
1What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.How to predict an earthquake.

B.How to survive an earthquake.

C.How to rescue people in an earthquake.

2What do people need to get ready for an earthquake?


3What does the speaker advise people to do when an earthquake hits?

A.Drop to the ground.B.Stay by the window.C.Run towards the door.

4What does the speaker warn people of at the end of the talk?

A.Trapped lifts.B.Falling pieces.C.Damaged bridges.







Earthquakes are among the most harmful natural disasters. Earthquakes cannot be predicted, but your chances of survival are much better if you prepare in advance and you know what to do when an earthquake strikes.

Firstly, you need to get something ready. In the event of an emergency, many services like electricity and water may become unavailable. To ensure your survival, besides food and water, you will need the following emergency supplies: flashlights, blankets, money and so on.

Secondly, you should know what to do. When an earthquake happens, drop to the ground, find cover and hide on. If you’re indoors, stay there and find shelter under a strong table. You should also stay clear of windows and outer walls. Don’t use lifts as there’s a risk you’ll become trapped. If you’re in a crowded area, don’t rush towards the doors as there’s a risk of injury. If you’re outside, be aware of falling pieces and stay clear of buildings, overhead structures, walls, power lines and trees. If you’re in a car, stop in an open area until the shaking stops. Check your ABC Radio station, or the ABC Emergency Twitter pages for warnings before moving. Be aware of damaged roads and bridges.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下 作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單 詞的增加、刪除或修改。

增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號( ),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。






Miss White is our English teacher. She always impresses us deep with her lively English classes. One day when the first bell ring, our monitor said, "Our English teacher is said to have an operation today. Whoever will give us the lesson has not been decided yet. " The class fell silent at his word. In fact, we were afraid of that Miss White would no longer be with us. Just at that moment, Miss White entered the classroom, look tired and pale. " I'll be missing you badly," she said at a low voice. "My operation will be put off till tomorrow though I don't want you to miss a single class. ” She went on, “A new teacher will take my place tomorrow I'll come back as soon as possible. "Hearing this, we were both moved to tears. What a good teacher she is!


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 A designer is recently creating floral installations (花籃) on the streets of Manhattan, New York, that are meant to brighten the days of healthcare and other important workers.

Lewis Miller’s most recent creation is an arrangement popping out of a rubbish can at the corner of West 58th Street and 10th Avenue. “They were very simple. It was just cherry branches. ” Miller said. “ We didn’t disclose the location(位置) so nobody could necessarily go and find them. But plenty of people did find them and then they found his Inslagram information. A post with pictures of the “flower flash” as Miller calls them has gotten more than 16,000 likes in less than a day. “Listen, I’m kind of bored. I’m a creative person. I did something new and it took off,’’ Miller said. It still surprises me reading the comments from yesterday like really how much it feeds peopled souls.

Miller has been dotting Manhattan with floral sunrises for a few years with his arrangements popping out of those New York City hot dog carts (推車) and even construction equipment.

“ And the combination of which is so hard aggressive, compared with flowers which are the exact opposite of that,” Miller said.

Vogue magazine once wrote about him but it’s the reaction from the public many of whom have been restricted inside for weeks that he values most.

“If you can just stop, pause and just have one second of joy - that’s amazing because that’s one of the things that’s so lacking and it’s hard,” Miller said.

As one person on Instagram put it, New York City rubbish has never looked so pretty.

1Who are the floral installations mainly intended for?

A.Medical workers.B.Busy pedestrians.

C.Cleaning staff.D.Very important persons.

2What do the citizens think of Miller’s idea of the floral installations?



3The design is creative because .

A.it is simpleB.it is made of rubbish

C.it pops out of a rubbish canD.it is the symbol of New York City

4Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Street ArtB.A Big Surprise

C.Lewis Miller’s Creation Is AmazingD.Flower Flash Brightens Streets


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


There was a rich couple who was throwing a big new year party at their house. So they went shopping at the market where everything was of high cost and fixed price. They wanted to maintain their high living standard so they didn’t mind paying a lot for it. After purchasing everything they needed, they called a porter to carry everything and drop it off at their home. The porter who came was of an old age, not very healthy looking. His clothes were torn and he looked as if he wasn’t even able to meet his daily needs.

They asked the porter about the charges for delivering their goods at their home. The old porter quoted just a $20, a price well below the market rate for delivering goods at couple’s home in his cart. Yet, the couple argued and bargained with the porter and finally settled for $15. The porter was struggling to make money for every single meal so he needed anything he could earn.

The couple was very happy thinking how well they bargained with the poor porter and paid him $15 in advance and left after giving the porter their address for delivery. They reached their home and one hour passed, two hours passed, but the porter still hadn’t delivered their stuff.

The wife started to get angry at her husband, “I always tell you not to trust such person but you never listen to me. Such a person is not even able to earn to feed himself for one time in a day, and you handed him everything we purchased for our big party. I am sure instead of delivering at our home, he must have disappeared with everything. We must immediately go back to the market to inquire and then to the police station to file the complaint against him.”

They both left towards the market. On their way, near the market, they saw another porter. They stopped him to inquire about the old porter and noticed that he was carrying their stuff in his cart!


1. 所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為150左右;

2. 應(yīng)使用5個以上短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;

3. 續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;

4. 續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。

Paragraph 1:

The angry wife asked him, “Where is that old thief? This is our stuff.”____________________


Paragraph 2:

Upon hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned to his wife._______________



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】What is the man mostly worried about?

A.The noisy plane.

B.The safety of the airplane.

C.The service of the flight attendant.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Some people are great at remembering faces. While, there is evidence1 for some people, remembering a face can be difficult. Even for others, remembering a face may be impossible. Such people have a condition 2 (call) “face blindness”. Its actual name is Developmental Prosopagnosia, or DP 3 short.

Experts say DP can differ greatly from patient to patient. In less severe cases, people are unable to describe the face of someone they have just met. In severe cases, people cannot even recognize4 (they) own children in a group photo.

Those, 5 have DP, show no clear signs. Take Dacia for example. If you met her, you probably wouldn’t know that she suffered brain damage as a child. There would be no sign of it until you meet her 6 second time. She wouldn’t remember you at all. Dacia has mostly recovered from her 7 (injure). But now, she suffers form face blindness.

Once face blindness 8 (think) to be very rare. But recent 9 (study) have shown that it might be more common than experts thought. The study on face blindness will not directly lead to any treatments. However, it could lead to a much 10 (deep) understanding of how we all remember the world around us.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Laboratory studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high intensity blue light damages retinal (視網(wǎng)膜的) cells in mice.1So, why is there the disconnect between blue light's effects on rodent(嚙齒類動物) eyes and human eyes?

2We have protective elements, such as macular pigments (黃斑色素) and the natural blue-blocking ability of the crystalline lens (晶狀體). These structures absorb blue light before it reaches the delicate retina.

Just because blue light isn't harming your retina, it doesn't mean your electronic devices are harmless.3Mounting evidence suggests that screen time before bed increases the time it takes to fall sleep. It also robs you of restorative rapid-eye movement seep, dulls focus, and reduces brain activity the next day.


First, turn off your electronic devices before bed. Outside of the bedroom, when you do look at your screens, lower the brightness.

Second, follow the“20-20-20”rule The American Optometric Association(美國驗光學(xué)會) defines this rule as taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet in the distance. 5

Third, use lubricating eye drops before extended computer use. This method will build up the body's natural tears and keep the eye's surface water-bearing.

A.This will allow your eyes to relax.

B.Human eyes are different from rodent eyes.

C.That's why it's so important to have your eyes tested regularly.

D.Because of is wavelength, blue light dos disrupt healthy sleep physiology (生理機(jī)能).

E.But epidemiological (流行病學(xué)的) studies on real people tell a different story.

F.Consumers often don't think about the impact digital devices might have on their vision.

G.There are ways to make your screen viewing more comfortable and more helpful to seep.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】England is the perfect place for you to travel to if you’re thinking about taking your first abroad trip. You’ll need to prepare for the trip with some international travel basics and map out a realistic itinerary(旅程)to make the most of your experience.

Get Your Paperwork Done

1 If you don’t have a current passport, you’ll need to bring your pictures and some proof of your citizenship—a birth certificate, a certificate of naturalization, or a certificate of citizenship—to a post office. Fill out a passport application, and in a month you’ll have your passport.

Plan Your Trip.

Plan your trip to England in early to mid—October or in mid— to late March, because that’s when flights are the cheapest. During the winter, the days grow very short. Besides, sunlight is sometimes limited to less than eight hours per day. 2

Settle Yourself in England

Find affordable accommodations by staying at a hostel. Hostels vary in shapes, forms and sizes. 3 If you can afford to stay at a hotel, make sure you are aware of check—in times and policies.

To get around England, the most common methods are bus and rail 4 Passes for a full day, week, or month can save you money if you’re going to take the Tube for even a few stops.


Buy a budget travel book to find attractions and sites in cities such as: London, Bath, Cambridge Oxford, Canterbury, Leeds and Wimbledon. Popular attractions include: Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Portobello Market and the Tower of London in London; Bath Abbey in Bath; the colleges of Cambridge; and the Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury.

A. Budget your trip

B. Find the Best Things to Do

C. You can get a visa from any British Embassy.

D. You’ll need a passport and visa to visit England.

E. The summer brings in record—breaking numbers of tourists.

F. If you decide to use the underground rail system, get a pass.

G. But they generally provide affordable housing with minimal pleasures


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:



1. 展覽的時間和地點(diǎn);2. 展品及意義;3. 參觀時的注意事項。

注意:1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。

Dear David,



Li Hua

