 0  31317  31325  31331  31335  31341  31343  31347  31353  31355  31361  31367  31371  31373  31377  31383  31385  31391  31395  31397  31401  31403  31407  31409  31411  31412  31413  31415  31416  31417  31419  31421  31425  31427  31431  31433  31437  31443  31445  31451  31455  31457  31461  31467  31473  31475  31481  31485  31487  31493  31497  31503  31511  151629 

科目: 來源: 題型:

Although Zhang Ziyi is _____ international film star, she manages to achieve _____ balance between her career and family.

A. the; a;            B. an; a              C. 不填;a            D. an; 不填


科目: 來源: 題型:


In your English class,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.



科目: 來源: 題型:

    假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三(1)班的學(xué)生李華,你校上周五進(jìn)行了防火疏散演習(xí)。請你根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,為校刊英語園地寫一篇題為”A Fire Drill”的英文稿件,敘述演習(xí)的完整過程。


  提示詞:防火疏散演習(xí)fire drill



科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

    why is it that many people who have suffered a major shock,such as divorce or death of a family member,seem to be weaker against a variety of major and minor illness. One common idea among psychologists has been that people could deal with suffering more effectively if they were able to understand and accept it. Indeed,many experts stress the value of expressing thoughts and feelings connected with upsetting events.

    Recently,a team of medical researchers studied the links between describing psychologically painful events and long―term health. In one experiment healthy college students were asked to write about either personally disturbing experiences or ordinary topics over a period of four days. In the months afterwards,students who had chosen to show their inner thoughts and feelings in their writing visited the health center for illness much less often than those who had written about everyday topics.

    In an experiment that followed,another group of healthy students were given the four-day writing exercises. Some chose to write about highly personal and upsetting experiences(including loneliness,problems with family and friends,and health). When questioned immediately afterwards,they said that they did not feel any better. However,their blood samples(樣本)taken before and after the experiment showed evidence of an improved resistance to illness. The white cells that right off bacteria and viruses had increased their reaction and sensitivity to these “invaders”. This trend continued over the following six weeks,when another blood sample was taken. Individuals who showed the best results were those who wrote about topics that they had actively kept from telling others about

    The researchers suggested that failure to face up to painful experience can be a form of stress itself,and can increase the possibility of illness . It follows,then,that actively dealing with a major shock makes possible its understanding and acceptance. The answer is not to suffer in silence. It may not always be possible to talk about personal problems,but writing them down will help the body to fight disease in the long run


72. In the first experiment,the students who wrote about painful events        .

    A. started to suffer psychological problems

    B. enjoyed sharing their inner thought and feelings

    C. were less likely to seek treatment for sickness

    D. couldn't deal with suffering effectively

73. People who wrote about personal problems in the second experiment          

    A. had more bacteria and viruses in their blood

    B. had decreased feelings of loneliness

    C. showed an improved white cell reaction

    D. did better in their writing tasks

 74 What does the underlined word “invaders” refer to?

    A. The white cells.

    B. Bacteria and viruses.     

    C. Resistance to illness.

    D. The reaction and sensitivity of the cells.

75. What is the best title of the passage?

    A. Suffering and health.

    B. Inner thoughts and feelings.

    C. Illness and health

    D. Mental illness and social acceptance.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

    Consumers are being confused and misled by the environmental claims(聲稱)made by household products,according to a  green labeling(標(biāo)簽)”study published by Consumers International Friday.

    Among the report’s more outrageous(令人無法容忍的)finding―a German fertilizer described itself as “earthworm friendly”,a brand of flour said it was “non-polluting”. and a British toilet paper claimed to be “environmentally friendlier”.

    The study was written and researched by Britain’s National Consumer Council(NCC)for lobby group Consumers International. It was supported by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission. “While many good and useful claims are being made,it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring that shoppers are well informed about the environmental influence of products they buy,”said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

    The 10-country study examined product packaging in Britain,Western Europe,Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average. The report focused on claims made by specific products,such as detergent(洗滌劑)and garden products. It did not test the claims,but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO).

    Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many unclear or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

    “Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims,while paints were third on out list with 73. The high numbers show how confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading,”said report researcher Philip Page.

    The ISO labeling standards ban unclear or misleading claims on product packaging,because terms such as “environmentally friendly’’ and ”non-polluting” cannot be proved. “What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO,”said Page.


68. According to the passage,the NCC found it outrageous that            .

    A. all the products claim to meet ISO standards

    B. the claims made by products are often unclear or misleading

    C. consumers would believe many of the manufactures’ claims

    D. few products actually prove to be environment friendly

69. As indicated in this passage,with so many good claims, the consumers          

    A. are becoming more cautious about the products they are going to buy

    B. are still not willing to pay more for products with green labeling

    C. are becoming more aware of the effects different products have on the environment

    D. still do not know the exact influence of different products on the environment

70. The purpose of the study carried out by Britain’s NCC is to          .

    A. find out how many claims made by products fail to meet environmental standards

    B. inform the consumers of the environmental influence of the products they buy

    C. examine claims made by products against ISO standards

    D. revise the guidelines set by the International Standards Organization

 71. It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to           

    A. help product labeling satisfy ISO requirements

    B. prove the effects of non―polluting products

    C. see all household products meet environmental standards

    D. warn consumers of the danger of so―called green products


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

 Dear Jack,

    Thank you for your congratulations,my congratulations to you! I remember Margaret Field very well―the girl with that wonderful red hair and those beautiful eyes.  She was the most popular girl in our college. You’re a very lucky fellow and I'm sure you’11 be very happy with her.

    Brenda and I are very lucky,too. Her father gave us this house as a wedding present,so we don't have to pay rent. The house and furniture are insured already,so I can’t help you by giving you that kind of business. I wish I'd known earlier that you were in the insurance business. I'd certainly have asked you to give me a policy for the house and its contents.

    I'm rather doubtful about the value of life insurance. It’s my duty,I know,to see that there will be money for my wife,and later on for the children,in the event of my early death. But I feel that it's wiser to put my money into the shares of good business companies. You say I can get a policy that will provide 50,000 when I'm 65. Yes,but that time is nearly forty years away,and what will 50,000 be worth then?The real value of money has been going down and prices go up a little every year,perhaps only 4%or 5%,but the movement is always up,never down. 50,000 in fifty years from now may be worth only two―thirds or even a half of what it is worth today. Now if I put my savings into the shares of the big oil companies,or aircraft manufacturers,the value of the shares will go up with the rise in costs and prices. So the real value of my money would remain about the same,wouldn’t it?I know your answer. You’ll say that your life insurance policy provides against my possible death. I've got to balance that possibility against the almost certain fall in the value of money?

    I'd very much like you to meet Brenda. Can you come for a weekend some time?What about next Saturday?If you can manage it,please let me know which train you’re coming by,and I’ll meet you at the station. We can have a talk about life insurance and perhaps you’ll succeed in making me see that life insurance is a good thing.

                                                             Yours sincerely,


64. We can infer from the passage that              .

    A. Margaret is Fred’s wife

    B. Jack is a customer of Fred

    C. Brenda is familiar to Margaret

    D. Jack,F(xiàn)red and Margaret once studied in the same college

65. The underlined sentence”In the event of my early death”can be replaced by         .

    A. when I should die young         B. if I should die young

    C. after I should die young          D. before I should die young

66. Which word can be used to describe Fred according to the passage?

    A. Narrow-minded.   B. Short-sighted.     C. Ambitious.    D. Practical.

67. This is a letter of        .

    A. refusing          B. inquiring          C. complaining    D. negotiating


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


    We ask you to keep a medium-sized suitcase per person,but a small hold all can also be taken onto the coach


    Requests for particular seats can be made on most coach breaks(巴士旅游)when booking,but since seats are booked on a first come,first serve basic,early booking is advisable. When bookings are made with us,you will be offered the best seats that are available on the coach at that time.

    Travel Documents

    When you have paid your deposit(訂金),we will send you all the necessary documents,so that you receive them in good time before the coach break leaving date . Certain documents,for example,air or boat tickets,may have to be reserved and your guide will then give them to you during the break.

    Special Diets

    If you require a special diet,you must inform us at the time of booking with a copy of the diet. This will be told to the hotels on your coach break. The hotels for certain coach breaks are tourist class and they may not have the equipment to deal with special diets. Any extra costs must be paid by yourself before leaving the hotel.


    On any coach break there are only a limited number of single rooms. When a single room is available,it may be subject to an extra charge and this will be shown on the brochure page.


    Some of our hotels arrange extra entertainment which could include music,dancing,films,etc. The nature and frequency of the entertainment presented is decided by the hotel and therefore not guaranteed and could be withdrawn if there is a lack of demand or insufficient numbers in the hotel.


60. If you want to choose certain seats of the coach, you should          

    A. take little luggage                          B. avoid traveling in holidays

    C. book your seats well in advance     D. arrive early on the leaving date

61. What should you do if you need a special diet?

    A. Bring your own food with you.       B. Tell the organizer while booking.

    C. Inform the hotel when you arrive.   D. Pay extra money with the booking.

62. It may be necessary to pay extra for           .

    A. single rooms          B. particular seats      C. entertainment   D. hand luggage

 63. Where is the passage mostly taken from?

    A. A fashion magazine.             B. A business report.

    C. A legal document.                D. A travel brochure.


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

    “Yes,I'll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye,dear,and thanks again. “It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make. Her daughter had been very kind,of course,and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station,but Mrs. Robson hated to admit that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before,she had prided herself on her independence. She had continued to live in their little house,alone.

    On the evening. however,she was standing at her living-room window,staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden.  Her feelings were mixed. Of course,she was sad at the thought of leaving the house,as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea,back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale of the house,she had bought a little flat there. She turned from the living room window,and looked round at the walls. There was a small fish tank,with two goldfish in it. When asked why,her husband used to say,”It’s nice to have something alive in the room. “Since he had passed away,she had always kept some goldfish,had always had “something alive in the room”.

    The next morning,as her train was pulling out of the station,Mrs. Robson called to her daughter. “Kate,you won’t forget to collect the goldfish,will you? The children will love them. It’s…”,

    “I know. “Kate interrupted gently. “It s nice to have something alive in the room."


56. According to the passage,we know that Mrs. Robson        

    A. was tired of living alone

    B. was not liked by her daughter

    C. did not like asking people for help

    D. did not want to be visited by her daughter

57. Mrs. Robson was going to          .

    A. be in hospital                 B. 1ive with her daughter

    C. travel abroad alone         D. move to her hometown

58. The feelings of Mrs. Robson on her last night in the house were            

    A. sad and hopeful             B. regretful and excited

    C. sad and regretful           D. excited and hopeful

59. From the last two paragraphs,we can know that Mrs. Robson         .

    A. enjoyed keeping pets at home

    B. missed her husband very much

    C. had the same hobby with her husband

    D. was worried about her daughter’s bad memory


科目: 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Steve,a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents,was about to drop out of school. He had been 36 since his first grade. He was  37    until he met Miss White 38   he liked this beautiful teacher,he still failed and never did his   39  . So he was often punished.

  One Friday,Miss White went  40  the test results of the seventh grade. “You all did pretty well,”she told the class,“except for one boy,and it  41  my heart to tell you this,but…”She  42  ,staring at Steve. “The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!’’All the other children looked at him. Steve  43  his eyes and carefully examined his   44  .

    After that,things were not better. Steve still   45  do his homework. Even as the  46   became more severe,he remained stubborn(固執(zhí)的).

    “Just  47  it! One week!”He was   48  .

    “You’re smart enough! You’ll see a change!”It didn’t matter to him.

    “Give yourself a chance! Don’t  49  up on your life!”  50  happened

    “Steve! Please! I care about you!” Wow! Someone cared about him?  51  Steve got it!

    From that moment on,  52  at home remained the same,but life still  53  He discovered that not only could he  54  ,but he was good at it! Steve began to excel(突出)!And he continued this course throughout his school life.

    Steve graduated from college Magna Cum Laude and had a successful career. In his following days,he inspired many young people,who without him,might not have believed in themselves. Miss White left him great treasure. She  55  one boy who changed many lives. A change took place within the heart of one boy,all because of a teacher's care.

36. A. failing

B. joking

C. studying

D. applying

 37. A. worried

B. cautious

C. unnoticed

D. anxious

 38. A. In case

B. Even though

C. As if

D. Ever since

 39. A. exam

B. cleaning

C. experiment

D. homework

 40. A. along

B. over

C. for

D. with

 41. A. moves

B. stops

C. opens

D. breaks

 42. A. complained

B. whispered

C. hesitated

D. concluded

 43. A. dropped

B. shut

C. opened

D. raised

 44. A. marks

B. classmates

C. experiences

D. fingers

 45. A. wouldn't

B. couldn't

C. needn't

D. shouldn't

 46. A. attack

B. pain

C. difficulty

D. punishment

 47. A. forget

B. try

C. make

D. bear

 48. A. embarrassed

B. scared

C. unmoved

D. ashamed

 49. A. give

B. check

C. 1et

D. pick

 50. A. Something

B. Nothing

C. Everything

D. Anything

 51. A. Simply

B. Suddenly

C. Certainly

D. Naturally

 52. A. study

B. work

C. 1ife

D. labor

 53. A. lived

B. continued

C. enjoyed

D. changed

 54. A. help

B. care

C. 1earn

D. inspire

 55. A. saved

B. found

C. comforted

D. appreciated


科目: 來源: 題型:

I could get you a job here if that’          you want

    A. what            B. how          C. which            D. where

