【題目】A nurse took a tired and anxious soldier to the bedside of an old man, “Your ________ is here.” She had to repeat the words several times ________ the patient’s eyes opened.

Heavily drugged with sleep because of the ________ of his heart attack, the old man could ________ see the uniformed soldier. The soldier held the old man’s hand, expressing a(an) ________ of love and encouragement. All through the night the soldier sat there beside the bed, ________ him words of love and strength. Now and then the soldier said a few ________ words. Along towards dawn, the old man ________.

Finally, the nurse offered words of sympathy(同情), but the soldier ________ her.

“Who was that man?” he asked.

The nurse was ________. “He was your father,” she answered.

“No, he wasn’t,” the soldier replied. “I never saw him before.”

“Then ________ didn’t you say something as I took you to him?” asked the nurse.

“I knew ________ there had been a mistake, but I also knew he ________ his son for his last moment, and his son just wasn’t here. Knowing he was too ________ to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I ________.”he answered.

1A. doctor B. brother C. lawyer D. son

2A. before B. since C. in case D. so that

3A. power B. mess C. pain D. stress

4A. hardly B. clearly C. possibly D. certainly

5A. effect B. message C. evidence D. thought

6A. allowing B. finding C. reminding D. offering

7A. dramatic B. strange C. gentle D. violent

8A. fell asleep B. passed away C. dropped down D. woke up

9A. interrupted B. suspected C. blamed D. forgave

10A. annoyed B. ashamed C. surprised D. satisfied

11A. how B. why C. when D. where

12A. as usual B. by chance C. for ever D. right away

13A. needed B. hated C. recognized D. forgot

14A. afraid B. weak C. crazy D. shocked

15A. doubted B. hesitated C. relaxed D. stayed





















4考查副詞詞義辨析。解析見上一小題。A. hardly幾乎不;B. clearly清晰地;C. possibly可能地;D. certainly當(dāng)然地。選A。

5考查名詞詞義辨析。由于老人深度昏迷,士兵用握手的動作傳達(dá)他的愛和鼓勵的信息(message)。A. effect效果;B. message信息,消息;C. evidence證據(jù);D. thought思想,想法。選B。

6考查動詞詞義。整個晚上,士兵坐在床邊,說著愛和鼓勵的話。offer sb. sth. 為某人提供某物,這里指士兵通過不斷說話為老人提供愛和鼓勵。故選D。


8考查上下文語境和動詞短語辨析。根據(jù)下文可知,接近黎明時分,老人去世(passed away)了。A. fell asleep睡著;B. passed away去世;C. dropped down掉下來;D. woke up醒來。故選B。

9考查動詞詞義辨析。護(hù)士表達(dá)同情,但是士兵打斷(interrupted)了她的話。A. interrupted打斷;B. suspected懷疑;C. blamed責(zé)備D. forgave原諒。故選A。

10考查上下文語境和動詞詞義。護(hù)士對士兵的問話感到奇怪。A. annoyed惱怒的;B. ashamed慚愧的;C. surprised驚訝的;D. satisfied滿意的。故選C。


12考查短語辨析。士兵解釋說,當(dāng)時他立刻(right away)察覺到了誤解,但是他同時也知道在彌留之際老人需要(need)兒子的陪伴,而此時老人的兒子沒有在身邊。A. as usual像通常一樣;B. by chance偶然地;C. for ever永遠(yuǎn);D. right away立刻,立即。故選D。


14考查形容詞詞義辨析。臨終前老人很虛弱,不能分辨他是不是自己的兒子。A. afraid害怕的;B. weak虛弱的;C. crazy瘋狂的;D. shocked震驚的。故選B



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Americans, especially the millennials(千禧一代), are always glued(固著于)to their phones. A common day of the average university student in America starts off like this: an alarm clock wakes you up, which is quickly followed by checking social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Once in classes, you are again attracted by your buzzing phone and access to the Internet rather than pay attention to the lecturing professor. Then you have lunch with some friends, only to look up from your screen to realize that no one has said a word in five minutes and instead all are looking at their phones. Once the day ends, you can’t help checking all forms of social media again before finally being able to shut your eyes only to repeat this vicious cycle the next day.

Cyberbullying(網(wǎng)絡(luò)霸凌), a concept unknown before, is now in fashion. Many of the millennials are using the Internet to make jokes about others to points of extremes. The Internet gives cowards bravery; people feel like their actions and words have no bad results because they cannot see the ache it causes another.

Millennials also think that whatever information shows up on their screens must be taken as truth, whether the material is reliable(可靠的)or not.

Social media is not all bad, however. People are still able to use social media to connect with friends and family who live a great distance away. With a few clicks of a button, someone could make another person smile, or give words of hope and encouragement to a friend in need, or even help repair a broken relationship. Cyberspace is a vortex(漩渦)that is easy to get caught up in, but we must find a balance to keep both feet in reality while traveling across the online world.

1What does the underlined part in Paragraph l mean?

A. You can’t break away from your phone.

B. You decide to get rid of this bad behaviour later.

C. You return to going cycling the following day.

D. You are caught in the busy life.

2What can be learned about the milennials?

A. They often mistake facts for personal opinions.

B. They prefer to communicate face to face.

C. They are often made fun of in the cyberspace.

D. They don’t make their own judgement.

3What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To state the ill effect of social media.

B. To prove the benefit of cyberspace.

C. To suggest using the social media wisely.

D. To introduce the function of phones.

4Which way of using social media is advised by the writer?

A. Being glued to the phones all the time.

B. Promoting relationships.

C. Losing themselves in the cyberspace.

D. Fighting against others.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】By nine o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers _________ the top of Mount Qomolangma, _______appeared a rare rainbow soon.

A. reached; which B. reached; on which

C. had reached; which D. had reached; above which


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】For many years, Bruce Bexler dreamed of going to the lands no human had explored and discovered rare, unknown species. That might sound like an impossible dream, but Bexler turned it into a reality.

In December 2015, he, together with a team of Australian and American scientists, adventured into a rain forest on the island of New Guinea. They were the first people ever to enter the region. “As we were dropped on the ground by helicopter, we found no trails anywhere; it was really hard to get around,” Bexler says.

Within minutes of landing, the team spotted a black chicken-like bird. The scientists soon determined that the creature was a type of honeyeater-the first new bird species to be sighted on New Guinea in 60 years. The honeyeater wasn’t the only surprise for them. They discovered more than 40 previously unknown plant and animal species. “We were like kids in a candy store?’ Bexler recalls. “Everywhere we looked, we saw amazing things we had never seen before.”

The new found species didn’t shy away from the scientists. Two long-nosed echidnas even let the visitors pick them up and take them back to camp to study them. Bexler thinks the animals weren’t scared because they had never seen humans before. He explains, “This area gives scientists a place where they can study the behaviours of animals that have not yet learned to be afraid of people.”

Bexler and his team did not have enough time to study the area completely. “We just scratched the surface, Bexler says. “Anyone who goes there will come back with a mystery.”

1Which word can best describe Bruce Bexler?

A. Adventurous. B. Cautious.

C. Optimistic. D. Reliable.

2What does the underlined sentence suggest in the third paragraph?

A. They enjoyed the experience of being in a candy store.

B. They were very excited about what they discovered.

C. They were misbehaving like naughty children.

D. Their next search might help them get sugar.

3Why did the long-nosed echidnas allow the scientists to take them back for their study?

A. The scientists were very friendly to them.

B. The scientists were skilled in handling animals.

C. They had been well-trained by the local people.

D. They had never been threatened by people.

4We can infer from Bexler’s words in the last paragraph that .

A. the scientists have learned enough about the deep rain forest

B. the area is likely to keep untouched in the future

C. more unknown plants and animals are to be discovered there

D. whoever goes there can uncover the mystery of the forest


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】There is no doubt that the first day of school can be crazy for most of students. New kids wander () around in circles, waiting for the opening of the school door. The school nurse needs your medical records. 1. The freshmen are running in all directions, looking for their new classrooms.

How can you overcome the first-day chaos? If you will go to a new school, try to arrange a visit before classes begin. Explore any areas, such as the playground, library, or school labs.2.

Get one and read it before your school, starts-then keep it in your school bag until you’re familiar with your new surroundings. Your first day is also the time to bring in school supplies and books.

You should arrange your schoolbag well the night before you go to school so that you won’t look for what you need at the last minute.

Did you try on eight different coats before deciding on what to wear?3. The best choice is to wear what makes you feel good, whether it is a new coat or an old sweater. If you plan to wear a pair of shoes, make sure they fit you well.

4. Some start with a gathering, while others may jump right into the first-period class. You’ll meet your new teachers, and they will probably give you an overview of the courses, class rules, what the semester will be like, what supplies you’ll need, and expectations of your performance and behavior. Some teachers will jump into their first lesson, while others may have some activities.5.

A. Some schools even offer maps.

B. But you forget to bring it with you.

C. It all depends on the class and teacher.

D. Don’t depend on your parents any more.

E. Each school has different opening-days.

F. You can also try to ask the teachers for help.

G. Lots of students have difficulty deciding on what to wear on the first day of school.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1The restaurant c_____ us $400 for the wine.

2I can't think of any possible e________ for his absence.

3Nobody thinks he d______ our help so we won't give him any hand.

4We had an a______ with the waiter about the bill.

5Only women with e________ of office work can apply for the position.

6She r_______her father's last wishes and burned all his photos.

7Lucy has a______ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.

8Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious c_________ we face.

9The players have made p________ for a tough game mentally and physically.

10After the big earthquake in Taiwan, people in the Chinese mainland begin to d______ their clothes, food and money to the disaster areas.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假如你是李明,你的學(xué)校里來了一位英國交換生保羅。他在和你的交談中表示在中國學(xué)習(xí)壓力很大。請你給他寫封信,提些建議。(100 words or so)

【寫作內(nèi)容】將自己的問題告訴老師和同學(xué),請求得到他們的幫助;不要總想著考試成績,多想想自己在哪些方面進(jìn)步了,這樣就會給自己自信;多做運(yùn)動,運(yùn)動可以幫助自己緩解壓力(relieve one’s stress),并且有助睡眠。


I quite sympathize with you and understand the great trouble you are suffering from.


Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1 we know, there are three medalists in Olympic races: the gold, the silver, and the bronze (銅牌).

Imagine what it’s like to be the silver medalist. If you 2 (be) just one second faster, you could have won the gold! So close! You would keep comparing yourself to be the gold winner, full 3 envy.

Now imagine what it’s like to be the bronze medalist. One second 4 (slow), and you wouldn’t have won anything! Whoo-hoo! You would be thrilled that you were 5 (official) an Olympic medalist, and got to stand on the winner’s podium at all.

You can 6 compare up or compare down and your 7 (happy) depends on where you’re focusing. This is easy to understand, but hard to remember in everyday life. If you catch yourself 8 (bum) with envy of anger, think like the bronze medalist, not the silver. Change your focus.

For example, if you buy something that is “the best”, you may feel like a gold winner, but when the new “best” 9 (come) out next year, you’ll feel like the siver. Instead, if you look at what you buy as something “surprisingly good”, it will keep you in the bronze mindset. Since you’re not comparing it to best, you’ll feel no need 10 (keep) up with the newest thing.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1】【1How long is the sports centre open a day?

A. For 6 hours. B. For 8 hours. C. For 9 hours.

2】【2What can students do with their student cards?

A. Play at local city clubs for free.

B. Play tennis at a lower price.

C. Go to the sports centre at any time.

3】【3What do we know about the Musical School?

A. Any student can perform at open evenings.

B. It doesn’t provide part-time courses.

C. It offers free music lessons.

4】【4What should the students do if they want to ask the speaker questions?

A. Give him a call. B. Go to his office. C. Send an e-mail to him.

