 A B
 A Night of Glamor and Intrigue at Shanghai Bund in 1930

To celebrate Asia heritage month,Trendy New York is proud to present"Cheongsam Night out--A date with Cheongsam beauties in Shanghai Bund 1930".
May 16,9:00PM-May 17,12:00AM.EDT
330West 40th Street,New York.NY 10018
Picking Partners---NEW YORK
Featuring adaptations from Chinese and Western classic,including works from Chinese Academy Award---winning composer Tan Dun,the Beijing Guitar Duo teamed up with Cuban guitar virtuoso Manuel Barrueco (right) for a China West Concert at the New York Historical Society on April 23.
 C D
Heroes of History:Legacy of My Chinese Family

Join us as actress Tina Chen recounts the fascinating story of three generations of her mother's family and their contributions to the history of China.
Friday,May 8,6:30PM--7:30PM
China Institute
125East 65th Street,New York,NY 10065
Great shorts---NEW YORK
A photography exhibition held by HAN Media to celebrate its founding in New York City on April 24,featuring three emerging Chinese photographers; Yingxi Michael Shi,Haiyin Lin and Liming Guan,whose works have appeared in publications such as Vogue,ELLE,The New York Times and others.
 E F
Forbidden delights---NEW YORK
The first session of the China Institute in America short course Beijing:The City Through Its Architecture opens on Wednesday.Nancy S.Steinhardt discusses the Forbidden City and Beijing's imperial architecture.
Kunqu Society,the classical Chinese theater which combines singing,dancing and acting to literary works by masters of Ming and Qing Dynasties,performing introduces four signature plays of Kunqu Master Jiqing Zhang to American audiences.
Sunday,April 19,2:00PM,EST
Miller Theatre at Columbia University
2960Broadway,New York,NY 10027
46.Edward Leonardo Norton,connoisseur of Chinese and Japanese antiques.He has a strong interest in classical Chinese literary works.He even starts going to evening classes to learn classical Chinese at Columbia University.F
47.Daphne Sui-yuan Tan,former director of National Association of Photographers.After reading some history books on how the first group of Chinese immigrants survived in America of the 19th century,she has become keen on her own family history and that of others.C
 48.Sharon Collins,pop singer and amateur photographer.Her marriage with a serious music critic has drawn her to his world,so she is now crazy about classical music and will not miss any chance to attend a concert with her husband.B
 49.Michelle Higgins,eminent photographer and columnist for quite a few internationally-known travel magazines.Recently,she has shown great interest in photo exhibits which feature young artists with Islamic or Chinese background.D
 50.Caroline Hugo,famous writer and influential movie critic.Last year her fantasy story which involved the mysterious Forbidden City received critical acclaim.Now she is conceiving a romance that has Shanghai of the 1930s as the setting.A.

分析 全文大意
本文介紹了在紐約舉辦的六個活動:二十世紀30年代上海灘的旗袍之夜;中西方古典音樂會;演員Tina Chen 的中國家庭傳奇英雄史再述;以三個新興的中國攝影師為主的攝影展;討論紫禁城等皇家建筑的課程以及中國的古典戲劇昆曲表演.

46.F 根據(jù)題干He has a strong interest in classical Chinese literary works.He even starts going to evening classes to learn classical Chinese at Columbia University.可知,"Edward Leonardo Norton對中國古典文學(xué)作品感興趣,還去夜校學(xué)習(xí)古漢語."由選項F的插圖及敘述the classical Chinese theater which combines singing,dancing and acting to literary works…可知,"昆曲是中國古典的戲劇,把唱歌、跳舞、表演融合在明清時期大師們的文學(xué)作品中",這正符合Edward Leonardo Norton的要求.故選F. 
47.C 根據(jù)題干she has become keen on her own family history and that of others.可知,Daphne Sui-yuan Tan對于自己的以及其他人的家族歷史感興趣.由選項C的標題legacy of my Chinese Family和插圖及其敘述the fascinating story of three generations of her mother's family…可知,這是關(guān)于家族歷史故事的,這正符合Daphne Sui-yuan Tan的要求.故選C.
48.B 根據(jù)題干she is now crazy about classical music and will not miss any chance to attend a concert with her husband.可知"Sharon Collins對于古典音樂非常感興趣,不錯過參加音樂會的任何機會."由選項B和插圖及其敘述Featuring adaptations from Chinese and Western classic…for a China West Concert…可知,這是一場融合了中西方古典特色的音樂會,這正符合Sharon Collins的要求.故選B.
49.D 根據(jù)題干Recently,she has shown great interest in photo exhibits which feature young artists with Islamic or Chinese background.可知,Michelle Higgins對于具有伊斯蘭或中國背景的年輕藝術(shù)家為特色的攝影展非常感興趣.由選項D的圖片及其敘述A photography exhibition held by HAN Media to…,featuring three emerging Chinese photographers…可知,這是以三個新興的中國攝影師為特色的攝影展,這正符合Michelle Higgins的要求.故選D.
50.A 根據(jù)題干Now she is conceiving a romance that has Shanghai of the 1930s as the setting.可知,Caroline Hugo目前正在構(gòu)思一個發(fā)生在二十世紀三十年代上海的浪漫故事.由選項E的敘述…A date with Cheongsam beauties in Shanghai Bund 1930可知,此活動是和二十世紀三十年代上海灘的旗袍美人有關(guān)的,這正符合Caroline Hugo的要求.故選A.

點評 解此類題目時,可抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵詞再到原文中去找尋相關(guān)信息,結(jié)合圖片的內(nèi)容可以更快地定位.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

7.You could feel sorry for Alberto Torres,who is blind.The last thing he remembers seeing was his daughter being born 13 years ago.Then the world went blank; he can only imagine what his only child looks like now,as a teenaged honor student.Bad luck is no stranger to this warm and thoughtful 37-year-old man.His mother died of cancer when he was 4,and his father,who was often ill,had to give him up to the care of the state when he was 11.He later worked for 19years in a workshop making household goods,deathly boring work.Earlier this month,Alberto Torres's wife,who had just been laid off from her job,had to have a breast removed due to cancer and now faces a year of radiation treatments.Things seemed always to go from almost incredibly bad to worse.Even Mr.Torres's good luck has a dark side:Five years ago,his lovely guide dog pulled him out of the path of a truck.Mr.Torres was not hurt.The dog was killed.
But Mr.Torres does not feel sorry for himself."These are just little bumps you have to go over in your life,"he said.At 5a.m.on a recent morning,we caught up with Mr.Torres at a subway stop in Brooklyn,New York,near where he lives in a third-floor apartment (with no elevator).He had been up since 3a.m.,feeding his new dog,making coffee,getting ready."When you're blind,it takes a little longer to do things,"he said.
Mr.Torres was beginning his two-hour trip to his job developing film in the X-ray department of the emergency room of the Bronx hospital.He would take the G train to Queens Plaza station to the R train,heading towards Manhattan.He would then ride the R train to 59th Street where he would walk upstairs to switch to the Number 6train.At one point along the journey,he might chat with a stranger.At another,someone would pat his dog,calling him by name.People offered assistance,even seats.At 125th Street,Mr.Torres would transfer to the Number 4train by crossing the platform.At 149th Street,he would go down to the Number 2.He would take that to East 180th Street where he nearly always has a long wait for his final train,to Pelham Parkway.Then he and his dog would walk 20minutes to the hospital.
It was a hard job to come by.Before he got the job,Mr.Torres was determined to escape the workshop run by an organization dedicated to help people who can't see.He wanted a job developing X-ray film,something that everyone must do in the dark.He had to handle the long trip,as well as the work."Our philosophy here is that blind people can do just about anything except drive buses,"it was the thinking about disabled people at the Bronx hospital."We find what a person can do rather than what he can't do,"said the hospital's director.
One day a while ago marked the first anniversary of Mr.Torres's hiring.He developed 150or so X-rays,his usual output,to celebrate.Mr.Torres works by himself in a small,dark room that smells of chemicals.He cannot wear gloves,because he needs to feel.It is hard work,related to emergency of lives.His immediate supervisor says he trusts him 100%.Mr.Torres makes $20,000a year.But his motivation goes beyond money."If I start feeling like a victim,that makes me bitter.And why be bitter?That makes you go into a hole and stay there."he said."I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary,"insisted Mr.Torres as he quickly completed the task.

55.Mr.Torres became blind whenA.
A.his daughter was just born
B.he was thirteen years old
C.his mother died of cancer
D.his wife was out of work
56.Mr.Torres does not feel sorry for himself because heC.
A.was once saved by his lovely guide dog
B.is taken good care of by the government
C.thinks it's natural to have setbacks in life
D.believes it takes a little longer to do things
57.The description of Mr.Torres's long trip to work showsD.
A.the effective traffic system
B.the kindness of New Yorkers
C.the loyalty of his guide dog
D.his will to overcome difficulty
58.What is the principle of the hospital in employing a workerB?
A.Sympathy counts most.
B.Ability comes first.
C.Preference for the blind.
D.Easy job for the weak.
59.Mr.Torres works very hard in order toC.
A.make plenty of money
B.win his supervisor's trust
C.live like a normal person
D.complete his daily task
60.In the eyes of the writer,Alberto Torres is a man ofD.
A.deep thinking
B.weak motivation
C.special talents
D.great independence.


科目:高中英語 來源:2016-2017學(xué)年河南省高二下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Make Up Your Mind to Succeed

Kind-hearted parents have unknowingly left their children defenseless against failure. The generation born between 1980 and 2001 grew up playing sports where scores and performance were played down because “everyone’s winner.” And their report cards sounded more positive (正面的) than ever before. As a result, Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, PhD, calls them “the overpraised generation.”

Dweck has been studying how people deal with failure for 40 years. Her research has led her to find out two clearly different mind-sets that have a great effect on how we react to it. Here’s how they work:

A fixed mind-set is grounded in the belief that talent (才能) is genetic – you’re a born artist, point guard, or numbers person. The fixed mind-set believes it’s sure to succeed without much effort and regards failure as personal shame. When things get difficult, it’s quick to blame, lie, and even stay away from future difficulties.

On the other hand, a growth mind-set believes that no talent is entirely heaven-sent and that effort and learning make everything possible. Because the ego (自尊) isn’t on the line as much, the growth mind-set sees failure as a chance rather than shame. When faced with a difficulty, it’s quick to rethink, change and try again. In fact, it enjoys this experience.

We are all born with growth mind-sets. (Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to live in the world.) But parents, teachers, and instructors often push us into fixed mind-sets by encouraging certain actions and misdirecting praise. Dweck’s book, Mind-set: The New Psychology of Success, and online instructional program explain this in depth. But she says there are many little things you can start doing today to make sure that your children, grandchildren and even you are never defeated by failure.

1.What does the author think about the present generation?

A. They don’t do well at school.

B. They are often misunderstood.

C. They are eager to win in sports.

D. They are given too much praise.

2.A fixed mind-set person is probably one who ___ .

A. doesn’t want to work hard

B. cares a lot about personal safety

C. cannot share his ideas with others

D. can succeed with the help of teachers

3.What does the growth mind-set believe?

A. Admitting failure is shameful.

B. Talent comes with one’s birth.

C. Scores should be highly valued.

D. Getting over difficulties is enjoyable.

4.What should parents do for their children based on Dweck’s study?

A. Encourage them to learn from failures.

B. Prevent them from making mistakes.

C. Guide them in doing little things.

D. Help them grow with praise.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:填空題

14.瑪麗的表演從來沒有這樣令人印象深刻.(Never…)Never has Mary's performance been so impressive..


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

1.When I asked her to define success in her own words,she said,"Success is _______ you look back at your life and the memories make you smile."( 。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

6.My schedule is very ______ right now,but I'll try to fit you in.( 。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:填空題

13.自從有了互聯(lián)網(wǎng),消費者足不出戶就可以輕松買到各種心儀的商品.(access)Since there came the Internet,customers have had easy access to various goods they like at home.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

10.The parents were shocked by              news that their son needed             operation on his knee.( 。
A.a;/B.the;/C.the; anD.a; an


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:選擇題

10.One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away ______my daughter heard cries for help.( 。

