0  437087  437095  437101  437105  437111  437113  437117  437123  437125  437131  437137  437141  437143  437147  437153  437155  437161  437165  437167  437171  437173  437177  437179  437181  437182  437183  437185  437186  437187  437189  437191  437195  437197  437201  437203  437207  437213  437215  437221  437225  437227  437231  437237  437243  437245  437251  437255  437257  437263  437267  437273  437281  447090 

26. Tom usually takes a ____ in bus on rainy days.       A. walk  B. ride   C. trip   D. travel


25. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller ____.      A. set    B. one   C. copy  D. pair


24. The children are playing ____ on the ____.

    A. sand, sand         B. sands, sands       C. sand, sands           D. sands, sand


23. Li Ming’s handwriting is better than ____ in the class.

    A. anyone’s          B. anyone else        C. anyone’s else’s      D. anyone else’s


22. The mother over there is ____ mother.

    A. Julia and Mary      B. Julia and Mary’s     C. Julia’s and Mary’s   D. Julia’s and Mary


21. Two ____ walk didn’t made me tired.   A. hour      B. hours     C. hour’s     D. hours’


20. Have you ever read ____?

    A. today newspaper        B. newspaper today        C. newspaper of today  D. today’s newspaper


19. Sister Carrie works in a ____ factory.      A. shoes     B. shoses     C. shoe    D. shoe’s


18.I stayed at ____.        A. Xiao Wang’s    B. Wang’s home   C. the Wangs      D. home of Wang


17. ____ knowledge of space develops rapidly.   A. Man’s     B. Men’s   C. Mens’   D. Person’s

