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第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題  共48分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)






命題:敬大海   李華康   汪輝勛  

審題:何從春   帥  瑤   劉宇杰





   A.人口數(shù)量     B.地價     C.車流量     D.煉油廠的位置


   A.①           B.②       C.③         D.④



















   A.棉花、亞麻     B.甜菜、小麥     C.高粱、黃麻     D.甜菜、亞麻


7.廣東大力發(fā)展石化產(chǎn)業(yè)的優(yōu)勢條件有 以下因素中的:①市場廣闊,②資源豐富,③海運便利,④技術先進,⑤勞動力豐富

A.①②         B.①③           C.③④        D.④⑤







   A.農(nóng)村的剩余勞力的安置           B.環(huán)境質(zhì)量的提高

C.經(jīng)濟結構的改善                 D.工業(yè)技術水平的提高




A.a(chǎn) 和e      B.c和d  

    C.e和d      D.b和c







 A.明朝中后期資本主義萌芽出現(xiàn)       B.清朝前期大機戶兼并小機戶       

 C.清政府限制手工工場的規(guī)模         D.封建專制制度阻礙資本主義萌芽的成長


 ①尚書省  ②中書省   ③門下省   ④皇帝

 A.③④           B.②③          C.①③④         D.②③④





D.清朝設立軍機處,使專制主義制度發(fā)展到頂峰 15.在中國文化的主流思想中,始終貫穿著一條恤民愛民的紅線,閃爍著民本主義的思想火花,下列思想能夠證明這一點的是:

 ①為政以德                 ②水則載舟,水則覆舟

 ③罷黜百家,獨尊儒術       ④食者,民之本也;民者,國之本也

 A.①④           B.①②③④             C.①②④        D.②④


 A.政治腐敗官員賄賂公行              B.只學西方技術、拒絕變革制度

 C.從德國購買的戰(zhàn)艦性能落后于日本    D.中國工業(yè)化起步晚于日本


 A.純粹考證儒學經(jīng)典的真?zhèn)?nbsp;         B.不敢從正面批判君主專制制度

 C.借助儒學外衣宣傳西方政治學說    D.大力倡導“中學為體,西學為用”


 A.華北    B.華東    C.華中    D.華南







 A.沒有發(fā)生“價格革命”            B.沒有經(jīng)受文化復興的洗禮

 C.沒有受到資產(chǎn)階級革命風暴沖擊    D.資本主義工商業(yè)沒有發(fā)展起來





D.調(diào)整統(tǒng)治策略,加強在印度的殖民統(tǒng)治 22.科技史專家丹皮爾認為:“科學過去是躲在經(jīng)驗技術的隱蔽角落里辛勤工作,當它走到前面?zhèn)鬟f而且高舉火炬的時候,科學時代就可以說已經(jīng)開始了”。反映材料所述的“科學時代就可以說已經(jīng)開始了”特征的科技發(fā)明是

 A.珍妮機  B.蒸汽機   C.發(fā)電機    D.人造衛(wèi)星












 A.①②③        B.①②④        C.②③④          D.①②③④





 D.人民代表大會制是建立其他國家管理制度的基礎 干部選得準不準,先讓群眾審一審。干部任前公示制度已經(jīng)成為如今干部任用中的常態(tài)。干部任免之前,將擬任干部的有關情況,通過新聞媒體或發(fā)文件、召開會議、張榜公布等形式向社會公布,接受各方面對于干部選拔任用工作的監(jiān)督。據(jù)此回答26―27題:


 ①有利于群眾對擬任干部的監(jiān)督              ②讓公民更好行使對干部的任免權   

 ③增強組織人事部門決策的科學性和正確性    ④ 能激發(fā)基層群眾參政議政的熱情

 A.①②        B. ①③④          C. ①②③             D. ③④







 A.立法權                  B.監(jiān)督權            C.決定權       D.任免權


 ①共同組成最高國家權力機關           ②全國人大常委是全國人大的常設機構   

 ③兩者共同組成我國國家權力機關體系   ④兩者共同行使國家立法權

 A.①③        B.①④        C.②③           D.②④



 ①有利于維護人民群眾的知情權    ②有利于轉變政府職能   

 ③有利于增強政府的服務意識      ④有利于增強政府的群眾意識

 A.①②        B.③④          C.①②③              D.①②③④


 ① 社會主義民主建設在不斷發(fā)展完善     ②民主是社會主義的生命   

 ③ 民主發(fā)展程度受社會經(jīng)濟條件的制約   ④社會主義民主的本質(zhì)是人民當家作主

 A.①②③         B.②③④              C.①②④            D.①③④


 ①依法界定政府的管理職能    ②深化行政審批制度   

 ③加強社會管理和共服務      ④建立社會聽證和公示制度

 A.①       B.①②        C.①②③     D.①②③④







A.①②③        B.②③④          C.①③④              D.①②④






①是為了執(zhí)政黨把工作搞好       ②是在中國共產(chǎn)黨監(jiān)督下的監(jiān)督   

③ 這樣的監(jiān)督執(zhí)政黨容易接受    ④這種監(jiān)督有利于執(zhí)政黨地位的穩(wěn)固

A.①②③        B.②③④            C.①③④          D.①②④

































材料二:第2條中華民國之主權,屬于國民全體。 第4條中華民國以參議院、臨時大總統(tǒng)、國務員、法院,行使其統(tǒng)治權。 第6條國內(nèi)各民族一律平等,國民有人身、居住、  財





材料四:第1條中華人民共和國是工人階級領導的、以工農(nóng)聯(lián)盟為基礎的人民民主國家。 第2條中華人民共和國的一切權利屬于人民。人民行使權力的機關是全國人民代表大會和地方各級人民代表大會……  第86條中華人民共和國年滿十八周歲的公民,不分民族、種族、性別、職業(yè)、社會出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、財產(chǎn)狀況、居住期限,都有選舉權和被選舉權……















1.(2008年重慶一中高2009級月考學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com))下列有關工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的敘述正確的是 學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)




D.工業(yè)上將氨轉變?yōu)橄跛峒捌渌幕衔锸堑墓潭?img src="http://pic.1010jiajiao.com/pic4/docfiles/down/test/down/a59d6ded1a2dcf6e1ea5f31d82abebdf.zip/58580/file:///E:\cooco.net.cn\docfiles\down\test\down\%25&Ovr2\a59d6ded1a2dcf6e1ea5f31d82abebdf.zip\58580\2009屆高三化學各地月考試題匯編:化學與技術(3).files\image004.jpg" alt="學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)" >

2.(江寧高級中學08~09學年度第一學期高三年級12月月考三 校 聯(lián) 考 )(8分)鎂及其合金是一種用途很廣的金屬材料,目前世界上60%的鎂是從海水中提取的。某學校課外興趣小組從海水曬鹽后的鹽鹵(主要含Na+、Mg2+、Cl、Br等)中模擬工業(yè)生產(chǎn)來提取鎂,主要過程如下:回答下列問題:








(1) 從過程①得到的Mg(OH)2沉淀中混有少量的Ca(OH)2 ,除去少量Ca(OH)2的方法是先將沉淀加入到盛有         溶液的燒杯中,

充分攪拌后經(jīng)       (填操作方法)可得純凈的Mg(OH)2。

(2) 右圖是該興趣小組設計進行過程③的實驗裝置圖:


(3) 寫出過程④中發(fā)生反應的化學方程式               。



     (1) MgCl2(或氯化鎂)  (2分)   過濾   洗滌 (2分)      

 (3)制備干燥的HCl氣體,抑制MgCl2的水解。 (2分)   (2分)

3. ( 天門中學2008年高二12月考試)工業(yè)上用鋁土礦(主要成分為Al2O3?xH2O、Fe2O3、SiO2等)提取純Al2O3做冶煉鋁的原料,提取時操作過程如下圖,指出圖中操作錯誤的是(A )

A.④⑤           B.③④           C.②⑤           D.①②

4 下列有關金屬冶煉的說法中,不正確的是(B )







5 (廈門雙十中學09屆高三化學檢測題)鋁是地殼中含量最多的金屬元素,1854年法國化學家德維爾用金屬鈉還原氯化鈉和氯化鋁的復鹽,獲得了金屬鋁單質(zhì)。1886年,美國人豪爾和法國人海郎特,分別獨立地電解熔融的氧化鋁和冰晶石的混合物,制得了金屬鋁,奠定了今天大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)鋁的基礎。


                                                        CO2                    溶液B

        NaOH溶液         溶液A

鋁土礦                                             操作Ⅱ                                 △

操作Ⅰ                                                       不溶物B              氧化鋁




                  、                 。

(2)經(jīng)分析不溶物A的主要成分為                。

(3)工業(yè)上電解煉鋁的化學方程式為:                                           ,若電路中通過1mol電子,可以得到鋁             g



                                                           物質(zhì)Y                                   物質(zhì)Z

                  高溫                                         ②

物質(zhì)X                                                                                              ③  溶液B


                                                          CO2         NaOH



①上述轉化中未涉及到四種基本反應類型中的                              反應;

②寫出轉化③的化學方程式(該反應在工業(yè)生產(chǎn)中稱為苛化法)                        。









(4)置換(1分);  Na2CO3+Ca(OH)2 = CaCO3↓+2NaOH(1分)


5.(自貢市高2009級高三理科綜合能力測試“一模”) (本題14分)



    ①若A為金屬單質(zhì),則B中所含的化學鍵為        ,C中的陽離子與陰離子的數(shù)目之比為    ;

    ②電閃雷鳴的雨天,高空中某些物質(zhì)間存在上述轉化關系,則A的化學式為              。




  乙裝置中部的裝置叫                     ,其作用是                                                           。

(2)若A、B、C皆由碳、氫、氧三種元素組成,且A分于中電子總數(shù)為26,則m克C完全燃燒后的產(chǎn)物通入足量Na2O2中,Na2O2增重質(zhì)量為            g。



   (1)①離子鍵     2 :l(每空2分,共4分)





(2) m  (2分)

6.(2008~2009學年度第一學期高三期中聯(lián)考)下列化工生產(chǎn)中所用設備與右邊化學反應方程式對應錯誤的是(D  )

    A.石油工業(yè):裂化裝置         C16H34            C8H18  + C8H16 

    B.硫酸工業(yè):沸騰爐           4FeS2 +11 O22Fe2O3+ 8SO2    

    C.煉鐵工業(yè):高爐             Fe2O3 + 3CO2Fe + 3CO2

    D.氯堿工業(yè):電解槽           Cl2 + 2NaOHNaCl + NaClO + H2



⑴ 海水淡化處理多用蒸餾法。右圖是海水蒸餾原理示意圖。蒸餾法的特點是設備結構、操作簡單,淡水質(zhì)量好,但也具有明顯的缺陷。

①     你認為蒸餾法進行海水淡化的主要缺陷是           


② 我省某沿海地區(qū)擬采用蒸餾法興建一座大型海水淡化工廠,為克服蒸餾法海水淡化的缺陷,請你為該地區(qū)提出一條合理化建議                                   ;

⑵ 海水淡化后得到的淡水應進行技術處理后才能得到完全滿足生產(chǎn)、生活要求的水,使用離子交換樹脂與水中的離子進行交換是常用的水處理技術。聚丙烯酸鈉是一種離子交換樹脂,寫出聚丙烯酸鈉單體的結構簡式                                 ;

⑶ 從海水中可以獲取食鹽、鎂、鉀、溴及其化工產(chǎn)品?諝獯党龇ㄊ悄壳皬暮K刑崛′宓某S梅椒ǎ唧w流程如下:










①     實驗室中粗鹽提純的過程中添加的試劑及順序:__________________________;


② 反應①、反應③的離子方程式分別為                                      ;

⑷ 上述流程中虛線方框內(nèi)生產(chǎn)流程的作用是                                 















第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題  共48分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)


文本框:          考場號_____  考試號________________  學號_____  班級___________座位號__________    姓名_____________ 

  高三英語 答題卷     2009.3





















1.               2.               3.               4.               5.             

6.               7.               8.               9.               10.         







    How to build an economized society

       Our government is aiming to build an economized society.It is everybody’s duty work hard to achieve this goal including us students.























高三英語答案 09.3

1-5 ABCBC  6-10 AABAC  11-15 BACBB  16-20 CCABA

21-25 ADDBC  26-30 CDBBD  31-35 CCBAA
36―40 BABCA    41―45 CDDBC     46―50 DBDCA    51―55 CBADA

56-59 C A D D  60-63 D B C A    64-67 DDBD    68-70BCD

71. qualities  72. clean  73. potential/capability   74. component/composition  

75. change/modify  76. effects  77. problem/trouble/headache  78. fall 

79. prediction  80. result/ consequence /outcome

One possible version:

How to build an economized society

       Our government is aiming to build an economized society.It is everybody’s duty work hard to achieve this goal including us students.

       Recently, the statistics in the report of one certain school in two school terms suggest that the expenses of electricity, water and paper are surprisingly large and growing rapidly, which draws our attention.

       As a common member of society, we must keep the following points in our minds.First, make sure that the lights and all the other electric facilities are turned off when we finish our work and leave the room.Secondly, try to form the habit of turning off the tap after it is used and the waste water can be reused for more purposes before being thrown into sewers.Thirdly, save paper as much as possible in our everyday life.It is even better to reuse it.

       In a word, if we pay much attention to our everyday behavior and take actions to reduce waste, we can make contributions to an economized society.










高三英語試卷 09.3


第一節(jié)  聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應的位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒種的時間來回答有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

1.How did the woman learn about the job opening?

A.A friend told her about it.             B.She saw an ad in the newspaper.

C.She heard about it during a television interview.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.She had attended the lecture on Friday morning.

B.She got mixed up with the dates.       C.The man doesn’t need to remind her.

3.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a café.          B.In a kitchen.           C.In a store.

4.What does the man suggest?

A.The woman will be more careful next time.

B.They try to think of a solution.           C.They come downstairs.

5.Why is Tracy so happy?

A.She has received the latest issue of the journal.

B.She has won a prize for her research.     C.She has got her paper published.

第二節(jié)  聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各個小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。


6.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

    A.Husband and wife.        B.Doctor and patient.      C.Doctor and nurse.

7.Why doesn’t the man’s head hurt that much?

A.Because he’s frightened.          B.Because he’s feeling much better.

C.Because he’s treated.


8.What does the package the man chooses include?

A.Five nights’ accommodation and a five-minute walk.

B.A sightseeing tour on boat and accommodation.

C.The stay and transportation.

9.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man has just got married.         B.They will take boat to the destination.

C.The Maid of the Mist is the most beautiful scenery.

10.How much will the man pay for the trip?

A.$ 339.           B.$ 678.            C.$ 1,356.

11.What does the man think of the package?

A.Interesting.            B.Satisfactory.           C.Adventurous.


12.Who uses the Internet more longer every day?

A.The man.              B.The woman.             C.Their boss.

13.What do we know from the conversation?

A.All the information on the Internet is false.

B.The woman doesn’t know the Internet at all.

C.The man is very cautious when he does shopping online.


14.What is the weather like this summer?

A.Hot and humid.            B.Very cool.           C.Rainy.

15.What kind of situation was the boy in last summer?

A.It rained every day so he had nothing to do but sleep.

B.He didn’t have an air-conditioner so he left the window wide-open every night.

C.He slept with no fan at all.

16.What do we know about the girl?

A.She doesn’t agree with the boy on last summer’s weather.

B.She is not accustomed to the heat.

C.She enjoys the summer holiday.

17.What is NOT true on Seattle according to the boy?

A.Seattle is a coastal city.

B.Seattle doesn’t get hot until late July.

C.It is rather humid in Seattle in summer.


18.Who are the main characters of the science fiction book?

A.A group of soldiers.       B.A group of sailors.     C.Two young people.

19.Where and when does the romantic book set?

A.In China in the 1920s.               B.In China in the 1930s.

C.In England in the 1930s.

20.What type of book is the third book?

    A.A biography.           B.A historical novel.         C.A sports novel.


第一節(jié) 單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


21. When asked by his son to take him on a picnic lunch in ______ park, Mark told him they have to wait for ______ better time.
   A. the, a               B. a, a                 C. a, the               D. /, a

22. After being admitted to university, you’ll have to arrange most of the life ______ your own.
   A. by                  B. for                  C. of                   D. on
23. A large proportion of rural work force is now serving in different lines in the city, ______
leaving the old and the children in nearly empty nestles (家).
 A. then                 B. and                C. so                   D. thus
24. It has become a nationwide requirement that every student ______ have daily exercise for one hour.
   A. must                 B. should                 C. will               D. need
25. -Kate, may I use your bike for a moment?
   -Sorry, it ______, so I’m afraid it’s not available at the moment.  
  A. is repaired         B. has been repaired     C. is being repaired   D. has repaired    
26. He found it dull to be kept in the same class with the other students, for his English was ______ above the beginners’ level.
   A. obvious rather      B. obvious much        C. obviously well   D. obviously fairly
27. Toys of the children today hardly bear any resemblance to ______ of ______ when we were little kids.
   A. that, ours           B. those, us            C. that, us         D. those, ours

28. Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ______ one-year-old twins at the head.
  A. isolated        B. separated      C. divided     D. removed
29. For more information, please send an e-mail, ______ you can also include your suggestions to us.
    A. when               B. where              C. which          D. that
30. He told me that he had mailed part of the samples and that the rest ______ in a few days.
   A. was following       B. have followed       C. has followed       D. were following
31. _____, the work can be done much better.       
  A. Give more time   B. Giving more time    C. More time given     D. If giving more tine

32. Tom couldn’t see there was any point in _______ they had been investigating, so he dropped out.
    A. which                B. where                C. what              D. that
33. What we have been doing may not do us any good, but ______ it will benefit us or others, we’ll stick it out.
   A. no matter            B whether               C. however           D. despite
34. When we got to the scenic spot, they found everything ______ while I felt ______.
   A. interesting, differently                B. interesting, different  
  C. interestingly, differently              D. interestingly, different   
35. -----(At the doctor’s) It’s nothing serious, doctor?       -----No, _______.

A. you’ll be all right soon               B.you won’t be all right soon

C.       there’s some trouble with you          D.it’s very serious

第二節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題,每小題1分,滿分20分)


I got a guitar for my birthday, and since then I have been struggling. It has awakened   36  side of myself within me. And it couldn’t have happened at a   37   time.

I’m a senior, I’m going to graduate soon and I know what   38   I’m going to. And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly ­  39  me that I’m going to be a rock star, not a scientist.

A few weeks ago I was given the   40  simple task of writing a short story. I sat down to   _41  a beautiful work of fiction that would   42   my teacher and classmates. To be honest, this is an area I generally feel very   43   in. I really   44   it and such writing tasks used to take the least amount of time. So I was trying to write my story, and   45   the room lay my beautiful birthday present.

“Once upon a time,” I wrote. Then I stopped,   46   in my chair, and stared for a moment at the   47  . Its dark red paint was   48   and I could see my reflection (倒影) in its perfect surface. And then my reflection started dancing and singing. I wasn’t   49  , but it sure was. I’d follow its   50  . So I seized my guitar and plucked (撥動) a string. I sat rocking with my guitar until late   51   the night. I was sure I was preparing for the   52   much more efficiently now that I wasn’t spending time writing stories.  

       Needless to say, no story was written, and many   53   arose in my mind. Since then, I have constantly asked, “Am I   54   for not wanting to do my work anymore?” More importantly,   55  , I’ve learned I really am going to be a rock star.

36.A.outer               B.a(chǎn)nother                   C.interesting              D.relaxing

37.A.worse                     B.better                           C.more certain           D.more modern

38.A.concert                   B.college                   C.place                     D.city

39.A.teaching                 B.a(chǎn)dvising                 C.reminding              D.fooling

40.A.seemingly        B.a(chǎn)ctually                  C.obviously               D.partly

41.A.plan                       B.carry                     C.create                    D.continue

42.A.ruin                       B.a(chǎn)muse                    C.a(chǎn)dmire                   D.surprise

43.A.happy                    B.rich                       C.fortunate                D.strong

44.A.understand       B.enjoy                     C.feel                       D.mind

45.A.below                    B.beside                    C.a(chǎn)cross                    D.outside

46.A.digested                 B.edited                    C.stayed                    D.turned

47.A.paper                     B.instrument              C.floor                      D.desk

48.A.running           B.fading                    C.deepening              D.shining

49.A.playing                  B.dreaming               C.moving                  D.repeating

50.A.lead                B.music                    C.speed                     D.rule

51.A.of                          B.a(chǎn)t                          C.into                       D.for

52.A.university        B.future                    C.life                        D.exam

53.A.doubts             B.fears                      C.discussions             D.problems

54.A.curious            B.lazy                       C.a(chǎn)lone                     D.normal

55.A.though                   B.therefore                C.otherwise               D.even




BEUING (Associated Press 美聯(lián)社) ― China has a growing middle class, a tradition of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year.Selling educational toys should be easy.

     While China may be the world’s biggest toy maker, many of the best are exported.Department stores here do not have enough high quality toys.It is said that the demand for educational toys is low.A US company, BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China.

       BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals.People who join the company’s “mother club” can get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra cost, if they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the company’s educational toys and childcare books.

       “We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people,” said Matthew J.Estes, BabyCare’s president.“It starts during pregnancy, when the anxiety and needs are highest.” BabyCare works on a one-to-one basis.Doctors, nurses, and teachers paid by BabyCare advise parents, explain toys that are designed for children at each stage of development to age six.

BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo.It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years.

       It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children’s education and health that no other companies are in.

56.What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us?

       A.Educational toys and foreign toy markets.

      B.Problems with China’s toy market and education.

      C.Reasons for pushing sales of educational toys in China.

      D.Baby population and various kinds of toys made in China.

57.Which of the following is a fact according to the passage?

      A.Club members buy BabyCare products for free child care advice.

      B.Doctors in Beijing help in making BabyCare products.

      C.Parents are encouraged to pay $ 18 for club activities.

      D.BabyCare trains Chinese doctors at no extra cost.

58.BabyCare is developing its business in China by ________.

       A.opening stores in Beijing hospitals         B.setting up children’s education centers

       C.offering 18-month courses on child care   D.forming close relationships with parents

59.Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

       A.Mothers’ Club in China.                 B.BabyCare and Doctors.

       C.American Company Model.            D.Educational Toys in China.


When we walk through the city, we all experience a kind of information overload but we pay attention only to those that are important to us.We don’t stop, we keep our faces expressionless and eyes straight ahead, and in doing so, we are not just protecting ourselves but are avoiding overloading other people as well.

       We make use of stereotypes(刻板的模式) as convenient ways to make quick judgments about situations and people around us. They may not always be accurate, and they can often be dangerously wrong, but they are used regularly.

       The problem with the stereotypes is that they restrict experience. By using limited clues to provide us with a rapid opinion of other people or places we may choose to limit our communication. We may decide not to go to certain places because we believe they will not offer something we enjoy.

       In the city, styles of dress are particularly important with regard to self-presentation. Different groups often use clearly identifiable styles of clothes so that they can be easily recognized. It is becoming increasingly common for brand names to be placed on the outside of clothes, and this labeling makes it easy to send out information about fashion and price instantly, and lets other tell at a distance whether an individual has similar tastes and is a suitable person to associate with.

       In England, where social grouping or class continues to make social distinctions, clothes, hairstyles, people’s pronunciation and the manner of speaking are all clues to our social group. Class distinctions tend to be relatively fixed, although in the city where greater variety is permitted, they are more likely to be secondary determining factors of friendship and association.

60.People walking in cities ignore the surroundings because     .

     A.they do not wish to talk to other people      B.everyone else is expressionless

     C.the environment is already familiar to them  D.there is too much information to take in

61.According to the passage, the main disadvantage of using stereotypes is that they      .

       A.a(chǎn)re likely to lead us into dangerous situations

       B.may make us miss some pleasant experience

       C.can rarely be relied on                D.make us mentally lazy

62.From the passage we may conclude that       .

       A.stereotypes can help to understand people fully

B.people are becoming more interested in fashion

       C.dressing can send messages about individuals

       D.stereotypes can do more harm than good to people

63.It would appear that in England, a person’s class      .

       A.might be less important in making friends in a city

       B.is mainly determined by his pronunciation

*       C.plays less of a role than it did in the past  

D.is something that can be changed easily



Special Bridges Help Animals Cross the Road

―Reported by Sheila Carrick

       Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

       Most people know this joke.  But recently, some people have been much more worried about how the grizzly bear (灰熊) and mountain lion can cross the road.

       “Millions of animals die each year on U.S. roads,” the Federal Highway Administration reports. In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, exist in the U.S. today. The main reason? Roadkill.

       “Ecopassages” may help animals cross the road without being hit by cars.  They are paths both over and under roads.  “These ecopassages can be extremely useful, so that wildlife can avoid road accidents,” said Jodi Hilty of the Wildlife Protection Society.

       But do animals actually use the ecopassages?  The answer is yes. Paul Beier of Northern Arizona University found foot marks left by mountain lions on an ecopassage that went under a highway.  This showed that the lions used the passage.

Builders of ecopassages try to make them look like a natural part of an area by planting trees on and around them. Animals seem to be catching on. Animals as different as salamanders (火蜥蜴) and grizzly bears are using the bridges and underpasses.

       The next time you visit a park or drive through an area with a lot of wildlife, look around.  You might see an animal overpass!

64. The writer uses the example of “ocelots” to show that _______.

A. wild animals have become more dangerous

B. the driving conditions have improved greatly

C. the measure for protecting wildlife fails to work

D. an increasing number of animals are killed in road accidents

65. From the news story, we know an ecopassage is ________.

A. an underground path for cars                            B. a fence built for the safety of the area

C. a bridge for animals to get over a river              D. a path for animals to cross the road

66. When the writer says that animals seem “to be catching on”, he means ________.

A. animals begin to realize the dangers on the road

B. animals begin to learn to use ecopassages

C. animals are crossing the road in groups       D. animals are increasing in number

67. The writer asks visitors and drivers to look around when traveling because ________.

A. wild animals may attack cars                     B. wild animals may jam the road

C. they may see wild animals in the park  D. they may see wild animals on ecopassages


  As you dash outdoors in the middle of winter, you might make it halfway down the block before realizing that your ears are freezing because you forgot your hat.

Now, scientists have shown that even though you’ve had an apparent memory lapse(喪失),your brain never forgot what you should have done.

Memory works mainly by association(聯(lián)想). For example, as you try to remember where you left your keys, you might recall you last had them in the living room, which reminds you that there was an ad for soap on television, which reminds you that you need soap, and so on. And then, as you’re heading out the door to buy soap, you remember that your keys are on the kitchen counter.

Your brain knew where the keys were all along, it just took a round-about way to get there.

Now, scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies are studying associative memory in monkeys to figure out just how this complicated process works.

First, the researchers trained a group of monkeys to remember arbitrary pairs of symbols. The researchers showed the monkeys one symbol(cold weather)and then gave them the choice of two other symbols, one of which (a hat)would be associated with the first. A correct choice would earn them a sip of their favorite juice.

Most of the monkeys performed the test perfectly, but one kept making mistakes.

“We wondered what happened in the brain when the monkeys made the wrong choice, although they apparently learned the right pairing of symbols,” said study leader Thomas Albright.

Albright and his team observed signals from the nerve cells in the monkey’s inferior temporal cortex(ITC), an area of its brain used for visual pattern recognition and for storing this type of memory.

As the monkey was deciding which symbol to choose, about a quarter of the activity in the ITC was due to the choice behavior.

Meanwhile, more than half of the activity was in a different group of nerve cells, which scientists believe represent the monkey’s memory of the correct symbol pairing, and surprisingly, these cells continued to fire even when the monkey chose the wrong symbol.

“In this sense, the cells ‘knew’ more than the monkeys let on in their behavior,” Albright said. “Thus, behavior may vary, but knowledge endures.”

68. The example of the keys and soap is given to explain the relationship between______.

   A. memory lapse and human brain       B. memory and association

C. memory and television ads           D. memory and our daily life

69. Which of the following best explains the general idea of the text?

   A. Your brain may forget something, but not always.

B. Activity is a round-about way to memory.

C. Your brain remembers what you forget.      D. Monkeys have better memory than us.

70. The underlined word “endures” may best be replaced by ________.

   A. disappears       B. increases        C. improves        D. remains




Scientists develop non-stick chewing gum

Scientists have developed a non-stick chewing gum that can be easily removed from pavements, shoes and clothes.

The new gum, the result of polymer research at the University of Bristol, could be launched commercially in 2008, its developers said on Friday.

If it catches on, the product will solve a major headache for local authorities around the world.

"The advantage of our Clean Gum is that it has a great taste, it is easy to remove and has the potential to be environmentally degradable(可降解性)," said Terence Cosgrove, a professor of chemistry who helped found a company called Revolymer to commercialize the technology.

Today's chewing gums are made from synthetic latex, which is resistant to the weather and is strongly adhesive. The new gum adds a special polymer to modify its properties, making it far less sticky.

In two street trials, leading commercial gums remained stuck to the pavement three out or four times, while Clean Gum came away naturally in all cases, Revolymer said.

Title: Scientists develop non-stick chewing gum

Main Items


High    71  

1. The new gum has a great taste.

2. It is easy to  72  up.

3. It has the  73  to be environmentally degradable.

A different   74 

The new gum adds a special polymer to  75  its properties.

The    76  

1. The new gum will solve a major  77  for local authorities around the world.

2. The new gum can  78  off naturally in all cases.

The developers’  79

The new gum, the  80  of polymer research at the University of Bristol, could be launched commercially in 2008.


Main Items


High    71  

1. The new gum has a great taste.

2. It is easy to  72  up.

3. It has the  73  to be environmentally degradable.

A different   74 

The new gum adds a special polymer to  75  its properties.

The    76  

1. The new gum will solve a major  77  for local authorities around the world.

2. The new gum can  78  off naturally in all cases.

The developers’  79

The new gum, the  80  of polymer research at the University of Bristol, could be launched commercially in 2008.

71. ______________   72. ______________   73. ______________   74. _____________ 

75. ______________   76. ______________   77. ______________   78. _____________ 

79. ______________   80. ______________  

第五部分 書面表達 (共25分)


我國正提倡建設“節(jié)約型社會”,下圖為某校兩個學期用水、用電、用紙的情況。請對其進行簡要分析,以“How to build an economized society”為題,寫一篇作文,談談自己的想法。





























How to build an economized society

       Our government is aiming to build an economized society.It is everybody’s duty work hard to achieve this goal including us students.









第Ⅰ卷  (選擇題  共48分)學科網(wǎng)(Zxxk.Com)



1、(浙江省富陽新中2008(上)高三期中考試) (本題9分)碳酸鈉是造紙、玻璃、紡織、制革等行業(yè)的重要原料。工業(yè)碳酸鈉(純度約98%)中含有Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe3+、Cl和SO等雜質(zhì),提純工藝路線如下:













____________________                         _。

(4)已知:Na2CO3?10H2O(s)=Na2CO3(s)+10H2O(g);ΔH1= +532.36 kJ?mol-1

        Na2CO3?10H2O(s)=Na2CO3?H2O(s)+9H­2O(g);ΔH2= +473.63 kJ?mol-1


答案.(1)   Mg(OH)2、Fe(OH)3、CaCO3。 (2分,漏1-2個,扣1分)

(2)   “趁熱過濾”的原因是使析出的晶體為Na2CO3?H2O,防止因溫度過低而析出Na2CO3?10H2O晶體,令后續(xù)的加熱脫水耗時長。                     (2分)

       (3)   連續(xù)兩次稱量的質(zhì)量差不超過0.1g。            (2分)

  (4)Na2CO3?H2O(s)=Na2CO3(s)+H­2O(g);ΔH2= +58.73kJ?mol-1



A.工業(yè)上用熱還原法冶煉鐵:Fe2O3 +3CO3CO2 +2Fe




3.(2008年秋季湖北省部分重點中學期中聯(lián)考)中學化學中涉及到一些重要的化學工業(yè),以下有關化工生產(chǎn)敘述正確的是( C )





4.( 河南省鄲城一高09高三化學尖子生第三考試)黃銅礦(CuFeS2)是制取銅及其化合物的主要原料之一,還可以制備硫及鐵的化合物。


若CuFeS2中Fe的化合價為+2,反應中被還原的元素是           (填元素符號)。

⑵上述冶煉過程產(chǎn)生大量SO2。下列處理方案中合理的是           (填代號)。

a.高空排放                     b.用于制備硫酸

c.用純堿溶液吸收制Na2SO4         d.用濃硫酸吸收


通過改變反應途徑,F(xiàn)e3+、Fe2+均可催化上述反應。試用離子方程式表示Fe3+對上述反應催化的過程。                          、                         (不必配平)




a.除去Al3+的離子方程式是                              。


提供的試劑:稀鹽酸   稀硫酸    KSCN溶液  KMnO4溶液  NaOH溶液  碘水

所選試劑為                             。




5.( 河南省鄲城一高09高三化學尖子生第三考試)工業(yè)上將S02轉化為SO3是在接觸室(如右圖)里進行的,中部是一個熱交換器,它是用導熱性能好的管狀材料制成。溫度低的氣體從管外流過;經(jīng)上層催化反應后的熱氣體從管內(nèi)流過,通過導熱材料進行氣體與氣體的熱交換。 中學化學實驗中也有許多需要進行熱交換,下列實驗中不需要進行熱交換的是(A)

  A.電解水       B.實驗室制取少量氨氣

  C.測定中和熱   D.制取乙酸乙酯  

6.( 河南省鄲城一高09高三化學尖子生第二考試)(8分)碳酸錳(MnCO3)是理想的高性能強磁性材料,也是制備Mn2O3、MnO2等錳的氧化物的重要原料,廣泛用于電子、化工、醫(yī)藥等行業(yè)。一種制備MnCO3的生產(chǎn)流程如下圖所示。








































軟錳礦主要成分為MnO2,其中含有鐵、鋁、硅的氧化物和少量重金屬化合物雜質(zhì),SO2來自工業(yè)廢氣。流程①中主要發(fā)生的反應有:MnO2 + SO2 = MnSO4   2Fe3+ + SO2 + 2H2O = 2Fe2+ + SO42 + 4H+。

(1)流程①中所得MnSO4溶液的pH比軟錳礦漿的pH      (填“大”或“小”),該流程可與       (填


(2)反應②的目的是將溶液中的Fe2+氧化成Fe3+,其離子反應方程式為                               ,


(3)反應③中硫化鈉的作用是使重金屬離子轉化為硫化物沉淀,碳酸鈣的作用是           。

(4)反應④發(fā)生的化學反應為:MnSO4+2NH4HCO3=MnCO3↓+(NH4)2SO4 +CO2↑+H2O。

反應中通常需加入稍過量的NH4HCO3 ,且控制溶液的pH為6.8~7.4。加入稍過量的NH4HCO3的目的是         ,溶液的pH不能過低的原因是                      。


工藝A:軟錳礦漿與含SO2的工業(yè)廢氣反應工藝     B:軟錳礦與煤碳粉混合,焙燒后加稀硫酸溶解。

其中工藝A的優(yōu)點是                                  。(答對1個即可)

答案.(1)小,工業(yè)制備硫酸。 (2)MnO2 + 2Fe2+ + 4H+ = Mn2+ + 2Fe3+ + 2H2O。

使Fe2+ 轉變?yōu)镕e3+,F(xiàn)e3+完全沉淀的pH較低(或Fe3+更易沉淀)。




7、( 廣東天河中學09高三模擬)(12分)工業(yè)制硫酸生產(chǎn)流程如下圖:



A.升高溫度                 B.減少壓強      

C.不斷補充空氣             D.及時分離出SO3


A、凈化氣體                            B、控制溫度在400~500℃

 C、增大催化劑與反應氣體的接觸面積      D、不斷補充空氣

(3)已知2SO2(g)+O2(g)2SO3(g),ΔH=-196 kJ?mol-1。在450℃、常壓和釩催化條件下向一密閉容器中充入2molSO2和1molO2,充分反應后,放出的熱量______(填“<”“>”“=”)196kJ,理由是______________________________________________________。 


(5)生產(chǎn)硫酸過程中的尾氣通常用氨水吸收,請寫出該反應的化學反應方程式                               。

答案.  (1)C、D(2分)  (2)ABC(3分)

(3)① <(1分),在1atm和298K條件下,2mol SO2和1mol O2完全反應生成2mol SO3,放出196kJ熱量,該反應為可逆反應,不可能進行完全,又因為反應溫度為450℃,所以放出的熱量小于196kJ (2分)(4)93.4%  (2分)

(5)2NH3?H2O+SO3= (NH42SO4+ H2O(1分)2NH3?H2O+SO2=(NH42SO3 + H2O

8.(北京市朝陽區(qū)2008~2009學年度高三年級第一學期期中統(tǒng)練)從硫酸工業(yè)綜合經(jīng)濟效益出發(fā),下列做法合理的是                        (   A )





A.①②        B.②③       C.①③        D.①










⑴ 在合成氣冶煉金屬鐵的流程中,向燃燒室中通入甲烷與氧氣的目的是         ,其最佳體積配比V(CH4)∶V(O2)為                     。

⑵ 甲醇、二甲醚(CH3OCH3)等物質(zhì)被稱為21世紀的新型燃料,具有清潔、高效等優(yōu)良的性能。寫出堿性條件下甲醇燃料電池的負極化學方程式:                          。

⑶ 某化工廠試圖使用上圖所示流程聯(lián)合生產(chǎn)甲醇、二甲醚、生鐵,你認為是否可行?若不可行,請說明理由;若可行,聯(lián)合生產(chǎn)有什么優(yōu)點?                            。

答案..⑴ 為還原鐵礦石提供熱量  1∶2

⑵ CH3OH+8OH- -6 e-=CO32-+6H2O

⑶ 可行  因為原料易得、原料利用率高、中間產(chǎn)物能有效地循環(huán)利用、產(chǎn)品結構的多樣化


表1  部分陽離子以氫氧化物形式完全沉淀時溶液的pH













表2  兩種鹽的溶解度(單位為g/100g水)

溫度 / ℃




















(1)過濾I的濾液中加入硼鎂泥,調(diào)節(jié)溶液的pH=5~6,再加入NaClO溶液加熱煮沸,將溶液中的Mn2+氧化成MnO2,反應的離子反應方程式為        。加熱煮沸的主要目的是_        。

(2)沉淀B中除MnO2、SiO2外還含有        (填化學式)等物質(zhì)。

(3)檢驗過濾Ⅱ后的濾液中是否含有Fe3的實驗方法是        ;

(4)沉淀C的化學式是        。過濾III需趁熱過濾的理由是       



(2)Fe(OH)3(1分)   Al(OH)3(1分)

(3)取過濾II后的濾液1~2 ml于試管中,加入少量KSCN溶液,如果溶液不顯紅色,證明濾液中無Fe3(2分)

(4分)CaSO4?2H2O或CaSO4(1分)    以防MgSO4在溫度低時結晶析出。


(1)蒸餾法是人類最早使用的淡化海水的方法。你認為蒸餾法海水淡化最理想的能源是               ;








① 工業(yè)上由NaCl制備金屬鈉的化學方程式是_______________________________。

② 實驗室用惰性電極電解100 mL0.1 mol/LNaCl溶液,若陰陽兩極均得到112 mL氣體(標準狀況),則所得溶液的pH為_________(忽略反應前后溶液的體積變化)。

③ 電解氯化鈉稀溶液可制備“84消毒液”,通電時氯氣被溶液完全吸收,若所得消毒液僅含一種溶質(zhì),寫出相應的化學方程式:____________________________。

④電解25%的飽和食鹽水200kg,當NaCl濃度下降到20%時,計算收集到氯氣的物質(zhì)的量為         。(溶于溶液的氯氣忽略不計,計算結果保留一位小數(shù))



(2) ① 2NaCl(熔)2Na+Cl2↑      ② 13

③ NaCl+H2O NaClO+H2

④97.7 mol



(1)操作I的名稱是        ,單質(zhì)A為          ,單質(zhì)B為          。

(2)上述電解過程中,當陰極生成6.5 g B時,陽極生成的MnO2的質(zhì)量為     g。

(3)利用鋁熱反應原理,可從軟錳礦中提取出單質(zhì)錳,寫出其化學方程式                     。

(4)用二氧化錳、鋅作兩極反應物,氯化銨為電解質(zhì)制作的干電池中,電池總反應為Zn+MnO2+NH4+ Zn2++Mn2O3+NH3+H2O(來配平),則其正極的電極反應式為                               。

答案..(1)過濾;S(或硫);Zn(或鋅)    (2)8.7   (3)3MnO2+4A12A12O3+3Mn

(4)2MnO2+2NH4++2= Mn2O3+2NH3↑+H2O

14.(湖南省張家界市2008-2009學年度高三10月份聯(lián)考 )(6分)某工廠廢氣中含有SO2,可將SO2轉化為(NH42SO4而除去。其過程為:將廢氣經(jīng)初步處理,使其中O2的體積分數(shù)為10%(這時SO2的體積分數(shù)為0.2%),并在400℃時以5m3/h的速率通過V2 O5觸媒層,然后與流量為25 L/h的NH3混合,再噴入流量為290 g/h的冷水,此時氣體溫度迅速從400℃下降至200℃,在結晶裝置中得到(NH42SO4晶體;卮鹣铝袉栴}。

   (1)使廢氣中SO2與O2的物質(zhì)的量之比為1:50,主要原因是             。




已知SO2的氧化是放熱反應,利用表中數(shù)據(jù)推斷工業(yè)上應選用的生產(chǎn)條件是     ,選擇該條件的主要原因是                 。


你認為該報道可信嗎?      (填“可信”或“不可信”),其理由是         

   (4)合成氨時,原料N2不能用空氣代替,主要原因是                         。


答案.   (1)提高二氧化硫轉化率,增加氧氣的濃度,有利于平衡向生成三氧化硫的方向移動。

   (2)0.1MPa 400~500℃,  既可保持二氧化硫轉化率較高,又能降低成本,且該溫度下催化劑活性較好。

   (3)  不可信  二氧化硫與氧氣的反應是可逆反應,使用催化劑只能改變反應速率,不能使平衡移動,更不能全部轉化。

   (4)主要原因是在高溫下,空氣中的氧氣與氫氣混合會爆炸       。


(1)“侯氏制堿法”中的“堿”其實不是燒堿,而是純堿,請寫出向它的溶液中滴加少量稀鹽酸的離子方程式                              。





B.實驗的操作步驟中,你認為打開旋塞K1、K2的合理順序應為:先打開______, 后打開______,(填字母代號)簡述理由                                    




答案.(1) H+ + CO32-  =HCO3-   (2分)      (2)NaHCO3固體  (1分)


(3) A. 分液漏斗     ( 1分)

B. 先K1,后K2.  (兩空全對2分;)

氨氣在水中溶解度很大,先通氨氣有利于二氧化碳的充分吸收,可提高制堿的效率。( 2分)

C.Na++NH3+CO2+H20 = NaHCO3↓+NH4(2分)(無↓扣1分)









①1.7 g A與O2反應生成氣態(tài)的B和C時放出22.67 kJ熱量,寫出該反應的熱化學方程式:__________________________________________________________



(a).前者大    (b).后者大     (c).一樣大    (d).不知濃度,無法比較




② D的水溶液呈       性(填“酸”、“堿”或“中”)


答案.⑴①4NH3(g)+5O2(g)=4NO(g)+6H2O(g);ΔH=-906.8 kJ?mol1(2分)

②2Na2O2+2H2O=4Na+4OH+O2↑;(2分)  ③(b)(2分)

⑵①沸騰爐;(1分)98.3%的硫酸  (1分)

<abbr id="0eske"><dl id="0eske"></dl></abbr>
<fieldset id="0eske"><del id="0eske"></del></fieldset>
  • <noframes id="0eske"></noframes>
  • 高溫

    ③4FeS2+11O2 ==== 2Fe2O3+8SO2(2分)(無反應條件扣1分)


    17.(河北舞陽一高09高三10考)在硫酸的工業(yè)制法中,下列生產(chǎn)操作與生產(chǎn)操作的主要原因的說明都正確的是       (    )





    18. (湖北黃石二中09高三年級八月月考)工業(yè)接觸法制硫酸的流程如下圖所示:

    (1)寫出沸騰爐中發(fā)生反應的化學方程式:                                   。

    (2)從沸騰爐出來的氣體經(jīng)凈化干燥處理后進入接觸室,其氣體體積組成是:SO2 7 %,O2 11 %,N2 82 %。從接觸室出來的氣體中SO3的體積分數(shù)為7 %,則SO2的轉化率為              

    (3)接觸室采用常壓而不采用高壓的原因是__                                  。

    (4)在吸收塔中為什么用98.3 %的濃硫酸而不是用水吸收SO3?                  

    每100 g SO3氣體與H2O完全反應放出熱量162.9 kJ,該反應的熱化學方程式為                                              。

    (5) 某硫酸廠每天用含F(xiàn)eS2 60%的硫鐵礦500 t生產(chǎn)硫酸,如果在沸騰爐內(nèi)損失5%的硫,SO2的轉化率為90%。每天能生產(chǎn)98%的硫酸___          ______噸。

    答案.(1)4FeS2+11O2高溫===== 2Fe2O3+8SO2 (3分)

       (2)96.6 % (3分)  



    SO3(g)+H2O(l)=== H2SO4(l);∆H=-130.3 kJ?mol-1          (3分)

    (5) 427.5 t(3分)










    英     語


    第一部分 聽力(共三節(jié),滿分30分)




    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15.                                      B. £9.15.                                 C. £9.18.


    1. What is the woman’s job?

    A. A post-office clerk.               B. A bus conductor.            C. An operator.

    2. When does this conversation most probably take place?

         A. June.                               B. July.                       C. August.

    3. Why can’t the man get a table?

         A. There is no free table at the moment.

         B. There is a traffic jam at the moment.

         C. The woman is busy at lunch time.

    4. By the end of the conversation, how did the woman feel?

         A. Pizza fits the family’s taste.

         B. A woman beat her son to release her anger.

         C. The woman was hungry even though it’s 2:00a.m.

    5. What does the woman mean?

         A. She doesn’t like shopping.                     B. She doesn’t want to talk about her job.

    C. She doesn’t enjoy talking with the man.




    6. What is the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Classmates.                   B. Colleagues.                   C. Couple.

    7. At what time is the weather report probably on TV?

    A. At 6:40.                          B. At 6:45.                          C. At 6:50.   

    8. What is the weather like this afternoon?          

    A. Fine and sunny.               B. Rainy and changeable.      C. Wet and rainy.


    9. What are they talking about?

    A. House.                         B. Office.                                C. Furniture.

    10. Where is the woman from?

    A. New York.                    B. Boston.                           C. Washington.

    11. Where is the telephone?

    A. On top of the photocopier.                                  B. In front of the lamp.  

    C. Next to the plant.


    12. What does the woman want to buy?

    A. A bag.                           B. A pair of shoes.                   C. A sweater.

    13. How much does the woman spend at last?

    A. $ 54.                            B. $52.                             C. $50.

    14. What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?

    A. She will go to another shop.                                  B. She prefers blue to green.

    C. She is really good at bargaining.


    15. Why is the man not so sure about the new job the woman is telling him about?

    A. Because it’s an unusual job that requires driving skills. 

    B. Because he lacks experience of international clothing trade.  

    C. Because the last job interview for him was unsuccessful.

    16. What kind of person does the company want to hire?

    A. Salesmen who can drive cars.

          B. University graduates with energy.

    C. Managers with working experience.

    17. What is the man’s attitude to the new job at last?

    A. He is not confident of it.                                         B. He feels doubtful about it.

    C. He becomes interested in it.



    The name of the college mentioned in the passage


    The only college-like thing in the college


    The professors’ salaries in a year

            20   dollars


    第二部分 英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)


    21. In New Orleans, throughout the Fall and Winter and Spring, there is usually a festival of ______ sort every weekend.

    A. one                B. some              C. any                D. that   

    22. The man, whose early career was not _______ great success, has built _______ business empire after years of hard work.

    A. a; a                   B. 不填; a             C. 不填; the          D. a; 不填

    23. These people once had fame and fortune; now _______ is left to them is poverty.

    A. all that                  B. all of which    C. all what         D. that all

    24. The minister didn’t show up at all although the dinner party was held ________.

    A. with his name                             B. for the name of him   

    C. in the name of him                      D. under his name

    25. It’s too late; morning will be a _______ time for you to visit him.

    A. good              B. better              C. best               D. great

    26. If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one _______.

    A. to correct        B. correcting       C. having corrected                  D. being corrected

    27. Mitsy _______ about my old car until I finally bought a new one.

    A. has forever complained                B. is forever complaining

    C. was forever complaining              D. has forever been complaining

    28. ----What sort of friend do you want to have?  Someone beautiful?

    ----Well, it _______be beautiful----that’s not important.

    A. mustn’t          B. needn’t          C. can’t                          D. won’t

    29. What a tight volleyball game! We lost it _______ we all tried our best.

    A. because             B. though                     C. until                           D. unless

    30. On the way _______ a book, he found some of his classmates _______ in the street.

    A. to buy ; knocking down             B. to buy; knocking about

    C. to buying ; knocking about                  D. to buying; knocking into

    31. It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cars in the factory _______ by about 10%.

    A. will have risen  B. has risen         C. will be rising                D. has been rising

    32. _______she is not so healthy _______she used to be ?

      A. How it is that; as           B. Why is it that; what

      C. Is it why; that           D. How is it that; as

    33. We've published large quantities of books. This year______ we've published three million.

    A. only              B. just              C. alone                           D. merely

    34. You can imagine ________ one feels _______ everybody dislikes him.

    A. when…if       B. if…when        C. if…h(huán)ow                      D. how…if

    35. Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it _______ necessary for all planes to land for refueling.

    A. had been          B. has been          C. would be                              D. would have been

    第二節(jié)  完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)

    閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從36――55各題所給的四個選項A. B. C. D中,選出最佳選項。

    “I have a lot more strength and am ready to move forward with a normal life,” Lauren says, five years after the Sept.11 Attacks.

    That day as she   36   the building, a fireball raced down the elevator and blasted her back out,   37   more than 82% of her body. Doctors gave her just a 15% chance of surviving.    38    25 surgeries, including skin grafts(移植)and scar revisions to her    39  , face, and hands, she finished her five-year   40   last month. Now, she has to learn how to sit, walk and drink from a cup. Susan, one of her doctors, says, “Lauren was    41    badly burned that it’s a miracle she   42   has hands at all. Still, she   43   you in the eye and says, ‘I don’t have bad days.’ ”
        Recently, Tyler, Lauren’s son, has made his own    44    of what his mom went through that  45   day. He watched his parents appear on the Today Show and asked his mother why she ever went into the building. “I   46   you hadn’t been hurt, Mommy,” he said.
        Lauren and her husband work   47    to give the little boy the right   48   , “We tell him some bad guys did a bad thing, and that’s how Mommy was   49   ,” says Lauren. They   50   Tyler reassurances (肯定) that it’s not going to happen to him, and that his parents will protect him no matter what happens.
        They’re enjoying   51   they have. It’s the unplanned pleasures they truly   52   . Tyler has gotten into playacting, and he’ll suddenly   53   a script (劇本). “You’ll be the princess,” he’ll say to Lauren, “and I’ll be the knight (騎士). My dog can be the dragon.”

     Lauren   54   as she tells the story. “Life doesn’t get   55   better.” she says.

    36. A. reached              B. entered              C. left                   D. saw

    37. A. burning      B. killing               C. striking             D. ruining

    38. A. Within        B. During              C. After                D. Before

    39. A. body           B. head                 C. eyes                  D. back

    40. A. receptions    B. treatments         C. observations      D. movements

    41. A. such            B. too                   C. so                     D. as

    42. A. also             B. therefore           C. otherwise          D. even

    43. A. looks           B. scans                 C. greets                D. watches

    44. A. invention     B. discovery          C. invitation          D. imagination

    45. A. wonderful    B. pitiful               C. terrible              D. desirable

    46. A. think           B. expect               C. wish                 D. hope

    47. A. hard            B. once                 C. only                  D. again

    48. A. news          B. sentences           C. contents            D. messages

    49. A. tricked        B. injured                     C. fooled               D. laughed at

    50. A. offer           B. supply               C. afford               D. equip

    51. A. that             B. which               C. when                D. what

    52. A. choose               B. demand            C. intend               D. value

    53. A. suggest        B. write                 C. read                  D. find

    54. A. screams              B. cries                 C. smiles               D. yells

    55. A. very            B. any                   C. quite                 D. fairly


    第一節(jié) 選擇題(共17小題;每小題2分,滿分34分)



    On the whole, it’s not something we parents shout about, but one in four of us does it. Hiring private tutors(指導老師) for our children is now widespread. And this year, as always, the Easter holidays will be peak time(高峰期) for tutor demand.

    “My husband and I tried to tutor her at home, but we found all our knowledge was out of date and we were only confusing Zarreen. We also tried a group revision course but all the children were sitting exams for different boards(入學考試). On the whole, we think one-to-one tuition works best and it is worth the money. In our case, Preeta is a bit like an elder sister to Zarreen and that’s the most important,” says Ashan Sabri from London, whose daughter Zarreen, 18, is having tuition in biology and chemistry in preparation for A-levels this summer.

    In fact, Preeta Datta is only six years older than her pupil and she is happy to provide extra tuition through mobile phone. “Maybe Zarreen will call me two or three times a week with a question about biology or chemistry, and that’s fine to me,” says Datta.

    The real question is: does tutoring do any good?

    “It’s not the magic bullet,” says Professor Judith Ireson. “It’s still up to the child to do the learning. If he or she isn’t interested, then sending them to a private tutor won’t do any good.”

    In which case, surely it’s time to break open the Champagne(香檳酒)? Not necessarily, says Elaine Tyrrell, head of the Rowans School.

    “While we recommend private tutoring for a few children whose first language isn’t English, we don’t encourage it for the others,” says Tyrrell. “With the level of education they get here, children really ought to be able to pass the entrance exams without any extra teaching. Besides, our biggest worry is that they might just get in with the help of last-minute tutoring, but, once they actually get to that school, they won’t be able to manage.”

    It’s a point worth considering. After all, who would want their child to stay at the bottom of the class?

    56. The passage is most probably written by              .

    A. a parent                                         B. a famous professor   

    C. a student                                       D. a famous headmaster

    57. In Ashan Sabri’s opinion, which method is most suitable for her daughter?          .

    A. Taking different kinds of exams         B. Teaching her at home by herself

    C. Finding a private tutor to help her             D. Taking part in group revision courses

    58. Elaine Tyrrell doesn’t encourage parents to hire private tutors for their children mainly because             .

    A. children may be misled by private tutors     

    B. the quality of private tutoring may be poor

    C. the education that children receive in class is enough for them

    D. children may not have the real ability to deal with their further studies

    59. What attitude does the author hold towards home tutoring?             .

    A. Critical         B. Uncertain              C. Supportive            D. Uninterested

    60. From the passage we know that           .

    A. Preeta Datta is only twenty four years old.     

    B. Preeta Datta is head of the Rowans School

    C. Judith Ireson is a teacher of the Rowans School

    D. Ashan Sabri has a daughter named Zarreen, who is over 18


    Do you want to see the effects of global warming? Then head north.Will Steger is going to take all of us there.

    Steger,64,the first person to make a dogsled trip to the Noah Pole,is a very famous and admired polar explorer.He’s at home in frozen parts of the world where few humans ever step on.Steger is also a devoted environmentalist who was early to ring the alarm bell on global warming.He saw its effects firsthand in frequent polar expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica.

    Steger is about to lead a team of six young adventurers on a 1,400-mile,60-day-long dogsled trip across Ellesmere Island,in the Canadian Arctic.The sea ice in that region should still be frozen.“We want to take our audience to the front lines of global warming,”says Steger.The team will be uploading videos,stories and photos to the website global-warming l01.com as they march along,allowing armchair adventurers and kids in classrooms to follow their progress day to day.“We can actually bring the audience up there,”Steger says.

    Stege's team will include some already-famous young explorers.Sam Branson,the 22-year-old son of British airline tycoon(大亨) Richard Branson,is an experienced Arctic traveler.Also on the journey will be 27-year-old Norwegian Sigrid Ekran.Last year,Ekran became only the second woman in history to win Rookie(新秀) of the Year for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race.

    What they will see may be surprising.Even Steger doesn’t know exactly what to expect.Climate change has already reshaped the geography of the Arctic.“Within a decade or less,it's going to be impossible to reach the North Pole by dog team,without flotation(漂浮),”says Steger.

    Climate change is happening,but people can change too.Their willingness to change will determine the shape of Earth’s future.

    61. Steger is the following except     

    A.a(chǎn) sixty-four-year old man                      B.a(chǎn) very famous polar explorer

    C.a(chǎn) devoted environmentalist                     D.a(chǎn) famous British airline tycoon

    62. Steger is about to organize the adventure to the Arctic in order to        .

    A.let more people enjoy its natural beauty

    B.collect evidence for his scientific research

    C.let people realize the bad effects of global warming

    D.develop the young people’s adventurous and brave spirit

    63.How can people learn about the progress of Steger's journey?­       

    A.On the Internet                       B.By watching TV

    C.Through radio programs               D.By reading their journals

    64.According to Steger,people can save the earth by        .

    A.changing their harmful way of life

    B.learning more about the environment

    C.willingly giving up their comfortable life

    D.getting used to the present changes of the earth

    65.The best title for this passage would be         ,

    A.The Arctic Is In Danger                        B.Discoveries of the Arctic

    C.Sledding Through the Arctic                 D.Consequences of Global Warming


    A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made----the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common labors or even the skilled factory workers,he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.

    This attitude toward manual(體力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life.One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies,and college education for the children;yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward,furthermore the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery.And the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes.A professional man may talk about washing the car,digging in his flowerbeds,painting the house.His wife may even help with these things,just as he often helps her with the dishwashing.The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living,or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.

    66.According to the passage,the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because        .

    A.servants in America are hard to get

    B.she takes pride in what she can do herself

    C.she can hardly afford servants

    D.it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food.

    67. The expression “wait on table" in the second paragraph means “          ”.

    A.work in a furniture shop                       B.keep accounts for a bar

    C.  wait to lay the table                   D. serve customers in a restaurant

    68. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?            .

    A. A Respectable Self-made Family        B. American Attitude Toward Manual Labor

    C. Characteristics of American Culture    D. The Development of Manual Labor


    The Ring of Fire covers 4,000 km around the edge of the Pacific Ocean. It includes the countries of Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines. More earthquakes and volcanoes occur in this area than anywhere else in the world. The name Ring of Fire refers to areas below the earth’s surface. These areas move suddenly and often cause earthquakes and create volcanoes.

    Many areas of Asia, such as the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia, sometime experience earthquakes and volcanoes. There are occasionally landslides(泥石流), mudslides, and tidal waves as a result. Fortunately, these natural disasters do not happen very often.

    Southern China is about 600 km away from the Ring of Fire. Sometimes, people in this region feel earthquakes too. The worst earthquake felt in southern China was in 1918 in Shantou. It measured 7.3 on the Richter scale. Any earthquake of 6 or more on the Richter scale is very dangerous to people.

    People in Hong Kong sometimes experience the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes. In September 1994, for example, the strongest earthquake to hit Hong Kong for 76 years shook buildings and scared thousands of residents. Frightened workers and families ran out of their offices and homes. The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.

    It is difficult to predict when an earthquake will occur. In countries within the Ring of Fire, buildings must be very strong because the effects of earthquakes on buildings are terrible.

    In June 1991, Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted. Many people were killed and the area surrounding the volcano was badly damaged. Hot ash and liquid rock from the volcano forced people to leave the area. They only returned many months later. The ash spread over a large area. Even people in the Guangdong region of southern China saw ash in the air.

    69. The Ring of Fire is         .

    A. about 4,000 km from China                B. a volcano in the Philippines

    C. a Region where there are many earthquakes and volcanoes

    D. a fire below the Earth’s surface

    70. Many Asian countries          .

    A. are outside the Ring of Fire                B. never experience natural disasters

    C. experience earthquakes only                D. experience earthquakes and volcanoes

    71. Hong Kong         .

    A. never experienced earthquakes            B. is at the center of the Ring of Fire

    C. often experiences very strong earthquakes

    D. has experienced a few earthquakes

    72. Earthquakes           .

    A. never cause much damage                   B. are easy to predict  

    C. occur suddenly and are difficult to predict

    D. are usually accompanied by strong winds

    第二節(jié)  簡答題(共3小題;每小題2分,滿分6分)。


    Working in the healthcare industry offers many rewards and benefits. Find out more about what you can gain by looking for a career in healthcare today!

    According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,8 of the top 20 fastest growing professions are in the healthcare industry! Also, the healthcare industry has over 13 million jobs. It means that as a healthcare worker, you will enjoy more job opportunities. You will be less likely to lose your job, and thanks to the advances in medicine and the countries aging population, there will be a continually increasing demand for medical workers.

    In which other profession can you touch lives the way you can in the healthcare industry? You could help to bring a new life into the world, or save a life from ending. You can change lives, affecting families in the way that only healthcare workers are able to. Not only will you affect individuals, but you could also have an effect on the entire community, providing healthcare in a variety of forms or treating diseases of all sorts.

    Whether you are a doctor of philosophy or not, there is an exciting healthcare career available to you. Of course, you need many years of school to be a doctor or a nurse, but there are hundreds of other roles available in the healthcare industry that can be explored.

    Due to the high demand for workers in the healthcare industry, careers in healthcare are some of the best chances available to make money. The better your skills are, the higher your pay is.

    Why do you think there are so many TV shows about hospitals and medical workers? American shows like Greys Anatomy and Private Practice are successful because the medical field is exciting, ever-changing and dramatic in nature. Healthcare is fast-paced, you are dealing with life or death situations, and new patients come in every day, so you will never experience the same day twice.

    73. What makes it possible for you to be better paid in healthcare? (不超過3個單詞)

    74. Why are you less likely to be fired if you are a healthcare worker?  (不超過12個單詞)

    75. What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?  (不超過10個單詞)

    第四部分 寫作(共二節(jié),滿分35分)



    Australia releases more greenhouse gases per person than almost any other country in the world. Its emissions(排放) come mainly from coal burned for electricity. Scientists warn that the Australian continent could suffer more severe dry periods, floods and storms as a result of climate change.

    Australia wants to show that existing power stations can be refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner way. A demonstration project will seek to develop new technology over the next four years that makes it easier to capture carbon dioxide(二氧化碳). Carbon dioxide is the main gas that many scientists say helps cause global warming.

    In traditional coal-fired power stations, the coal is burned in air in a big furnace(爐子) and the carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. In the new system, the coal is burned in pure oxygen instead of air. The captured carbon dioxide gas is then made into a liquid and buried deep underground.

    The operators of the project in the northern state of Queensland say it is the first of its kind in the world. Australian and Japanese companies are supporting the project, and the Australian government is paying for part of it.

    Geoff Wilson is the mines and energy minister in Queensland. He says the new system will sharply reduce the amount of carbon released from the coal-fired process and make it easier to store.

    The International Energy Agency has said that clean coal technology could help reduce the release of greenhouse gases by one-fourth. But a spokeswoman for the environmental group Friends of the Earth says the technology has very limited promise to cut emissions in the short term.

    Critics(評論家)say the technology is unproven. And they say it will not guarantee that Australia will be able to reduce emissions in the future.

    Title: Australia aims for 76. _______

    77. ______

    ●Australia releases more greenhouse gases per person than almost any other country

    ●Australian continent could suffer more severe dry periods, floods and storms as a result of 78. ______


    Coal is burned in pure oxygen, captured carbon dioxide gas is made into a liquid and 79. ______

    80. ___

    First of its kind in the world

    81. ______

    People or organization


    82. ______

    Will sharply reduce the amount of carbon released from the coal-fired process and make it easier to store

    The International Energy Agency

    Could help reduce 83. ______ by one-fourth

    A spokeswoman for the environmental group Friends of the Earth

    84. ______ to cut emissions in the short term

    85. ______

    ●The technology is unproven

    ●Not guarantee Australia will be able to reduce emissions in the future

    第二節(jié)  寫作(滿分25分)


    Dear Bede,

    I share a dormitory(寢室) with seven of my classmates. We share nearly everything. We study, play, and sleep together. Everything is great except for one thing―two of them have very smelly feet. The smell makes me sick. I have failed to persuade them to wash their feet every day. The situation is so bad that I’ve even tried to swap places with students in another dormitory, but they’ve refused my request. What can I do?

                                                                 Dong Zhitao

