Do you spend your time working towards that “one day when...”? One day, when I have 1 money I will be happy. One day, when I have the house 2 , I will be able to 3 and enjoy myself more. One day, when I get a job... These may all seem like good destinations and 4 , waiting to live the life we have always wanted sometime in the future. 5 when we arrive at one destination it doesn't seem enough; somehow we are just not as 6 as we thought we would be and we start going after the next 7 .
If we live in this way, one night we will 8 in a cold sweat 9 where our life has gone— 10 we feel so tired, lonely and 11 . Was life really meant to be 12 ?
So what can you do to bring some joy back into your life? Start enjoying the 13 .No matter what you do, do it to the best of your ability with your 14 on what you are doing. If you are walking from the house to the car, don't hurry your 15 on something else.16 down a bit, take a deep breath, look around and see what is going on in the outside world. We spend so much time 17 in our heads and we become 18 of what is going on around us.
To really start to enjoy your life now— 19 you are doing, you need to learn slow your racing minds down and become fully aware of the 20 moment. Do yourself a favour and dedicate (奉獻(xiàn)于) today to enjoying the journey.
(1)A.extra B.valuable C.enough D.special
(2)A.paid off B.paid for C.paid back D.paid out
(3)A.devote B.relax C.apply D.please
(4)A.lifestyles B.views C.ideas D.desires
(5)A.But B.And C.Then D.So
(6)A.bored B.excited C.satisfied D.disappointed
(7)A.fashion B.spirit C.purpose D.goal
(8)A.put up B.keep up C.wake up D.stay up
(9)A.suggesting B.wondering C.knowing D.realizing
(10)A.how B.that C.why D.what
(11)A.stressed B.forced C.frightened D.scared
(12)A.hard B.fearful C.sad D.blank
(13)A.road B.life C.result D.journey
(14)A.act B.focus C.effect D.aim
(15)A.duty B.talent C.mind D.explanation
(16)A.Calm B.Put C.Get D.Slow
(17)A.lost B.wasted C.passed D.given
(18)A.sensitive B.unaware C.uncertain D.addicted
(19)A.however B.whichever C.wherever D.whatever
(20)A.past B.previous C.present D.wonderful



(1)考查形容詞詞義辨析。extra 另外的;valuable 有價值的;enough足夠的;special 特殊的。這里表示當(dāng)我有一天有足夠的錢我就會開心了。故選C。

(2)考查動詞詞組的辨析。paid off付清;paid for支付;paid back 償還 ;paid out付出。這里表示當(dāng)有一天房款付清……,由前后文可知這里是指我們期待發(fā)生的事情,所以paid off最切題意,故選A。

(3)考查動詞詞義辨析。devote 貢獻(xiàn);relax放松;apply申請;please取悅。這里表示當(dāng)有一天房款付清,我就能更加放松和享受自己。根據(jù)與享受的對應(yīng)關(guān)系,故選B。

(4)考查名詞詞義辨析。Lifestyles生活方式; views;觀點(diǎn);ideas想法; desires愿望。聯(lián)系前文,可知前面的設(shè)想都是人們的愿望,故選D。


(6)考查形容詞詞義辨析。bored無聊的;excited 刺激的;satisfied 滿意的;disappointed失望的。聯(lián)系前文,我們達(dá)到目標(biāo)卻覺得不夠,這里與前文對應(yīng),表示我們就是不像原來想的那樣滿意了,故選C。

(7)考查名詞詞義辨析。fashion時尚;spirit靈魂;purpose 目的;goal目標(biāo)。聯(lián)系前文,我們對已經(jīng)達(dá)到的目標(biāo)沒想象的滿意,這里表示追逐下一個新的目標(biāo),故選D。

(8)考查動詞詞組辨析。put up穿上;keep up保持;wake up醒來;stay up熬夜。這里表示如果這樣活著,夜晚會在冷汗中驚醒,這樣總是難以滿足的生活會讓我們睡不好覺,故選C。



(11)考查形容詞詞義辨析。stressed緊張的;forced被迫的; frightened受驚的; scared害怕的。由上文分析可知那樣的生活是緊張使人充滿壓力的,stressed最切合,故選A。



(14)考查動詞詞義辨析。act表演;focus集中;effect引起 ;aim瞄準(zhǔn)。根據(jù)上文的表述將事情做到力所能及的極致,這里對應(yīng)的就是要集中注意力做一件事,并且根據(jù)后面的介詞on,故選B。


(16)考查動詞詞義辨析。Calm down冷靜;Put down放下;Get down寫下;Slow down放慢。聯(lián)系上下文,可知當(dāng)你放慢腳步不再忙于自己無法滿足的世界時,你會有時間去看一看外面發(fā)生了什么,所以slow down最切合,故選D。


(18)形容詞詞義辨析。sensitive敏感的;unaware不關(guān)心的;uncertain不確定的 ;addicted吸引的。聯(lián)系上文所敘述的如何給生活帶來快樂所做的改變:去看看外面的世界,相比較下以前的那種生活是對外界不關(guān)心的,故選B。




科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Long time ago, a boy (name) Bob met a new friend in QQ, she is Larry. Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was traveling along 165 north after delivering to one of his customers when he saw a carits bright lights on. As he got even(close), he found another vehicle upside down on the road. One more lookhe noticed fire shooting out (repeat) from under the disabled vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and got hold of the fire extinguisher (滅火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire (put) out.
The man who had his bright lights on came over and told Larry he had made a call. They then heard a woman's voice coming from the damaged vehicle. (approach) the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay still, but she thought the car was going to explode. Larry told her that he had already put out the fire.
Once fire and (emergent) people arrived, Larry and the other man backed off and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the police he was needed or free to go. They let him and the other man go.
One thing is for certain—It (be) his efforts that most likely saved the woman's life.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Have you ever wanted to travel back in time? What about traveling into the future? There's an easy way to do it. One way you can make a time travel journey is by writing a letter to your future self to be opened in the future. To your future self, the letter will be a visit from the past.
What can be gained by writing a letter to yourself? Depends on how good your letter is. You have the chance to say something to your future self. What would you want to say? You'll be able to talk to yourself 5,10,15 years down the road. There may be instructions for your future self, or you may have goals that you will want to reach.
There are a lot of things you could include in your letter or letters to yourself. The more you include, the better the letter will be to you. Be creative with what you put in your letter. Include a picture of yourself or family to show the period from which the letter came.
You can store your letter in many different ways. You can give your letter to a friend or family member to keep and mail to you. If you can get others to take part, have them write letters to themselves as well and ask someone to be the letter holder until it's time to send the letters. You can also use a service online to store your letter and e-mail it to you. Ready to write to yourself two and a half years down the road?
(1)How can you travel into the future?
A.By traveling back in time.
B.By paying a visit to the future
C.By opening a letter from the past.
D.By writing a letter to your future self.
(2)If you want to gain more in the future, you should_________.
A.have the chance to say something to your future self
B.talk to yourself 5, 10, 15 years down the road
C.write more about instructions for your future self
D.include as many things as possible in your letter
(3)Why do you put a picture in your letter?
A.To check up on your goals.
B.To share your feelings with your family.
C.To show the time when the letter was written.
D.To find out your thoughts and feelings now.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Bendable wings covered with overlapping (重疊部分) pieces looking like fish scales could be used to build more controllable, fuelefficient aircraft, a new study finds.

Nowadays, conventional aircraft typically rely on ailerons (副翼) to help control the way the planes tilt (傾斜) as they fly. However, when the Wright brothers flew the first airplane, Flyer 1, over a century ago, they used no ailerons but wires that pulled and stretched the woodandcanvas wings, to control the plane.

“Scientists have long sought to develop aircraft that can change their wings during flight, just as birds can. However, most previous attempts have failed because they relied on heavy mechanical control structures within the wings. These structures were also complex and unreliable,” said Neil Gershenfeld, a physicist and director of the Centre for Bits and Atoms at MIT.

The new wing consists of a system of tiny, strong and lightweight modules (組件). The shape of the wing can be changed uniformly along its length using two small motors, which apply a twisting pressure to each wingtip. These wings are covered in “skins” of overlapping strips of flexible material like fish scales. These strips move across each other as the wings change themselves, providing a smooth outer surface, the researchers explained.

Wind tunnel tests of these wings showed that they at least matched the aerodynamic (氣動) properties of conventional wings, at about onetenth the weight. “Initial tests using remotely piloted aircraft made with these wings have shown great promise,” said Benjamin Jenett, a graduate student at the Centre for Bits and Atoms at MIT.

The new modular structures the scientists developed could be manufactured quickly in mass quantities and then installed by teams of small robots. These modular structures also can be disassembled more easily, making repairs simpler.

“Still, the first aircraft built using this strategy will not be a passenger jet,” Gershenfeld said. “Instead, the technology will likely first be tested on unmanned aircrafts, leading to aircrafts flying for a long time, to help deliver Internet access or medicine to remote villages.”

1Why is the Wright brothers' airplane mentioned in the text?

A. To show the history of aircrafts.

B. To show the development of wings.

C. To show the need to improve planes.

D. To show the structure of conventional planes.

2What makes planes fly like birds when they tilt?

A. Their ailerons. B. Wires and pulleys.

C. Changeable wings. D. Mechanical control structures.

3What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The shape of the new wings.

B. The purpose of the overlapping strips.

C. The working principle of the new wings.

D. The result of windtunnel tests of these wings.

4What does the underlined word “disassemble” mean in Paragraph 6?

A. Replace. B. Analyze.

C. Put away. D. Take apart.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假設(shè)你班本期英語墻報的主題是“The woman I admire most”,請你根據(jù)表格信息,寫一篇介紹特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa)的英語短文。短文內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)如下:
1). 生平 (1910年8月26日生于馬其頓(Macedonia);1997年在印度病逝)
2). 主要經(jīng)歷和成就1) 在印度教地理多年;2) 1979年獲諾貝爾和平獎;3) 晚年飽受心臟病折磨。
注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右; 2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】If you are a motivated person, it is easy to put your personal goals ahead of those of the people around you. It is natural and not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is crucial t learn to be a team player. Acting as a part of a team builds character, teacher empathy (共鳴), and eventually achieves goals.1Here’s why:

Group Effort Is More Effective than Individual Effort. You can run a small business pretty independently, but if you ever plan on being employed or running a business that employs others, you’ll have to learn how to work with other people.2

Improving Others Equals Improving Yourself. If you’re on a team, your personal success helps make you a good team player. This is because most people are at least a little bit competitive, whether they admit it or not. When you do well, you set a standard that others will want to meet. By pushing yourself, you help push the people on your team.3When you see someone you’re working with do something better than you, more often than not, you’ll push yourself to meet that standard.

Your Attitude Matters4 People respect the ability to work well with others more than anything. Your individual actions have an impact, but if you’re reluctant to do something to help your team, it’ll be evident and your contribution will be less appreciated. Having a genuine interest in your team helps you as well as those you’re working with.

5As much as your work is important and necessary to the success of your team, the success of your team is important and necessary to your success.

A. Of course, this works both ways

B. These is a mutual(相互的)effect between personal success and team achievement

C. People with team spirit try hard to make their team the best of all

D. You should be the kind of person who wants to be a team player

E. Those who show respect for others will be respected in turn

F. All of these things, in turn, contribute to your personal success

G. The most impressive achievements are accomplished by groups of people, not individuals


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Not all students know how to prepare for exams. 1 With teachers’ help, students can prepare for exams much better, thus doing better in exams. Here are some ways that teachers can use to help students prepare for exams.

2 With lower-grade students, create a list of topics that they need to study. Higher-grade students can still benefit from a list, even if it’s a list of all the topics they’ve studied that year. That’s because a list gives them something to check off. Throughout your review time, encourage students to mark their topic list, crossing off things that they already know and highlighting or putting a star beside things they need to study.

3Don’t just stand in front of the class and try to review everything. Instead, students should be the ones looking up things in their notes and trying to remember how to solve problems. The more actively involved the students are, the more focused they will be, and the more they will remember.

involve more deeply in the material. 4 After that, have them exchange with another student and take each other’s quiz. Finally they are to grade the quiz they wrote and discuss any wrong answers with the student who took their quiz.

Have students write quizzes for each other. When students write their own quiz questions, they Give students a practice exam. 5 Usually on the last review day, I will give a practice exam—a short, ungraded test that has similar questions as what will be tested in the exam. We then go over it during the second half of the class. It’s really helpful.

A. Have the students work, not yourself.

B. Remember to try to review everything.

C. So have them write a 5-10-question quiz.

D. Give students similar questions before the exam.

E. It means teachers should help students prepare for exams.

F. Give students a list of topics that could be tested in the exam.

G. This is a great way to help students know how prepared they are.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.
(compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes (little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in(堅持) this practice, gradually we'll learn how to express (we) in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many(difficult). In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble in (find) appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there (be) many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is (extreme) hard for us to put them into English properly.
As far as I am concerned, my suggestion is we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also ask our English teacher help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for development of our writing skills.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



Last October ,while tending her garden in Mora ,Sweden ,Lena Pahlsson pulled out a handful of small 56 (carrot) and was about to throw them away .But something made her look closer ,and she noticed a 57 (shine) object .Yes ,there beneath the leafy top of one tiny carrot was her long-lost wedding ring.

Pahlsson screamed 58 loudly that her daughter came running from the house .“she thought I had hurt 59 (I),”says Pahlsson Sixteen years 60 (early),Pahlsson had removed the diamond ring 61 (cook) a meal. When she

wanted to put the ring back on later, it was gone. She

supected that one of her three daughters-then ten. eight, and six- had picked it up, but the girls said they hadn't. Pahlsson and her husband 62 (seareh) the kitchen, checking every corner. but turned up nothing. “I gave up hope of finding my ring again," she says. She never replaced it.

Pahlsson and her husband now think the ring probably got 63 (sweep) into a pile of kitchen rubbish and was spread over the garden, 64 it remained until the carrot’s leafy top accidentally sprouted (生長) through it. For Pahlsson, its return was 65 wonder.

