Lavin)聽到了她的聲音。他迅速靠邊停車?吹胶⒆觽,他脫掉鞋子,跑進冰冷的水里。拉文找到克魯茲和安東尼,把他們救回了陸地。可知本文講述了一個英勇的救援者。故選B。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Years ago parents worried their children would learn the truth about Santa Claus(圣誕老人)from others, but now they have a new problem—the Internet.

A recent study from Hide My Ass! Shows 1 in 8 American parents said the Internet told their children the truth about Santa Claus. 44% of parents thought Google was a danger to this Christmas story, as children searched for Santa and found pages explaining he is not real. About 34 percent of children questioned Santa Claus after seeing ads online for gifts they had asked for in their letters to the North Pole (北極). Sadly,one in three children said their Christmas spirit was dead after reading a post saying Santa wasn’t real.

Before the Internet, the only way children found out their parents bought their gifts was if they were in a bad hiding place. Today, two-thirds of parents never clear their browser (瀏覽器) history, making it easy for kids to find out the gifts under the tree weren't put there by a happy man and his little helpers.

To keep Mr. Claus alive, “Keep Believing in Santa”, an organization created by Hide My Ass!, helps kids believe in Santa. Parents receive free software from the organization that monitors all online search results and web pages that could tell kids the truth about the man who lives in the North Pole, by hiding any information that may suggest he doesn't exist.

However, there is still a higher possibility of the Internet now being the main cause of a child's belief in Santa ending, and it can also result in kids finding out sooner than for those born before the digital age.

'With this organization, we wanted to give parents a new tool that would allow them to keep the magic of Christmas and the mystery of Santa for that little bit longer,” Cian Mckenna-Charley, marketing director at Hide My Ass!.

1What does the underlined word “questioned” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. doubtedB. described

C. dismissedD. discouraged

2“Keep Believing in Santa" is created to .

A. make Santa Claus as real a man as possible

B. help parents keep the mystery of Santa Claus

C. tell stories about Santa Claus for younger kids

D. stop children from surfing the Internet too much

3Which statement does Cian Mckenna-Charley probably agree with?

A. Parents must clear their browser history.

B. Santa Claus always lives in the North Pole.

C. Christmas spirit can be kept a little bit longer.

D. Gifts are put by Santa under the Christmas tree.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A. Christmas is boring without Santa Claus.

B. Parents make efforts to protect Santa Claus.

C. The Internet is a new danger to Santa Claus.

D. Many children find the secret of Santa Claus


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







I’m happy to have older brother. He’s caring, smart or responsible. I’m proud in him, yet I am always annoying him and hurt his feelings.

But one thing made me to see how specially our relationship is, I had a cousin which died seven years ago. On the day of his funeral, his sister says she wished she had had a better relationship with him. But nobody can turn back the hand of time. I don’t want this to happen to my brother and I. I will try to be a better sister.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







I’d like to share a unforgettable experience with you.It happened in a warm Sunday afternoon in August.I go shopping with my cousin,Li Ming.When walk in the street,we found a young man,who was big but strong,stealing a woman’s wallet.We stopped her immediately.Though he stared at us angry,we didn’t feel frightened and tried to make him to realize his bad behavior.Because our bravery,he left without saying a word.The woman thought highly of us for which we had done.In my opinion,it’s our duty to fight against bad behaviors.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







As it is known to us, fewer and fewer students do sports regularly, what makes them weak and easily tired.

There are many reasons about this. First of all, some of the students complain that they have too many homework, result in less time to take exercise. Beside, some of them think that it is very difficult for them to keep doing exercise, because it is very hard thing.

For lack of physical activities, many students were in poor health. I suggest that our school must take measures to encourage more students to take part in sports. For us students, no matter what busy we are, it is necessary to spare some time to do exercise.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1He spoke ______________his voice in order to make himself heard.

2Having worked as a volunteer in Africa for a year, I finally __________what major I wanted to study in college.

3__________ service and taste, this restaurant is a good choice.

4___________ in his life has he shown more bravery than this time. Everybody was impressed by this dramatic change.

5___________ snow all the year, this mountain is a favored place of interest to the tourists.

6____________ this novel for three years, she was forced to give it up due to a car accident.

7The doctors ________________ to save the boy’s life at the present.

8Everyone says it is worth seeing but I find nothing ________________ about that place.

9Silk and paper-making technique were sent to Western countries ________________fruits, horses and jewellery via the Silk Road six hundred years ago.

10Bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't ______________waste gas.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 OK, so it's not a real war but the U. S. and China are at the beginning of a trade war thanks to President Trump's policy. The Chinese government raised $34 billion in new duties on goods exported from the U,S. last week in answer to President Trump's unwise tariffs(關稅) of $34 billion on Chinese goods.

Farm and seafood-producing states are going to be hit hardest by China's new tariffs on U. S. goods. States where cars are made and shipped to China are on the hook as well.

In terms of value, some 38 percent of products on the tariff list are agricultural, including soybeans, sorghum, tobacco and meat. That's nothing like good news for farm-belt states, primarily in the Midwest like Iowa.

A wide range of seafood is on China's tarifflist. That could hurt fishery workers in Alaska and lobster(龍蝦) harvesters in Maine. Alaska, for example, exported nearly $lbillion worth of seafood to China. "China is a major market for Alaska seafood," said Alexa Tonkovich, Executive Director of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. "The seafood industry directly employs nearly 60,000 workers in Alaska each year and directly employs more workers than any other private industry."

And automaking States, particularly in the South, are also at risk. Some 24 percent ofproducts on the list- in terms of value-are cars, trucks and other vehicles. Michigan alone exported $1.7 billion worth of motor vehicles and vehicle parts to China in 2017. Other states being affected include South Carolina, where BMW makes SUVs for both the U.S. and export, and Alabama, home to Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Honda and Hyundai factories.

This round of tariffs spares some industries, like commercial aircraft. Washington State could breathe a sigh of relief, which is home to Boeing. It also, for the moment, skips tariffs on chemical products.

Alexa Tonkovich has warned the U.S. government that the trade war could risk jobs, reduce industry profits, and cause higher prices for consumers in the U.S!

1What does the underlined phrase "on the hook" mean?

A. Caught in a difficult situation.B. Lost in deep thought.

C. Delighted in their luck.D. Stuck in the traffic jams.

2Which state will be hurt the least on this round oftariffs?

A. IowaB. Maine

C. Michigan.D. Washington

3What is Alexa Tonkovich's attitude towards the trade war?

A. Approving.B. Opposed.

C. Objective.D. Sympathetic

4Which ofthe following shows the development ofideas in the text?

I: Introduction P:Point Sp: Siib—point(次要點) C:Conclusion

A. B.

C. D.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







I watch TV until 12 o’clock,so I couldn’t go over my lessons.This morning I got up very late that I had to go to school without breakfast in hurry,but I was still late for the first class.When I entered the classroom,the maths teacher had to stop explain an important problem,and all the eyes were fixed upon me.My face turned red.Something even worse was happened to me in English class.The teacher asked me recite the text.However,I could say nothing and sorry,for I did not spend some time preparing my lessons.The teacher looked at me with his coldly eyes.I stood at my bench without daring to raise my head.How a terrible day I had! I will never do anything like this.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Fernando is multilingual, who can speak Spanish and French ______________English.

2The advertisement claimed that the house was large and cosy, but ,______________, it turned out very small and uncomfortable.

3A forest fire ______________ on Saturday evening in a remote area of Sichuan province and killed 30 people in total.

4Look! You’ll never finish that job unless you forget everything else and ______________ it.

5Surveys can ______________in many ways depending on the methodology chosen and the objectives to be achieved.

6______________the constant disturbance, residents signed a petition to move the nightclub out of their neighborhood.

7Last week, dozens of employees______________ their rights by demonstrating against the unfair labour practice.

8The one dressed in the Bugs Bunny rabbit costume______________ leaflets outside the restaurant is my classmate.

9John prefers to go into business alone rather than______________ anyone else.

10Every sixty minutes______________the flight attendant would wheel the trolley down the aisle, delivering food and beverage to passengers.

