【題目】閱讀下面短文, 根據(jù)所給情節(jié)進行續(xù)寫,使之構(gòu)成一個完整的故事。

On Friday evening, Emmett and I went to a movie as scheduled. After purchasing the tickets and drinks, we entered the cinema with delight beforehand, waiting for the beginning of the movie.

When I got up in the middle of the movie, Emmett whispered, “ Carter, where are you going?” “I forgot to call my mom to tell her what time to pick us up.” I whispered back, leaving my jacket on the seat.

I squeezed past the people in my row, trying not to step on any feet while still watching the screen. I didn’t want to miss a thing. Balfour, the good guy in the movie, was trapped in an underground cave.

When I came back, Balfour’s flashlight almost went out. An enormous snake was moving toward him, twisting its body. Balfour struggled to loosen the chains around his hands and feet to reach his magic cape (魔法斗篷). With the cape around him, he could completely disappear.

I crawled (緩慢行進) back across eight people (I counted on the way out), never taking my eyes off the screen. I sat down in my seat slowly, then picked up my drink, and swallowed it quickly. But suddenly my brain said, “That’s not coke. That’s lemonade.” I looked down at the cup, just as the girl next to me shouted, “He drank my lemonade!”

“Shhhh!” the people around us said, making quiet complaints.

“Where’s Emmett?” I asked, as if the girl had hidden him under her seat.

“Carter, down here,” Emmett answered in a low voice. He was two rows ahead of me. I was in the wrong row! Everyone was turning around to look at me.

“Here,” I said, handing the girl her drink.

“Eww,” she said. “You have had a drink of it, so you owe me a lemonade.”

“Shhhh!” everyone said again.

“OK, OK,” I said, starting my crawl across eight sets of feet again. Everybody were complaining as I inched out.

“Don’t come back,” the boy on the end said.


1. 所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 左右;

2. 至少使用 5 個短文中標(biāo)有下劃線的關(guān)鍵詞語;

3. 續(xù)寫部分分為兩段,每段的開頭語已為你寫好;

4. 續(xù)寫完成后,請用下劃線標(biāo)出你所使用的關(guān)鍵詞語。

Paragraph 1

But the problem was that I had to come back to bring this girl a new lemonade.


Paragraph 2

I thought about crawling out of this row and back into Emmett’s row, but I couldn’t.


【答案】But the problem was that I had to come back to bring this girl a new lemonade. I bought a lemonade, took a deep breath, and went back. This time, I bent low, looking at every person on the end of each row. When I saw the same boy, I moved through fast to get back to that girl. Unfortunately, I stepped on a boy’s feet and banged my knee. After apologized to him, I quickly fell into the seat next to the girl and handed her the lemonade. Everyone around us all turned to stare at me again with some complaints.

I thought about crawling out of this row and back into Emmett’s row, but I couldn’t. Maybe I would just stay there until the movie ended. Thanking me for the lemonade, the girl talked about the plots I missed. I whispered back, “Thanks.” When the lights of the cinema came on, I grabbed my jacket on the seat and hurried out. Emmett caught up with me, “Do you know that girl?” “No.” I answered. “Then why do you have her jacket?” I looked down and found a bright pink jacket. “Here I go again,” I said with embarrassment, spotting the girl in the crowd.



1.第一段給出的首句是But the problem was that I had to come back to bring this girl a new lemonade.這一句是故事發(fā)展的轉(zhuǎn)折點。可以從“我買了一杯檸檬水,深吸了一口氣,走了回去。這一次,我彎下腰,看著每一行末尾的每一個人。還是踩到了一個男孩的腳,迅速坐到女孩旁邊的座位上,遞給她檸檬水。周圍的人都轉(zhuǎn)過頭來,抱怨著又盯著作者看。——無論從何角度拓展,需注意與續(xù)寫第二段首句呼應(yīng)。

2.第二段所給首句I thought about crawling out of this row and back into Emmett’s row, but I couldn’t.這一句呼應(yīng)前文,緊接著可以從“也許我會一直呆在那里直到電影結(jié)束。這時要續(xù)寫女孩談到了作者錯過的情節(jié)。作者低聲說:“謝謝!碑(dāng)電影院的燈亮了,作者抓起座位上的夾克就匆匆出去了。埃米特追上作者,“你認識那個女孩嗎?“沒有!弊髡呋卮!澳悄銥槭裁茨盟膴A克?“作者低頭一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)了一件亮粉色的夾克衫!白髡吆軐擂,在人群中看到了那個女孩。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】There's a funny plot twist in every person's life story, _____ that happens to them when they think they're the last person it can happen to.



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】In Stressful Times, Make Stress Work for You

These are stressful times. Fortunately, we can actually use that stress to improve our health and well-being. Over a decade of research suggests that it’s not the type or amount of stress that determines its impact. 1.

Step 1: Acknowledge Your Stress

Labeling your stress consciously and deliberately moves neural activity from the amygdala — the center of emotion and fear — to the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive control and planning.

In other words, when we take a moment to acknowledge our stress, it moves us from operating from a fearful, reactive place to a position where we can be thoughtful and deliberate.


Step 2: Own Your Stress

The next step is to welcome, or “own,” your stress. We only stress about things that we care about. 3. If we deny or avoid our stress, we my actually be denying or disconnecting ourselves from the things we value and treasure most.

Step 3:4

Connecting to the core values behind your stress sets you up for the third and most essential step: using or leveraging stress to achieve your goals and connect more deeply with the things that matter most.

Ask yourself: Are your typical responses in alignment with the values behind your stress? Think about how you might change your response to this stress to achieve your goals and your purpose.

There’s so much happening right now that we can’t control. 5. Some psychologists argue that true transformative change can occur only during stress or crises. The trick is to channel your coronavirus stress as energy to make the most of this time.

A.Use Your Stress

B.Release Your Stress

C.By owning our stress, we connect to the positive motivation or personal value behind our stress.

D.But — as many people are noticing — there are also unprecedented opportunities.

E.Instead, it’s our mind-set about stress that matters most.

F.But later, we will be able to ask ourselves how we each responded to this crisis.

G.This step is also an opportunity to understand what’s at the heart of your personal stress or anxiety.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除 或修改。




注意:1 .每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;


Yesterday afternoon after playing the tennis, I was about to leave the sports club while I saw Emma. She is a cleaner in her sixty. She was talking to the owner of the club Mr. Black, asking some money. Her hand ached bad and she wanted to see a doctor. Mr. Black made some excuses and walks away.

I felt sorry for her. Although I was outside the club, I turned back and opened her wallet. I knew I didn't have many, but I gave her whatever came out in my hand but said, “Emma, please see a doctor.” After that, whenever meet me, she smiles to me and says, “Hello, Gina.”


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1How did the woman know the wanted job position?

A.By reading a newspaper ad.

B.By calling an employment service.

C.By listening to the radio news.

2Why did the woman find the job appealing?

A.She could improve her foreign language.

B.The job suited her very well.

C.Her family wanted her to return home to work.

3What was the woman asked to do in the end?

A.To prepare for an interview in a couple of days.

B.To read the advertisement again for more details.

C.To send in a written application as soon as possible.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1Who is the woman?

A.A captain.B.A passenger.C.A hostess.

2What is one of the qualifications for an airline pilot’s license?

A.Having enough flying experience.

B.Mastering several languages.

C.Being younger than 45.

3What should a pilot do before each flight?

A.Follow the checklists.

B.Warm up all the engines.

C.Make sure there are no breaks in the wings.

4What should a pilot do if an engine breaks down just before take-off?

A.Try to stop at once.

B.Land on a long runway.

C.Land after short flying around.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:




時間:7 15 日下午 2:00-5:00

地點:101 教室

參賽選手:10 名學(xué)生

聯(lián)系人:Li H ua (電話 88507033)

假設(shè)你是江西師范大學(xué)附屬中學(xué)學(xué)生會主席李華。你們學(xué)校將舉辦一次英語話劇比賽(drama competition),希望你能夠邀請附近某大學(xué)的外教 Ms. Smith 來作評委(judge)。請參照以下比賽通知給她發(fā)一份郵件。

注意:1. 詞數(shù) 100 詞左右;

2. 可以適當(dāng)增加細節(jié)使行文連貫。

Dear Ms. Smith,


With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







Dear Sir or Madam,

News came which the teachers from Asheville School in America would pay a visit to our school for communication. Having read your requirements, I am willing to be one of the volunteer.

I am Li Hua, a Senior 3 student. I think I am qualified of the job. I have a good command of orally English, which can make me to communicate with foreigners freely. What’s more, I was always ready to help others and full of spirit of devotion. Aimed to do the work well, I’d like to receive any necessary training, and do whichever our school requires. Believe me, I’ll make full preparation and there is no doubt that I will be an outstanding volunteer.

I would appreciate you if you could take my request into consideration.


Li Hua


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


As I got out of my car near a store,I noticed a small sign stuck to the very bottom of the pole. It stood out because it appeared to be a ____.

At first I thought it had fallen,but at closer look I saw it had been very securely(牢固地)____ with several inches of sticking tape(膠帶).I was ____ who would attract people's attention in this way to sell a ____,and then I saw more such signs,a little girl and a lady.____,I approached them and waited until the little girl ____ another yard of tape around the last sign.

“Excuse me,but why are you placing the house for sale signs so close to the ____?”I asked.

“She is not selling the house. Look ____!” the lady said with a smile. I bent down adjusting my ____ until I could finally read the small print.

“We miss you!Come home!”I read out loud. “Then look at the ____!”the lady said. I was really ____ my hands and knees and saw in the picture a child and a ____ in front yard before standing up with a ____ look.

“Her dog,Grace,is lost,” the lady explained.

“But most people would hang a lost ____ where people could actually see it,” I said.

“Well,you saw it,” the young girl responded.

The innocent(天真的) answer made me hesitate to ____ further explanation. Thankfully,the lady continued to explain,“I have told her that it may be ____ to find her dog because you can see the store has many signs posted. But she wanted her dog to find her.____ the picture of the house,her and the dog...I didn't want to ____ until she felt she did everything she could.” she said.

I got ____.The signs were there for the dog to see. If you want to learn the meaning of ____,get down to a child's level. One week later Grace came home. Amazing!

【1】A. chance B.belief C.mistake D.cheat

【2】A. fastened B.closed C.locked D.pressed

【3】A. shouting B.wondering C.seeking D.testing

【4】A. house B.picture C.store D.tape

【5】A. Continuously B.Curiously C.Carefully D.Stupidly

【6】A. wound B.placed C.tore D.spread

【7】A. store B.pole C.ground D.car

【8】A. harder B.closer C.lower D.further

【9】A. direction B.sight C.height D.position

【10】A. design B.picture C.material D.explanation

【11】A. on B.with C.off D.by

【12】A. house B.mother C.dog D.shop

【13】A. frightened B.surprised C.disappointed D.puzzled

【14】A. poster B.sign C.mark D.notice

【15】A. send for B.a(chǎn)sk for C.call for D.look for

【16】A. easy B.pleasant C.hard D.hopeful

【17】A. Thus B.However C.Instead D.Otherwise

【18】A. put up B.give up C.mix up D.clear up

【19】A. this B.those C.these D.it

【20】A. care B.respect C.life D.faith

