精英家教網 > 高中英語 > 題目詳情

【題目】______ on mobile phones for storing information that people are unable to remember basic things.

A.Such is the dependenceB.Such dependence does

C.So they are dependentD.So do they depend



考查固定句式such is A + that +完整句子。句意:對于手機獲取存儲信息的依賴是如此之大以至于人們都無法記住基本的東西。such位于句首句子用全部倒裝;so+adj. / adv.置于句首,則其后的主句要用部分倒裝。故選A。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


In many countries, 1 is not unusual for families of different backgrounds to live together in the shared space. 2, in the United States, this idea may still be considered strange.

But this type of housing, 3(call) co-housing, is gaining 4(popular) in the United States, too. Co-housing complexes are popping up across the country. For many people, this way of life is a relief to the busy modern lifestyle. A co-housing community has 5 (private) owned houses and shared land. There is often a “common house” with a kitchen and dining room, meeting room, and maybe a workshop of library or music room. About 25 co-housing communities 6(build) in recent years, according to a report.

A co-housing complex is a place 7 residents shop, cook, and eat together. They like 8(it) sense of shared community. Children have other kids to play 9, which many families like. Other residents like the feeling of living in a “ village”. Residents also say that they can live in co-housing for 10(little) money than they would pay for nearby apartments.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Does the Body Burn Fat When You Are Hungry?

Your body stores fat as a way to help protect you against starvation if you can’t take in enough food. However, your fat reserve isn’t the first place your body goes for food. Instead, it reaches out for sugar for energy. 1

Hunger is normally a reflection that your body has used up energy from recent food you ate and has moved onto getting energy from sugar in your blood. 2 The more sugar you take in, the more fuel your body has to use before it reaches out to the fat stores. If your body doesn’t have enough sugar to supply the energy it needs, it begins to burn fat when you’re hungry instead.

Missing meals and going hungry can change your metabolism (新陳代謝) so it stores fat instead of burning it. 3 However, if you skip meals for several days and severely lower your calorie (卡路里) intake, your body begins to store as much fat as possible.

4 Your body burns up sugar stored in your system and begins to burn fat as you continue to exercise. However, exercising when you’re hungry won’t help you burn fat faster. A recent study shows that the body burns the same amount of fat regardless of whether you are hungry when you exercise.

Staying hungry all day won’t necessarily help you burn fat, but cutting calories is key to losing weight. 5 Snack (吃點心) in between meals to keep your metabolism working all day, which helps it burn more fat than if it’s allowed to slow down when it’s not meal time. Snacking in between meals can help you control your meal sizes at meal time.

A. Exercise is key to burning fat.

B. You shouldn’t cut out food to cut calories.

C. This doesn’t happen in a day of missing meals.

D. Just being hungry doesn’t mean your body is burning fat.

E. If you take in less food than your body burns, you’ll lose weight.

F. Your body stores sugar in case you need it when you feel hungry.

G. Eat five or six small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Communication Principles

How you see yourself can make a great difference in how you communicate.“Every individual exists in a continually changing world of experience of which heor sheis the center”.Many communication scholars and social scientists believe that people are products of how others treat them and of the messages others send them.But every day we experience the centrality of our selves in communication.A student.for instance,may describe a conflict with a teacher as unfair treatment“I know my teacher doesn’t like the fact that I don’t agree with his opinions.and that’s why he gave me such a poor grade in that class.”The teacher might say the opposite.Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other person’s view is wrong.

The concept of serf originates in communication.Through verbal and nonverbal symbols, a child learns to accept roles in response to the expectations of others.You establish self-imageThe sort of person you believe you are,by how others think of you.Positive,negativeand neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are.Communication itself is probably best understood as a dialogue process.Our understanding of communication comes from our interactions with other people.In a more obvious way.communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share.So,the communication begins with the self,as defined largely by others,and involves others,as defined largely by the self.

Communication Occurs almost every minute of your life.If you are not communicating with yourselfthinking,planningreacting to the world around you),you are observing others and drawing inferences from their behavior.Even if the other person did not intend a message for you.you gather observations and draw specific conclusions.A person yawns and you believe that person is bored with your message.A second person looks away from you and you conclude that person is not listening to you.A third person smilesperhaps because of a memory of a joke he heard recently and you believe that he is attracted to you.We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.

More often than notyou may have hurt someone accidentally and you may have tried to explain that you did not mean that. You may have told the other person that you were sorry for your statement.You may have made a joke out of your rude statement.Nonetheless,your comment remains both in the mind of the other person and in your own mind.You cannot go back in time and erase your messages to others.Communication cannot be reversed(倒退),nor can it be repeated.When you tried to re—create the atmospherethe conversation,and the settingnothing seemed right.Your second experience with a similar setting and person made far different results.

Paragraph outline

Supporting Details

Communication begins with the self

●People are somewhat products of others’ treatment and messages.

●we are always 1 in communication with others.

Communication 2 others

●Experiences of others help children learn to accept roles.

●Messages from others help you3 who you are.

●Needs and4 of others should be considered.

Communication 5 everywhere

●We are communicating with ourselves by thinking,planning and reacting to the outside world.

●We are always6other people by observing even if they do not intend any message for you.

●We are constantly collecting meanings from others’ 7 .

●We are constantly8 meanings by what we do.

Communication cannot be reversed nor repeated

●You may explain what you have done,but you cannot9 what remains in the other person’s mind.

●Yon may redo the conversationbut you10 achieve the same results.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1. 表示高興;

2. 推薦一部電影;

3. 推薦的理由(至少兩條)。

注意:1. 詞數100左右;

2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。



科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


1What is true about central Copenhagen?

A.There are 1.27 million bikes there.

B.There are more bikes than people there.

C.There are the most bike thieves in the world.

2What percentage of people in Copenhagen ride bikes throughout the year?


3Where are the free bicycles located?

A.Outside most offices.

B.Around major tourist attractions.

C.Near most schools.

4According to the talk, what are Copenhagen’s citizens like?

A.Serious and active.B.Wise and in good shape.C.Content and healthy.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 Imagine your clothing could release enough heat to keep you warm and cozy, allowing you to stay comfortable in a cooler room. Or, picture a car windshield that stores the sun's energy and then releases it as heat to make the ice on the windshield disappear.

According to a team of researchers at MIT, both cases may be possible before long, thanks to a new material that can store solar energy during the day and release it later as heat. This transparent polymer film could be applied to many different surfaces, such as window glass or clothing.

Solar energy is only available about half the time we need it — during daylight. For the sun to become a major power provider for human needs, there has to be an efficient way to save it up for use during nighttime and stormy days. Most such efforts have focused on storing and recovering solar energy in the form of electricity, but the new finding, by MlI professor Jeffrey Grossman, Postdoc David Zhitomirsky and graduate student Eugene Cho, could provide a highly efficient method for storing the sun's energy through a chemical reaction and releasing it later as heat.

The key to enabling long-term, stable storage of solar heat, the team said, is to store it in the form of a chemical change rather than storing the heat itself. But heat will disappear over time no matter how good the material around it is, so the team set up a chemical storage system that can keep the energy in a stable molecular configuration. When exposed to sunlight, the molecules can stay that way for long periods Then, when triggered (觸發(fā))by a very specific temperature or something else, the molecules return to their original shape , giving off heat in the process.

Such chemically-based storage materials, known as Solar Thermal Fuels(STF), have been developed before. But those earlier efforts were designed to be used in liquid solutions and not able to make durable (耐用的) solid-state films. The new approach is the first based on a solid-state material, in this case a polymer, and the first based on inexpensive materials and widespread production technology.

1What is the main purpose of Paragraph 1?

A.To show the main idea of the passage.

B.To practice readers' imagination.

C.To interest readers in the passage.

D.To introduce a new kind of material.

2According to the passage, what can the polymer film do?

A.It can be made into window glass.

B.It can make necessary electricity.

C.It can store energy and release sunshine.

D.It can absorb sunshine and give off heat.

3According to the passage, what is STF based on?

A.The chemical reaction.

B.The movement of heat.

C.The form of electricity.

D.The physical reaction.

4What is the advantage of the molecular configuration?

A.It is less expensive.

B.It is very powerful.

C.It is easily available.

D.It is less changeable.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】 A child who suffers bullying(霸凌) usually has low self-esteem and their ability to learn and be successful at school is greatly lessened. Therefore, bullying must be stopped.

The best and most obvious way to stop bullying in schools is for parents to change the way they raise their children at home. Of course, this is much easier said than done and everyone raises their children differently. Bullies, however, come from homes where physical punishment is used and children have been taught that physical violence is the way to handle problems and “get their way”. Bullies usually also come from homes where the parents fight a lot, so children have been modeled on such violence. Parental involvement is often lacking in bullies’ lives and there seems to be little warmth.

Early intervention (干預) is truly the best way to stop bullying, but parents of the victims or therapists(治療師) can’t alter the bully’s home environment. Some things can be done at the school level, however. Most school programs that address bullying apply a multi-faceted(多層面的) method to the problem.

Hand out questionnaires to all students and teachers and discuss if bullying is occurring. Define exactly what constitutes(構成) bullying at school. The questionnaire is a wonderful tool that allows the school to see how widespread bullying is and what forms it is taking. It is a good way to start to solve the problem.

Get the children’s parents involved in a bullying program. If parents of the bullies and the victims are not aware of what is going on at school, then the whole bullying program will not be effective. Stopping bullying in school takes teamwork and concentrated effort on everyone’s part. Bullying also should be discussed during parent-teacher conferences and PTA meetings. Parental awareness is the key.

In the classroom setting, all teachers should work with the students on bullying. Oftentimes even the teacher is being bullied in the classroom and a program should be set up to teach about bullying. Children understand modeling behaviors and role-play and acting out bullying situations is a very effective tool. Have students role-play a bullying situation.

1In the author’s opinion, bullies usually _____________.

A.have extremely high self-esteem

B.know little of the harm of violence

C.look forward to parental involvement

D.experience or witness violence at home

2What does the underlined word “alter” in paragraph 3 mean?



3Paragraph 5 suggests that it’s important to ______________.

A.make a punishment program effective

B.let parents know their children are bullies

C.find the key to improving security at school

D.make parents conscious of bullying at school

4What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to stop bullying in school.B.What leads to violence in schools.

C.What parents can do to stop bullying.D.How to comfort those who are bullied.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:







To offer a chance for our students to keep in touch with society, last Saturday our class was organized some meaningful social practice activities. We were divided into second groups. One group went to the crossings near our school, intending to helping the traffic policemen. The another group went to collect rubbishes in Hongxing Park. Meanwhile, we introduced some simply ways of environmental protection and remind people not to destroy the beauty of nature. It was the memorable day because our behavior received praise the public and we benefited a lot from these activities.

