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科目: 來源: 題型:


1Many people____________ ( 挖出) by the rescue team in the Ya’an Earthquake .

2Most teenagers ___________ (喜歡) listening to Jay’s songs.

3His father ______________ (關注)his study more than his health.

4When the whole nation unites together to help the sufferers in Wen Chuan Earthquake, it seems __________ (好像)we are a family.

5An earthquake left the whole town _____________(破敗不堪).

6Although she knows it is quite hard for him to win the race, he still insists taking part in it because she never __________ to (屈服于)any difficulty without trying it.

7Ever since then , he__________ (夢想) conquering the Huanghe River .

8After hearing his words, the poor girl _________ (淚水奪眶而出)and rushed out of the room.

9People can learn many languages in this school, ________ (例如)French, German, and Spanish.

10It seemed that his career ___________(就要結束了)


科目: 來源: 題型:


1One of the_______(挑戰(zhàn))he has accepted is to swim the river.

2______ ______ (每當)I catch a cold, I always drink much water.

3Once the little girl______ ______ ______ (被懷疑)stealing the money.

4People are trying to make the _______ (pollute)rivers clean again.

5I am_______ (frighten)to look out of the airplane window.

6Will it be ________ (方便)for you to talk with me.

7As we all know, the world ______ _______ (......組成)7 continents and 4 oceans.

8It requires my great efforts ______ ________ (澄清)what I mean.

9The little boy was______ _______ (遺漏)at home.

10I have had my bike ______ ,and I am going to have somebody _______ my radio tomorrow.(repair).

11We are pleased to see the problem_______ (settle)so quickly.

12The teacher______ _____ _____ _____ (留下一個好印象)on students by his rich knowledge and humorous talk.

13He had to remind himself __________ (不斷地).

14A strong wind is blowing and the fallen leaves are being ______ _______ (橫掃)into the air.

15The general______ _____ _____ (貪求)power and he is planing to overthrow the government.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假設你叫李華,是班上的英語科代表。你班外籍教師Peter希望在畢業(yè)前夕組織一個班級英語晚會,并征詢你的意見。請你給Peter寫封郵件,就晚會的時間地點、形式和內容等方面提 出想法并分別陳述理由。


1. 詞數(shù)100左右;開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。

Dear Peter,

Last time you asked me to say something about the English graduation party. Here are my suggestions.










Li Hua


科目: 來源: 題型:


1Air pollution is one of the biggest problems that we can’t i___________. We should pay more attention to it.

2Because of being taken good care of by her mother, the injured girl soon r______________.

3Workers set up some s___________ for the stricken people who were homeless.

4He found it difficult to remember the English words and failed in the English exam because of his poor English v________.

5We can’t j_________ a person only by his appearance.

6They couldn’t repair the windows _______ (損害) in the typhoon for they were broken completely.

7After returning home, he _________(勸說)his parents to buy him a MP3.

8He can speak English ________(流利地) as he was in America for 2 years.

9Women have very little_______ (地位) in many countries.

10There is no clue to the ________ (身份) of the thief.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】假定你是李華。你的筆友Helen給你發(fā)來電子郵件,詢問你在當?shù)貧v史博物館當志愿者 的經歷。請根據(jù)以下提示給她回一封電子郵件,與她分享這一經歷。



1 充當講解員(narrator,幫助參觀者了解當?shù)氐臍v史和文化;

2 給參觀者,尤其是殘疾人提供便利。累并快樂著:


注意:1. 詞數(shù)120左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;

3. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。

Dear Helen,


Looking forward to your early reply!


Li hua


科目: 來源: 題型:


The Chinese Government 1 ( create) the Chinese Farmers’ Harvest Festival in 2018, 2 (make) it the first time that a national festival has been specially set up for farmers. The festival will be celebrated 3 (annual) on the autumnal equinox (秋分).

The action shows the government’s concern about agriculture and its people to draw the whole society’s attention to Chinese farmers, 4 work hard to strengthen the country’s development.

The festival falling on the autumnal equinox also shows respect 5 traditional 24 solar terms which 6 (follow) by Chinese people since about 2,200 years ago. Meanwhile, it mirrors Chinese people’s knowledge of seasonal changes in nature and their willingness to adapt to natural rules. Although climates and crops differ in 7 (difference) parts of China, most crops mature in autumn, and thus it’s the best time to celebrate the harvest.

The festival 8 (accompany) by certain rituals (儀式) is especially important to China, an agricultural country with 9 (thousand) of years of history. A whole year’s hard work brings big harvests, filling fanners with joy. Not only will this festival celebrate harvests 10 it will be a reminder that more attention needs to be paid to agriculture and farmers, as well as traditional culture.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Audrey Randolph, who used to be a librarian, is a car mechanic in London. But she didn’t find it easy to become a car mechanic. She had to attend a Centre, where people can learn a new job for 20 weeks. We asked her why she decided to work with cars. “My first reason was independence,” she said. “I also wanted to learn about how things work, using my hands. Besides, I’ve come to the conclusion that many people prefer to have a woman repair their cars.”

When it comes to her experiences in the Center, she tells us about it, “I was the only woman among four hundred men. And some of them were rude to me, just because of my sex.” However, Audrey said she made the right decision.

One hundred years ago women were second-class citizens in Britain. Men controlled everything. Not only that, they really believed that women were “the weaker sex”. Women, they say, depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition (直覺) to arrive at decisions, and sometimes are not even able to think clearly. But in the past century a lot has changed. Two women have become Prime Minister, and women can now compete as equals in every kind of job and profession. They also have more control over when to have a family and how many children they want. Nowadays both men and women go out to work. Consequently the traditional roles played by them in the family have changed greatly. Those times when the man was the major breadwinner and the woman stayed at home and looked after the house and the children are over. Most couples share the housework and in some homes it is now the man who stays at home with the kids and the woman who goes out to work.

1Why did Audrey go to the Centre?

A.To get trained in her job skills.

B.To prove she is more competent.

C.To show she isn’t challenging men.

D.To fight against sex discrimination.

2What do Audrey’s training experiences reflect?

A.Companies tend to employ more women.

B.Women undertake more social responsibilities.

C.Women can change jobs more easily than men.

D.Some men still look down upon women today.

3What was the argument men raised against women?

A.Women were serious about everything.

B.Women’s thoughts were often unclear.

C.Women’s decisions were unreliable.

D.Women were weak physically.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Men Are Carrying on a Sex-fight.

B.Women Are More Independent Now.

C.A Woman Made a Right Decision.

D.Men and Women Should Be Equal.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 One thing you do not expect an oil minister to do is to block the development of his own country’s oil fields. But that is exactly what Alberto Acosta did when he was appointed Ecuador’s Oil Minister.

For a relatively poor country whose main income is from oil exports, this idea seemed like madness. Ecuador is not rich by economic (經濟) standards, but in terms of the diversity of plant and animal life, it is one of the richest places on Earth. For this, scientists studied trees in the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador’s undamaged rain forest, and they found over 650 different species (物種) of tree in just one acre — more than the total number in all of the US and Canada combined. Mr. Acosta said he would rather the oil companies did not destroy these natural riches. His idea is to leave the oil reserves beneath Yasuni Park untouched, in return for compensation of half their value, which will be done by the international society. The oil is worth more than $7 billion.

Ecuador is not the only country trying to get richer nations to pay for not exploiting (開發(fā)) their forests. Both Nigeria and Guatemala are hoping they will be able to make similar deals. A spokesperson for local environmental groups explained, “This is fantastic though the plan has met with problems, both from within Ecuador and from outside. If only people in developed countries appreciated that these forests absorb a lot of the CO2 that their industries produce. I just wish they would take a longer-term view of this problem. Protecting biodiversity and preventing climate change means temporary loss, otherwise, we will all be losers — with consequences I’d rather not even think about.”

1What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The total number of tree species.

B.Ecuador’s oil storage quantity.

C.Ecuador’s diversity in wildlife.

D.The undamaged rain forest.

2What was Mr. Acosta’s real aim?

A.Importing more oil.B.Protecting the environment.

C.Building more natural parks.D.Compensating the Yasuni Park.

3What will the international society do?

A.Guide companies to protect the oil.

B.Develop oil fields near the park.

C.Study the rain forest further.

D.Pay oil companies 3. 5 billion.

4What does the spokesperson indicate in the last paragraph?

A.Destroying nature means punishing ourselves.

B.Natural forests can stop climate change totally.

C.Developed countries will become losers.

D.It’s impossible to carry out Acosta’s plan.


科目: 來源: 題型:



1. 詞數(shù)100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。

參考詞匯:泥石流 mudslide



科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Visiting Chinatown in London is filled with a lot of excitement and information. This is because not only can you get a rich history lesson, but you can walk in the streets for great deals and wonderful food. You can be sure to have fun no matter what time of the year you choose to visit Chinatown. They welcome tourists, and visitors who would like to learn more about their culture and way of life. If you want to get more, better have a good knowledge of the history of overseas Chinese in advance, of course.

London’s Chinatown offers assorted shops to visit and purchase totally different gifts for the ones at home. You can also visit the outside markets that allow you to pick up fresh produce and herbs to cook with. They also offer fresh tea and seafood. Don’t have to worry about your budget because they are good values for money.

Restaurants that are full of authentic Chinese food are one of the biggest reasons why tourists frequent Chinatown. There are a number of wonderful Chinese restaurants that provide the best service and the most delicious food. Depending on what you enjoy the most, you might want to frequent certain restaurants over others. A number of them offer only the best Dim Sum, while others specialize in seafood. Find the perfect meal you’re looking for right in the heart of London’s Chinatown.

Whenever you’re planning your next family trip, make sure to put London’s Chinatown on your list. Find out when the festivals are being held, and bring the whole family for some Chinese traditional fun. Decorate crafts, go shopping in the market, or just hang out for the shows during the festivals. Whatever your choice is, you can be sure the whole family will have fun, and leave with smiles on the faces and delicious food in the stomachs.

1What does the author advise doing before going to London’s Chinatown?

A.Getting used to the Chinese customs.

B.Making a budget plan with your family.

C.Finding the year’s best time for the trip.

D.Knowing the history of overseas Chinese.

2Which of the following best explains “assorted” underlined in Paragraph 2?



3What can we infer about London’s Chinatown from the last paragraph?

A.Festivals are held regularly in it.

B.A family trip to it will be great fun.

C.The author has been here many times.

D.There’re many tourists in it every year.

4Which aspect of London’s Chinatown does the text mainly focus on?

A.Its ancient tradition.B.Its quick development.

C.Its rich produce and food.D.Its wide spread of culture.

