0  2113  2121  2127  2131  2137  2139  2143  2149  2151  2157  2163  2167  2169  2173  2179  2181  2187  2191  2193  2197  2199  2203  2205  2207  2208  2209  2211  2212  2213  2215  2217  2221  2223  2227  2229  2233  2239  2241  2247  2251  2253  2257  2263  2269  2271  2277  2281  2283  2289  2293  2299  2307  3002 







第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題,共70分)








第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題,共70分)









第Ⅰ卷  (共65分)






第Ⅰ卷  (60分)











A, 聽句子

根據(jù)所聽句子的內(nèi)容和所提的問題, 選擇符合題意的圖畫回答問題,并將最佳選項(xiàng)的字母編號(hào)填寫在題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。 每小題聽一遍。

1,  What did the girl get from her pen pal?

2,  What is Brad?

3,  What does Bob often do on Sunday?

4,  What test are they having this afternoon?

5,  Why can’t the girl go to the party?

B, 聽對(duì)話



6, How do most students go to school in America?

   A. By subway.     B. By bike.         C. On the school bus.


7, Which boy is the tallest?

   A. Lin Tao           B. Lin Xin         C. Lin Wei

聽第三段對(duì)話, 回答第8小題。

8, How long does it take to get to the city by bus?

   A. 10 hours         B. 11 hours      C. 13 hours


9, What is the girl going to do?

   A. to go climbing.

   B. to go shopping with her mother.

   C. to go to the wildlife park.


10,How can the man go to the shopping mall?

   A. on foot     B. by bike        C. by bus


11, What time does Bob’s birthday party begin?

   A. at six      B. at six thirty      C. by bus

12, Why may Grace be a little later?

   A. Because she has to clean the house.

   B. Because she has to finish her homework first.

   C. Because she has to baby sit her rother.


13, When does their talk happen?

   A. at the end of the school year.

   B. before the final exam.

   C. at the beginning of the new term

14, Where do Bob and Ellen want to go?

   A. to a park     B. to a rock concert      C. to a museum

15, What problem does Ellen meet?

   A. She can’t afford the ticket.

   B. She didn’t pass the exam.

   C. She has lots of homework to do.

C, 聽短文

請(qǐng)你根據(jù)所聽的內(nèi)容, 在每小題給出的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)能完成句子的最佳答案,并將其字母編號(hào)填寫在題前括號(hào)內(nèi)。 本題聽兩遍。

16, Pedro doesn’t like to travel _____.

   A. by plane               B. by train               C. by car

17, Pedro thinks traveling by plane is ______.

   A. fast and safe          B. fast but dangerous   C. fast and relaxing

18, ______ are usually in cities.

   A. railway stations      B. gas stations         C. airports

19, You can _____ in the train.

   A. play games           B. listen to music     C. walk around

20, If you have a car, you ______.

   A. can’t carry many things

   B. can start your journey whenever you want to

   C. can drive fast and safely



Henry can’t go because he has an ___21__ class.

Henry thinks physics is ____22__.

Henry saw News reporter ___23____.

They will see a movie on ____24__ evening.

Henry and Mary both like __25___ movies.



1,――____________ do you go to the zoo?

   ―― Once a month.

   A. How many       B. How far        C. How long       D. How often

2, Do you want to _________ some light music?

   A. listen               B. sound            C. hear              D. listen to

3, Do you like ____________TV?

   A. seeing              B. looking         C. looking at     D. watching

4, Chocolate is my sister’s favorite. ___________ me, I like apples best.

   A. To                  B. As for           C. At                D. On

5, I feel _______________. I have a headache.

   A. excited           B. interesting     C. sick                D. cold

6, Can you ___________ to my school to get your book?

   A. go on                    B. come on      C. come over      D. go over

7, ――How do you like the concert?

   ――Exciting, ________ one piece of the music is not good enough.

   A. so                  B. although      C. because          D.and

8, ――I’m flying to Hainan for vacation.

  ――Great! ________.

   A. Have a good time.   B. Why not?   C. I think so.      D. OK.

9. That’s too bad. Maybe ________ time.

   A. the other          B. other’s          C. another          D. an other

10. It takes him one hour ______ his schoolwork.

   A. do                 B. does               C. doing                   D. to do

11. She _______ Guangzhou tomorrow.

   A. leaves for        B. is leaving to   C. is leaving for    D. leaves to

12. She ______ in bed.

   A. have to stay     B. has to staying  C. has stay          D. has to stay

13. I will go to the doctor _____ Sunday afternoon.

   A. in                    B. on                  C. at                         D. to

14. We are ________ next week.

A. going to hike  B. going hiking   C. go hiking       D. going to hiking

15. ――Can you go camping with us this Sunday?

   ―― _______________.

A.     No, I don’t like it.

B.      Yes, I am.

C.      Sorry, I can’t. I have to help my father on the farm.

D.     Yes, I do.

16, What’s ______ John? He has a sore throat.

A. matter with    B. the matter to    C. the matter with    D. the wrong with

17, There are __________ pears in the basket.

A. much             B. a little           C. a few                          D. a lot

18. Eating junk food _____ your health.

A. is good for     B. is good to     C. is bad for              D. isn’t bad for

19. Today we are going to learn Lesson Nine. Let’s _______ an English song.

A. learn from     B. begin with     C. study with                   D. start

20. ――_______ do you ______ this movie?

   ――Very exciting.

   A. How; think of    B. What; think of  C. How; think about  D. What; think about


     Australia _____the sixth largest(最大的)country ______ the world. ______ capital of Australia is Canberra, and Sydney is its biggest(最大的)_______. Australia’s seasons ______ different from China’s. Summer is _____ December to February, and winter is _____ June, July and August. So when ______ spring in China, it is autumn in Australia. In the middle of Australia, it’s _______ dry and hot. Sometimes it’s 45 ℃. But in some places there is snow in winter. Autumn is from ______ to May. It’s the most beautiful(最漂亮的)season in Australia.

1, A. am                   B. be          C. are                 D. is

2, A. In             B. at          C. on                D. for

3, A. Its            B. The        C. A                 D. /

4, A. village        B. town       C. city                D. country

5, A. be            B. is          C. am                D. are

6, A. of            B. for        C. from            D. to

7, A. at            B. in         C. to                      D. for

8. A. it’s           B. it        C. its               D.its’

9. A. very          B. much            C. more              D. many

10. A. July         B. April     C. June              D. March


Passage A

The Chinese come into a New Year as if they take their first step on a new road. If you want to find good luck, you must look forward to the New Year. If you look back to the past, you will find only bad luck. When the New Year comes in ,the old must go out. Each New Year is not the same. This year is the Year of the Rat, and next year will be the Year of the Ox. There are others, the Year of the Ram and the Year of the Pig.

The Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days. Good times go on all day long. Each person will wish you well. Some will wish you many rich days. Others will wish you lots of good luck. The best words a man can say at this time are,  “May you live for a long, long time.”

1, Chinese think that New Year is their _______________.

  A. new beginning in the new year             B. new roads to their homes

  C. first step to the day                      D. first road to the step

2, Which of the following years is not the name of the year in China?

  A. The Year of Ram                     B. The Year of Pig

  C. The Year of Ox                    D. The Year of Cat

3, If you look back to the past in the New Year, you will find ______.

  A. good luck                                B. bad luck    

  C. both good luck and bad luck                  D. neither good luck nor bad luck

4, If the Chinese New Year begins on January 14, when will it end?

  A. February 28     B. January 28            C. January 31            D. February 1

5, Which of the following is nor said when people meet in New Year?

  A. “Wish you many rich days!”            B. “Wish you lots of good luck!”

  C. “Bad luck!”                                D. “May you live for a long, long time!”

Passage B


This questionnaire is about your hobby. We want to know the relationship between your hobby and your job. You needn’t tell us your real name, but please answer the following questions honestly. Thanks a lot for your cooperation(合作).

Are you a man or a woman?

man    woman

What is your job?

teacher  worker  student

lawyer   others

How old are you?

under 10   11-20  21-30

31-40      above 40

How much do you make a month?

under 1,000 yuan   1,000-3,000 yuan

3,000-5,000 yuan    above 5,000 yuan

What do you usually do on holidays?

Watch TV       go shopping

climb mountain   ride bikes

play ball games   see movies   others

How much do you spend for your hobby every month?

none        under 200

200-500      above 500

6, The paper is about one’s ________.

  A. hobby               B. family                 C. job               D.school

7, Who answers the questionnaire?

  A. a teacher         B. a student               C. a worker        D. a lawyer

8, How much money does the woman make every month?

  A. under 1,000 yuan           B. 1,000 to 3,000 yuan

  C, 3,000 to 5,000 yuan        D. more than 5,000 yuan

9, What does the woman usually do on holidays?

  A. climb mountains    B. go shopping       C. see movies      D. play ball games

10. Which of the following is true?

  A. The woman spends less than 200 yuan on her hobby every month.

  B. The woman is 21-30 years old.

  C. The woman likes watching TV.

  D. The woman spends more than 500 yuan on her hobby every month.

Passage C


11,Sometimes I copy my classmates’ homework. But I never tell the truth to my teachers.

12, My friends always get angry with me because I can’t keep secrets.

13, I pay little attention to others’ ideas and opinions. I always think I’m right.

14, I always feel lonely. No one can understand me even my parents, so I seldom talk to others.

15, Internet is useful, but mum tells me that some websites are harmful to teenagers.

A. Don’t look down on (看不起) new ideas. Everyone’s ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.

B. Say “No” when someone tries to take money from you.

C. Do your homework by yourself. You can discuss(討論)with your classmates if you have problems with it.

D. Try to spend more time with others. You can ask your classmates or teachers to help you if you have problems with your study or in your daily life.

E. Try to keep secrets of your friends. No one wants others to know his/her secrets except he/she trusts you.

F. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.

G. Try to work and play with your friends. You may become more popular among them.

H. Only go to helpful websites. You can use the internet for fun or your homework.


Mr. Smith can run very fast. And __1___ is very proud of this.

One day a __2___ breaks into(破門而入) his ___3___ and steals something. Just as the thief is going to run away, Mr. Smith finds him, and quickly ___4___ after him.

“Hey! Stop! Don’t you know you can’t run __5___ than me?” Mr. Smith shouts.

But the thief just doesn’t ___6__. Mr Smith gets very __7____. He tries his best to run faster. Soon he catches up ___8___ the thief and runs ahead of (在。。。的前面) him.

“Why are you in such a hurry?” a __9__ asks.

“I’m trying to catch the thief.” says Mr. Smith.

“But __10___ is the thief?”

At that time, Mr. Smith finds he can’t see the thief any more.




Did you donate (捐獻(xiàn)) anything to Sichuan? People all over China and the world are giving help to the people there after the Wenchuan Earthquake.

Zha Xiaoxu is a Junior I student from Anhui. Last week, she brlke her piggy bank(存錢罐) open and donated all the 700 yuan to Sichuan.Han Han is one of the most popular writers. Shortly after the earthquake, he rushed to Sichuan to help as a volunteer(志愿者). Pop singer Jay Chou had a concert in Chongqing on Saturday. He decided to fice all the ticket money to Sichuan. Chou has already donated 500,000 yuan to the quake areas. Foreign rescuers(救援人員)from japan, Russia, Korea and Singapore are in Sichuan to help. Now more foreign doctors are on their way to Sichuan to look after the injured(受傷的)people.

Information Card

An earthquake happened in 1________

Zha Xiaoxu donated 2_________ to Sichuan.

Han Han rushed to sichuan to help as a 3________.

Jay Chou raised( 籌集)money for the quake areas by way of having a 4________ in Chongqing.

5________ from other countries are in Sichuan to help.

B) 書面表達(dá)

汶川5.12大地震牽動(dòng)著每一個(gè)中國人的心。假如你是王浩, 想申請(qǐng)參加當(dāng)?shù)亟逃块T組織的“愛心使者”活動(dòng),利用假期赴災(zāi)區(qū)兒童補(bǔ)習(xí)功課。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面申請(qǐng)表中的內(nèi)容寫一封信介紹你自己。

Application Form


Wang Hao




Junior 2


No. 2 Middle School



Favorite subjects              

math, science


listening to music, reading books



Dear Sir or Madam,


If you give me the chance, I will  try my best to help the children who need help.


                                                            Wang Hao





第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  65分)


初三英語 Unit 1?A










第Ⅰ卷(選擇題  60分)

