(2) 2.學生在公路邊等汽車回校上學,他發(fā)現(xiàn)路邊有一臺小四輪拖拉機的發(fā)動機下漏機油,他估算了一下,大約每2秒鐘滴下一滴機油,這些油在路面上形成一小片油跡.后來這臺拖拉機開走了,在路面上留下一系列油點.他走過去觀察了一下,發(fā)現(xiàn)從那一小片油跡開始,向前2m有一個油點,再向前4m有一個油點,再向前6m又有一個油點.這位同學由此估算出這臺拖拉機啟動時的加速度約為______m/s2.如果拖拉機勻加速到6m/s后保持勻速運動,那么它啟動半分鐘后大約開出_________m遠. (物理-實驗).files/image004.gif)
3.某同學想在家里做用單擺測定重力加速度的實驗,但沒有合適的擺球,他只好找到一塊大小為3cm左右,外形不規(guī)則的大理石塊代替小球.實驗步驟是 A.石塊用細尼龍線系好,結(jié)點為M,將尼龍線的上端固定于O點 B.用刻度尺測量OM間尼龍線的長度L作為擺長 C.將石塊拉開一個大約α=30°的角度,然后由靜止釋放 D.從擺球擺到最高點時開始計時,測出30次全振動的總時間t,由T=t/30得出周期 E.改變OM間尼龍線的長度,再做幾次實驗,記下相應(yīng)的L和T F.求出多次實驗中測得的L和T的平均值作計算時使用的數(shù)據(jù),帶入公式 求出重力加速度g. ⑴你認為該同學以上實驗步驟中有重大錯誤的是________________.為什么? ⑵該同學用OM的長作為擺長,這樣做引起的系統(tǒng)誤差將使重力加速度的測量值比真實值偏大還是偏小?_________.你認為用何方法可以解決擺長無法準確測量的困難? 4. 某同學在做探索彈力和彈簧伸長的關(guān)系的實驗中,組成了如圖的裝置.所用的鉤碼每只的質(zhì)量都是30g,他先測出不掛鉤碼時彈簧的自然長度,再將5個鉤碼逐個掛在彈簧的下端,每次都測出相應(yīng)的彈簧總長度,將數(shù)據(jù)填在了下面的表中.(彈力始終未超過彈性限度,取g=9.8m/s2) ⑴試根據(jù)這些實驗數(shù)據(jù)在右邊給定的坐標紙上作出彈簧 所受彈力大小跟彈簧總長之間的函數(shù)關(guān)系的圖線.說明圖線跟坐標軸交點的物理意義.
⑵上一問所得圖線的物理意義是什么?該彈簧的勁系數(shù)k是多大? 5.某同學用右圖裝置做驗證動量守恒定律的實驗.先將a球從斜 槽軌道上某固定點處由靜止開始滾下,在水平地面上的記錄紙上 留下壓痕,重復(fù)10次;再把同樣大小的b球放在斜槽軌道末端水平段的最右端附近靜止,讓a球仍從原固定點由靜止開始滾下,和b球相碰后,兩球分別落在記錄紙的不同位置處,重復(fù)10次.
⑴本實驗必須測量的物理量有以下哪些_____________. A.斜槽軌道末端到水平地面的高度H B.小球a、b的質(zhì)量ma、mb C.小球a、b的半徑r D.小球a、b 離開斜槽軌道末端后平拋飛行的時間t
E.記錄紙上O點到A、B、C各點的距離OA、OB、OC F.a(chǎn)球的固定釋放點到斜槽軌道末端水平部分間的高度差h ⑵小球a、b的質(zhì)量ma、mb應(yīng)該滿足什么關(guān)系?為什么?
⑷為測定未放被碰小球時,小球a落點的平均位置,把刻度尺的零刻線跟記錄紙上的O點對齊,右圖給出了小球a落點附近的情況,由圖可得OB距離應(yīng)為__________cm. ⑸按照本實驗方法,驗證動量守恒的驗證式是______________. 6.在用落體法驗證機械能守恒定律時,某同學按照正確的操作選得 紙帶如右,其中O是起始點,A、B、C是打點計時器連續(xù)打下的3個點. 該同學用毫米刻度尺測量O到A、B、C各點的距離,并記錄在圖中(單位cm).
⑴這三個數(shù)據(jù)中不符合有效數(shù)字讀數(shù)要求的是_____ ,應(yīng)記作_______cm. ⑵該同學用重錘在OB段的運動來驗證機械能守恒,已知當?shù)氐闹亓铀俣萭=9.80m/s2,他用AC段的平均速度作為跟B點對應(yīng)的物體的即時速度,則該段重錘重力勢能的減少量為______,而動能的增加量為______,(保留3位有效數(shù)字,重錘質(zhì)量m). 這樣驗證的系統(tǒng)誤差總是使重力勢能的減少量______動能的增加量,原因是
. ⑶另一位同學根據(jù)同一條紙帶,同一組數(shù)據(jù),也用重錘在OB段的運動來驗證機械能守恒,不過他數(shù)了一下,從打點計時器打下的第一個點O數(shù)起,圖中的B是打點計時器打下的第9個點,因此他用vB=gt計算跟B點對應(yīng)的物體的即時速度,得到動能的增加量為_________,這樣驗證時的系統(tǒng)誤差總是使重力勢能的減少量_______動能的增加量,原因是________________________. 7.按照有效數(shù)字規(guī)則讀出下列電表的測量值. ⑴
接0~3V量程時讀數(shù)為_______V. 接0~3A量程時讀數(shù)為_______A. 接0~15V量程時讀數(shù)為______V. 接0~0.6A量程時讀數(shù) A. (物理-實驗).files/image014.gif)
8.在有些電學實驗時,要用到零刻度在中央的靈敏電流表G而且在使用前往往要求先判定通過該電流表的電流方向跟指針偏轉(zhuǎn)方向的關(guān)系.這種電流表的量程一般都很小,一不小心就可能燒毀電表.如圖,現(xiàn)在有一只這樣的靈敏電流表G,一只干電池,一個阻值很大的電阻R1和一只阻值很小的電阻R2. ⑴用筆畫線作為導(dǎo)線,把以上元器件都連接在測試電路中. ⑵簡述測試方法. 9..用恒定電流的電場來模擬靜電場描繪等勢線時,下列哪些情況是能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)的 ⑴ 、啤 、恰 、
A.如圖⑴圓柱形電極M、N都接電源的正極,用來模擬等量正點電荷周圍的靜電場 B.如圖⑵圓柱形電極M接電源正極,圓環(huán)形電極N接電源負極,用來模擬正點電荷周圍的靜電場 C.如圖⑶兩個平行的長條形電極M、N分別接電源正、負極,用來模擬平行板電容器間的靜電場 D.如圖⑷圓柱形電極M接電源負極,用來模擬負點電荷周圍的靜電場 (物理-實驗).files/image016.gif)
10.黑箱有A、B、C三個接線柱,兩個接線柱間最多只能接一個元件.黑箱內(nèi)的元件是一只電阻和一只二極管.某同學用正確的操作方法利用多用電表進行了6次測量,各次紅、黑表筆的位置和測得的阻值如下表所示.可以判定: 紅表筆接 A A B B C C 黑表筆接 B C A C A B 測得阻值(Ω) 100 10K 100 10.1K 90 190 ⑴電阻接在_______兩點間,阻值為________Ω. ⑵二極管接在_______兩點間,正極接在_____點.其正向阻值為______Ω,反向阻值為______Ω. (物理-實驗).files/image018.jpg)
11.在測定電源電動勢和內(nèi)阻的實驗中某同學所用電路圖和測得的數(shù)據(jù)如下: 1 2 3 4 5 6 U/V 1.42 1.36 1.08 1.21 1.14 1.07 I/A 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 ⑴實驗誤差分系統(tǒng)誤差和偶然誤差兩種.該實驗的系統(tǒng)誤差主要是由___________引起的.用畫U-I圖線求電動勢和內(nèi)阻的優(yōu)點在于可以盡量減小實驗的_______誤差.
⑵在下面給出的U-I坐標系中用給出的數(shù)據(jù)畫出U-I圖線(橫、縱坐標的起點已經(jīng)規(guī)定好),從圖象中可以發(fā)現(xiàn)該同學記錄的第____組數(shù)據(jù)有誤. ⑶求得電動勢E=____V,內(nèi)阻r=___Ω.(均保留2位有效數(shù)字). 12. 如圖所示,甲為示波器面板,乙為一信號源.
源的a端與示波器面板上的 接線柱相連,b端與 接線柱相連. (2)若示波器所顯示的輸入波形如圖丙所示,要將波形上移,應(yīng)調(diào)節(jié)面板上的 旋鈕;要使此波形橫向展寬,應(yīng)調(diào)節(jié) 旋鈕;要使屏上能夠顯示3個完整的波形,應(yīng)調(diào)節(jié)
旋鈕. 13. 欲將量程為100μA內(nèi)阻為500Ω的靈敏電流表改裝為量程為1mA的毫安表. ⑴需要給它_____聯(lián)一只R=_____Ω的電阻. ⑵需要用一只標準毫安表對改裝毫安表進行校對。校對所用的器材的實物圖如下(其中標準毫安表事先已與一只固定電阻串聯(lián),以防燒表).校對過程要求通過毫安表的電流能從0連續(xù)調(diào)到1mA.請按要求在方框中畫出校對電路圖,并在所給的實物圖上連線. (物理-實驗).files/image024.gif)
14.某電壓表的內(nèi)阻在20~30kΩ之間,現(xiàn)要測量其內(nèi)阻,實驗室提供下列可用的器材:⑴待測電壓表V(量程3V)⑵電流表A1(量程200μA)⑶電流表A2(量程5mA)⑷電流表A3(量程0.6A)⑸滑動變阻器R(最大阻值1 kΩ)⑹電源E(電動勢4V)⑺電鍵.
所提供的電流表中應(yīng)選用______.為了盡量減小誤差,要求多測幾組數(shù)據(jù). 試在右邊方框中畫出符合要求的實驗電路圖. 15.在做用油膜法估測分子大小的實驗中,已知實驗室中使用的酒精油酸溶液的體積濃度為n,又用滴管測得每N滴這種酒精油酸的總體積為V,將一滴這種溶液滴在淺盤中的水面上,在玻璃板上描出油膜的邊界線,再把玻璃板放在畫有邊長為a的正方形小格的紙上(如右圖)測得油膜占有的小正方形個數(shù)為m.
⑴用以上字母表示油酸分子直徑的大小d. ⑵從右圖中數(shù)得油膜占有的小正方形個數(shù)為m=______. 16.在《測定玻璃的折射率》實驗中,下列要求正確的是: A.玻璃磚的寬度宜小些 B.大頭針應(yīng)垂直插在紙面上 C.每邊的兩個大頭針的距離近些容易觀察
D.在插P4時,只要把P3擋住就行了,不必考慮 P1、P2. 17. 圖為雙縫干涉實驗的裝置的示意圖.圖甲是用綠光進行實驗時,屏上觀察到的條紋情況,a為中央亮條紋,圖乙為換用另一種顏色的單色光進行實驗時,觀察到的條紋情況,a,為中央亮條紋的情況,則以下說法正確的是 ( ) A.圖乙可能是用紅光實驗產(chǎn)生的條紋,表明紅光波長較長 B.圖乙可能是用紫光實驗產(chǎn)生的條紋,表明紫光波長較長
C.圖乙可能是用紫光實驗產(chǎn)生的條紋,表明紫光波長較短 D.圖乙可能是用紅光實驗產(chǎn)生的條紋,表明紅光波長較短 18.有一種測量真實子彈速度的裝置叫"沖擊擺".它的主要構(gòu)造是:用4根長度均為L的細線懸掛一個質(zhì)量為M,高度為d的木塊,將該裝置懸掛在天花板上,靜止時細線均處于豎直方向,如圖所示(圖中只畫出了前面的兩根細線).被測試的子彈質(zhì)量為m,將它正對著木塊的左側(cè)中心點垂直于左側(cè)面水平射入,并留在木塊中和木塊一起上擺.測得上擺的最大擺角為α.⑴寫出根據(jù)以測得的數(shù)據(jù)表示子彈初速度v0的表達式. ⑵用什么方法可以盡量減小實驗的偶然誤差?
19. 某同學由于沒有量角器,在完成了光路圖以后,以O點為圓心,10.00cm為半徑畫圓,分別交線段OA于A點,交OO,連線的延長線于C點,過A點作法線MN,的垂線AB交MN,于B點,過C點作法線MN’的垂線CD,交MN,于D點(如圖所示),用刻度尺量得OB=8.00cm,CD=4.00cm,由此可得出玻璃的折射率n=
20. 如圖所示,一個學生按照課本上的小實驗用廣口瓶和直尺測定水的折 射率,填寫下述實驗步驟中的空白.
(1)用 測出廣口瓶瓶口內(nèi)徑d;(2)在瓶內(nèi)裝滿水;(3)將直尺沿瓶口邊緣 插入水中;(4)沿廣口瓶邊緣向水中直尺正面看去,若恰能看到直尺的0刻度(即圖中A點),同時看到水面上B點刻度的像恰與A點的像相重合;(5)若水面恰與直尺c點相平,讀出 和 的長度;(6)以題中所給的條件為依據(jù),計算水的折射率為
. 21.一塊電流表G的內(nèi)電阻約為2.5 kΩ,現(xiàn)要測量它的內(nèi)電阻,提供的器材有: A.待測電流表 G (量程300 μA) B.電阻箱 R (0~9999 Ω) C.滑動變阻器 R1
(0~50 Ω 1 A) D.滑動變阻器 R2 (0~1kΩ 0.5 A) E.電源 ε
(6 V內(nèi)阻不計)
S G.導(dǎo)線若干 (1)滑動變阻器應(yīng)選用
(填序號).? (2)請你設(shè)計測量電流表G的內(nèi)電阻的實驗電路并畫出電路圖.(要求方法簡捷). (物理-實驗).files/image036.gif) 22. 如圖所示,是用高電阻放電法測電容的實驗電路圖。其原理是測出電容器在充電電壓為U時所帶的電荷量Q,從而求出其電容C。該實驗的操作步驟如下:⑴按電路圖接好實驗電路;⑵接通電鍵S,調(diào)節(jié)電阻箱R的阻值,使微安表的指針接近滿刻度.記下這時的電壓表讀數(shù)U0=6.2V和微安表讀數(shù)I0=490μA;⑶斷開電鍵S并同時開始計時,每隔5s或10s讀一次微安表的讀數(shù)i,將讀數(shù)記錄在預(yù)先設(shè)計的表格中;⑷根據(jù)表格中的12組數(shù)據(jù),以t為橫坐標,i為縱坐標,在坐標紙上描點(右圖中用“×”表示)。根據(jù)以上實驗結(jié)果和圖象,可以估算出當電容器兩端電壓為U0時該電容器所帶的電荷量Q0約為_________C,從而算出該電容器的電容約為________F.
實驗答案 1. (1)5.45cm (2)0.6726cm 2. 0.5 140 3.(1)B: 大理石質(zhì)心到懸掛點間的距離才是擺長 C:最大偏角不能超過50 D:應(yīng)在擺球經(jīng)過平衡位置時計時 F:應(yīng)該用各組的L、T求出各組的g后,再取平均 (2)偏小。略 4.(1)圖線跟坐標軸的交點,是彈簧壓縮1cm時的彈力 (2)從圖線說明彈力大小跟形變成正比。彈簧的勁度系數(shù)為25.4牛/米。 5.(1)B、E (2)防止a球碰撞后反向彈回,再回到碰撞點的過程中因為有摩擦導(dǎo)致速度減小而影響實驗結(jié)果。 (3)同時落地、如果不是同時落地,會影響實驗結(jié)果、AC (4)4.59 (5)maOB=maOA+mbOC 6.(1)15.7
15.70 (2)1.22m 1.20m
大于 有空氣阻力和摩擦 試題詳情
北京市2009年高考專題強化訓練(五) 光學 原子物理 選擇題:(每題至少有一個選項正確) 1.下列關(guān)于波的敘述中正確的是( ) A.光的偏振現(xiàn)象表明光是一種橫波 B.超聲波可以在真空中傳播 C.白光經(jīng)光密三棱鏡折射發(fā)生色散時,紅光的偏折角最大 D.當日光燈啟動時,旁邊的收音機會發(fā)出“咯咯”聲,這是由于電磁波的干擾造成的 2.關(guān)于近代物理學的結(jié)論中,下面敘述中正確的是( ) A.宏觀物體的物質(zhì)波波長非常小,極易觀察到它的波動性 B.光電效應(yīng)現(xiàn)象中,光電子的最大初動能與照射光的頻率成正比 C.光的干涉現(xiàn)象中,干涉亮條紋部分是光子到達幾率多的地方 D.氫原子的能級是不連續(xù)的,但輻射光子的能量卻是連續(xù)的 3.在沒有月光的夜間,一個池面較大的水池底部中央有一盞燈(可看做光源),小魚在水中游動,小鳥在水面上方飛翔,設(shè)水中無雜質(zhì)且水面平靜,下面的說法中正確的是(
) A.小魚向上方水面看去,看到水面到處都是亮的,但中部較暗 B.小魚向上方水面看去,看到的是一個亮點,它的位置與魚的位置無關(guān) C.小鳥向下方水面看去,看到水面中部有一個圓形區(qū)域是亮的,周圍是暗的 D.小鳥向下方水面看去,看到的是一個亮點,它的位置與鳥的位置有關(guān)
4.如圖所示,激光液面控制儀的原理是:固定的一束激光AO以入射角I 照射到水平面上,反射光OB射到水平放置的光屏上,屏上用光電管將光訊號轉(zhuǎn)換為電訊號,電訊號輸入控制系統(tǒng)來控制液面的高度,若發(fā)現(xiàn)光點在屏上向右移動了△s距離,即射到 點,則液面的高度變化是( ) A.液面降低
B.液面升高(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image006.gif) C.液面降低 D.液面升高(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image009.gif) 5.一束單色光由空氣射入截面為半圓形的玻璃磚,再由玻璃磚射出,入射光線的延長線沿半徑指向圓心,則在如圖所示的四個光路圖中,有可能用來表示上述光現(xiàn)象的是(
) (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image012.jpg)
6.如圖所示,空氣中有一塊橫截面呈扇形的玻璃磚,折射率為 .現(xiàn)有一細光束垂直射到AO面上,經(jīng)玻璃磚反射、折射后,經(jīng)OB面平行返回,∠AOB為1350,圓的半徑為r,則入射點P距圓心O的距離為( )
A. B. C. rsin 7. 50
D. rsin 150 7.如圖所示,全反射玻璃三棱鏡的折射率n= ,一束光線垂直于ac邊從點O射入棱鏡,現(xiàn)在讓入射光線繞O點旋轉(zhuǎn)改變?nèi)肷浞较颍韵陆Y(jié)論正確的是( )
A.若入射光線從圖示位置順時針旋轉(zhuǎn),則折射光線將從ab邊射出且 向右移動 B.若入射光線從圖示位置順時針旋轉(zhuǎn),則折射光線將會從ab、bc兩 邊射出 C.若入射光線從圖示位置逆時針旋轉(zhuǎn),則折射光線將從ab邊射出且向左移動 D.若入射光線從圖示位置逆時針旋轉(zhuǎn),則折射光線將從bc邊射出且向下偏轉(zhuǎn)移動 8.2008年奧運會上,光纖通信網(wǎng)將覆蓋所有的奧運場館,為各項比賽提供安全、可靠的通信服務(wù),光纖通信是利用光的全反射將大量信息高速傳輸.若采用的光導(dǎo)纖維是由內(nèi)芯和包層兩層介質(zhì)組成,下列說法正確的是(
) A.內(nèi)芯和包層折射率相同,折射率都大 B.內(nèi)芯和包層折射率相同,折射率都小 C.內(nèi)芯和包層折射率不同,包層折射率較大 D.內(nèi)芯和包層折射率不同,包層折射率較小 9.如圖所示,MN是暗室墻上的一把直尺,一束寬度為a的平行白光垂直射向MN,現(xiàn)將一橫截面是直角三角形(頂角A為300)的玻璃三棱鏡放在圖中虛線位置,且使其截面的直角邊AB與MN平行,則放上三棱鏡后,射到直尺上的光將(
) A.被照亮部分下移
B.被照亮部分的寬度不變 C.上邊緣呈紫色,下邊緣呈紅色 D.上邊緣呈紅色,下邊緣呈紫色 10.某種色光,在真空中的頻率為 ,波長為 ,光速為c,射入折射率為n的介質(zhì)中時,下列關(guān)系中正確的是( ) A.速度是c,頻率為 ,波長為(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image028.gif) B.速度是c/n,頻率為 /n,波長為 /n C.速度是c/n,頻率為 ,波長為 /n D.速度是c/n,頻率為 ,波長為(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image028.gif) 11.如圖所示,一細束紅光和一細束紫光以相同的入射角i從空氣射入長方 體形玻璃磚的同一點,并且都直接從下表面射出,下列說法正確的是( )
A.從上表面射入時紫光的折射角比紅光的折射角小 B.從下表面射出時紫光的折射角比紅光的折射角大 C.紫光和紅光將從下表面的同一點射出 D.從下表面射出后紫光和紅光一定平行 12.a(chǎn)、b兩種單色光以相同的入射角從某種介質(zhì)射向真空,光路如圖所示,則以下敘述正確的是(
A.a(chǎn)光的全反射臨界角小于b光的全反射臨界角 B.用同一干涉裝置可看到a光的干涉條紋間距比b光寬 C.在該介質(zhì)中a光的傳播速度大于b光的傳播速度 D.如果b光能使某種金屬發(fā)生光電效應(yīng),a光也一定能使該金屬發(fā)生光 電效應(yīng)
13.如圖所示,MN是位于水平平面內(nèi)的光屏,放在水平面上的半圓柱形玻璃磚的平面部分ab 與屏平行,由光源S發(fā)出的一束白光從半圓沿半徑射入玻璃磚,通過圓心O再射到屏上,在豎直平面內(nèi)以O(shè)點為圓心沿逆時針方向緩緩轉(zhuǎn)動玻璃磚,在光屏上出現(xiàn)了彩色光帶,當玻璃磚轉(zhuǎn)動角度大于某一值,屏上彩色光帶中的某種顏色的色光首先消失,有關(guān)彩色光的排列順序和最先消失的色光是( ) A.左紅右紫,紅光 B.左紅右紫,紫光 C.左紫右紅,紅光 D.左紫右紅,紫光 14.如圖所示,一個棱鏡的橫截面ABC為等腰直角三角形一細束紅光從AC面上的P點沿平行于AB的方向射入棱鏡,從BC面上的Q點平行于AB射出,且PQ//AB(圖中未畫出光在棱鏡里的光路).如果將一細束紫光也從P點沿同樣的方向射入棱鏡,則從BC面上射出的光線將( )
A.仍從Q點射出,射出光線仍平行于AB B.仍從Q點射出,但射出光線不再平行于AB C.從Q點上方的某一點處射出,射出光線仍平行于AB D.從Q點下方的某一點處射出,射出光線仍平行于AB 15.甲、乙兩種單色光分別垂直進入一塊厚玻璃磚,已知它們通過玻璃中的時間 ,那么,甲、乙兩種單色光光子的能量關(guān)系是( ) A. B. C. D.不能確定 16.在圖甲所示的裝置中,K為一金屬板,A為金屬電極,都密封在真空的玻璃管中,W為由石英片封蓋的窗口,單色光可通過石英片射到金屬板K上,E為輸出電壓可調(diào)的直流電流,其負極與電極A相連,A是電流表,實驗發(fā)現(xiàn),當用某種頻率的單色光照射K時,K會發(fā)出電子(光電效應(yīng)),這時,即使A、K之間的電壓等于零,回路中也有電流.當A的電勢低于K時,而且當A比K的電勢低到某一值Uc時,電流消失,Uc稱為截止電壓,當改變照射光的頻率 ,截止電壓Uc也將隨之改變,其關(guān)系如圖乙所示,如果某次實驗我們測出了畫出這條圖線所需的一系列數(shù)據(jù),又知道了電子電量,則( ) A.可得該金屬的極限頻率 B.可求得該金屬的逸出功 C.可求得普朗克常量 D.可求得電子的質(zhì)量 (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image047.jpg)
17.一細光束中包含有紅和藍兩種單色光,由真空中以不等于00的入射角照射到透明的平板玻璃上,透過玻璃板后,又射出到真空中,則下列說法中正確的是( ) A.進入玻璃板的光線從玻璃板的表面射出時(即光線經(jīng)過下表面時),紅光和藍光的入射角不同,折射角也不同 B.紅光在玻璃中的波長與在真空的波長相比大于藍光在玻璃中的波長與在真空中的波長之比 C.無論藍光或紅光由真空射入玻璃后,其速度都變小,所以光子的能量都變小 D.紅光在玻璃板中所經(jīng)歷的路程比藍光的短 18.如圖所示是倫琴射線管的裝置示意圖,關(guān)于該裝置,下列說法中正確的是( )
A. E1可用低壓交流電源,也可用直流電源(蓄電池) B.E2是高壓直流電源,且E2的右端為電源的正極 C.射線a、b均是電子流 D.射線a是電子流、射線b是X射線 19.如圖所示,已知用光子能量為2.82eV的紫光照射光電管中的金屬涂層時,毫安表的指針發(fā)生了偏轉(zhuǎn)。若將電路中的滑動變阻器的滑頭P向右移動到某一位置時,毫安表的讀數(shù)恰好減小到零,電壓表讀數(shù)為1V,則該金屬涂層的逸出功約為( )
A. 2. 9×10-19J B. 4.5×10-19J C. 2. 9×10-26J D. 4. 5×10-26 J (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image053.jpg)
20.2003年全世界物理學家評選出“十大最美物理實驗”,排名第一的為1961年物理學家利用“托馬斯?楊雙縫干涉實驗”裝置進行電子干涉的實驗.從輻射源射出的電子束經(jīng)兩個靠近的狹縫后在顯微鏡的熒光屏上出現(xiàn)干涉條紋,該實驗說明( ) A.光具有波動性 B.光具有波、粒二象性 C.微觀粒子也具有波動性 D.微觀粒子也是一種電磁波 21.我們經(jīng)?梢钥吹,在路邊施工處總掛著紅色的電燈,這除了紅色光容易引起人的視覺注意以外,還有一個重要的原因,這一原因是紅色光(
) A.比其他色光更容易發(fā)生衍射 B.比其他色光的光子能量大 C.比其他色光更容易發(fā)生干涉 D.比其他色光更容易發(fā)生光電效應(yīng) 22.夜晚,汽車前燈發(fā)出的強光將迎面駛來的汽車司機照射得睜不開眼,嚴重影響行車安全.若考慮將汽車前燈玻璃改用偏振玻璃,使射出的燈光變?yōu)槠窆猓煌瑫r汽車前窗玻璃也采用偏振玻璃,其透偏方向正好與燈光的振動方向垂直,但還要能看清自己車燈發(fā)出的光所照亮的物體,假設(shè)所有的汽車前窗和前燈玻璃均按同一要求設(shè)置,下面的措施中可行的是( ) A.前窗玻璃的透振方向是豎直的,車燈玻璃的透振方向是水平的 B.前窗玻璃的透振方向是豎直的,車燈玻璃的透振方向是豎直的 C.前窗玻璃的透振方向是斜向右上450,車燈玻璃的透振方向是斜向左上450 D.前窗玻璃和車燈玻璃的透振方向都是斜向右上450 23.如圖所示是用光學的方法來檢查一物體表面光滑程度的裝置,其中A為標準平板,B為被檢查其表面光滑程度的物體,C為單色入射光,如果要說明能檢查平面光滑程度的道理,則需要用到下列哪些光學概念?( )
A.反射和干涉 B.全反射和干涉 C.反射和衍射 D.全反射和衍射 24.酷熱的夏天,在平坦的柏油公路上你會看到在一定的距離之外,地面顯得格外的明亮,仿佛是一片水面,似乎還能看到遠處車、人的倒影.但當你靠近“水面”時,它也隨你的靠近而后退.對此現(xiàn)象的正確解釋是( ) A.同海市屬樓的光學現(xiàn)象具有相同的原理,是由于光的全反射作用造成的 B.“水面”不存在,是由于酷熱難耐,人產(chǎn)生的幻覺 C.太陽輻射到地面,使地表溫度升高,折射率大,發(fā)生全反射 D.太陽輻射到地面,使地表溫度升高,折射率小,發(fā)生全反射 25.在一次觀察光的衍射實驗中,觀察到如圖所示的清晰的亮暗相間的圖樣,那么障礙物可能是( )
A.很小的不透明圓板 B.很大的中間有大圓孔的不透明檔板 C.很大的不透明圓板 D.很大的中間有小圓孔的不透明擋板 26.如圖所示,劈尖干涉是一種薄膜干涉,其裝置如圖 (a)所示.將一塊平板玻璃放置在另一平板玻璃之上,在一端夾入兩張紙片,從而在兩玻璃表面之間形成一個劈形空氣薄膜,當光垂直入射后,從上往下看到的干涉條紋如圖(b)所示.干涉條紋有如下特點:(1)任意一條明條紋或者暗條紋所在位置下面的薄膜厚度相等;(2)任意相鄰明條紋或暗條紋所對應(yīng)的薄膜厚度差恒定.現(xiàn)若在圖(a)裝置中抽去一張紙片,則當光垂直入射到新的劈形空氣薄膜后,從上往下觀察到的干涉條紋( )
A.變疏 B.變密 C.不變 D.消失 27.1924年法國物理學家德布羅意提出物質(zhì)波的概念,任何一個運動著的物體,小到電子,大到行星、恒星都有一種波與之對應(yīng),波長為 =h/p, p為物體運動的動量,h是普朗克常量.同樣光也具有粒子性,光子的動量為p=h/ .根據(jù)上述觀點可以證明一個靜止的自由電子如果完全吸收一個 光子,會發(fā)生下列情況:設(shè)光子頻率為 ,則E=h , p=h/ =h /c,被電子吸收后有h =mev2/2,h /c=mev.由以上兩式可解得:v=2c,電子的速度為兩倍光速,顯然這是不可能的.關(guān)于上述過程以下說法正確的是( ) A.因為在微觀世界動量守恒定律不適用,上述論證錯誤,所以電子可能完全吸收一個 光子 B.因為在微觀世界能量守恒定律不適用,上述論證錯誤,所以電子可能完全吸收一個 光子 C.動量守恒定律、能量守恒定律是自然界中普遍適用規(guī)律,所以唯一結(jié)論是電子不可能完全吸收一個 光子 D.若 光子與一個靜止的自由電子發(fā)生作用,則 光子被電子散射后頻率不變 28.抽制高強度纖維細絲時可用激光監(jiān)控其粗細,如圖所示,觀察激光束經(jīng)過細絲時在光屏上所產(chǎn)生的條紋即可判斷細絲粗細的變化( )(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image067.jpg) A.這主要是光的干涉現(xiàn)象 B.這主要是光的衍射現(xiàn)象 C.如果屏上條紋變寬,表明抽制的絲變粗 D.如果屏上條紋變寬,表明抽制的絲變細 29.關(guān)于天然放射現(xiàn)象,以下敘述正確的是( ) A.若使放射性物質(zhì)的溫度升高,其半衰期將減小 B. 衰變所釋放的電子是原子核內(nèi)的中子轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橘|(zhì)子時產(chǎn)生的 C.在 、 、 這三種射線中, 射線的穿透能力最強, 射線的電離能力最強 D.鈾核( U)衰變?yōu)殂U核( Pb)的過程中,要經(jīng)過8次 衰變和10次 衰變 30.英國物理學家盧瑟福通過 粒子散射實驗的研究提出了原子的核式結(jié)構(gòu)學說,該學說包括的內(nèi)容有( ) A.原子的中心有一個很小的原子核 B.原子的全部正電荷集中在原子核內(nèi) C.原子的質(zhì)量幾乎全部集中在原子核內(nèi) D.原子是由質(zhì)子和中子組成的 31.下列四個方程中,表示衰變的是( ) A. (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image082.gif) B.
(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image086.gif) C. (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image088.gif) D.
(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image092.gif) 32.某原子核的衰變過程為: ,則(
) A.X的中子數(shù)比P的中子數(shù)少2
B.X的質(zhì)量數(shù)比P的質(zhì)量數(shù)多5 C.X的質(zhì)子數(shù)比P的質(zhì)子數(shù)少1
D.X的質(zhì)子數(shù)比P的質(zhì)子數(shù)多1 33.如圖所示為氫原子的能級示意圖,一群氫原子處于n=3的激發(fā)態(tài),在向較低能級躍遷的過程中向外發(fā)出光子,用這些光照射逸出功為2. 49 eV的金屬鈉,下列說法正確的是( ) A.這群氫原子能發(fā)出三種頻率不同的光,其中從n=3躍遷到n=2所發(fā)出的光波長最短 B.這群氫原子能發(fā)出兩種頻率不同的光,其中從n=3躍遷到n=1所發(fā)出的光頻率最高 C.金屬鈉表面所發(fā)出的光電子的初動能最大值為11. 11 eV D.金屬鈉表面所發(fā)出的光電子的初動能最大值為9. 60 eV (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image096.jpg)
34.氦原子被電離一個核外電子,形成類氫結(jié)構(gòu)的氦離子,已知基態(tài)的氦離子能量為E1=-54. 4 eV,氦離子的能級示意圖如圖所示.在具有下列能量的光子或者電子中,不能被基態(tài)氦離子吸收而發(fā)生躍遷的是( ) A.42.8
eV(光子) B.43. 2 eV(電子) C.41.
0 eV(電子) D.54.4 eV(光子) (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image098.jpg)
35.用一束單色光照射處于基態(tài)的一群氫原子,這些氫原子吸收光子后處于激發(fā)態(tài),并能發(fā)射光子,現(xiàn)測得這些氫原子發(fā)射的光子頻率僅有三種,分別為 、 和 ,且 < < 。則入射光子的能量應(yīng)為( ) A. h
B. h
C. h( + ) D. h(物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image104.gif) 36.靜止的鐳核 Ra發(fā)生 衰變,釋放出的 粒子的動能為E0 ,假設(shè)衰變時能量全部以動能形式釋放出來,則衰變過程中總的質(zhì)量虧損是( ) A.
B. C. D. (物理-光學%20原子物理).files/image120.gif) 37.下列說法正確的是( ) A.鈾235只要俘獲中子就能進行鏈式反應(yīng) B.所有的鈾核俘獲中子后都能裂變 C.太陽不斷地向外輻射大量能量,太陽質(zhì)量應(yīng)不斷減小,日地間距離應(yīng)不斷增大,地球公轉(zhuǎn)速度應(yīng)不斷減小 D. 粒子散射實驗的結(jié)果證明原子核是由質(zhì)子和中子組成的 38.一群處于基態(tài)的氫原子受某種單色光照射時,只能發(fā)射甲、乙、丙三種單色光,其中甲光的波長最短,丙光的波長最長,則甲、丙這兩種單色光的光子能量之比E甲:E丙等于( ) A. 3:2
B.6:1 C.32:5 D.9:4 39.有兩束均由質(zhì)子和氘核混合組成的粒子流,第一束中的質(zhì)子和氘核具有相同的動量,第二束中的質(zhì)子和氘核具有相同的動能.現(xiàn)打算將質(zhì)子和氘核分開,有以下一些做法,這些方法中可行的是( ) A.讓第一束粒子流垂直電場方向進入勻強電場后穿出 B.讓第一束粒子流垂直磁場方向進入勻強磁場后穿出 C.讓第二束粒子流垂直電場方向進入勻強電場后穿出 D.讓第二束粒子流垂直磁場方向進入勻強磁場后穿出 40.一個靜止的放射性原子核處于垂直紙面向里的勻強磁場中,由于發(fā)生了衰變而形成了如圖所示的兩個圓形徑跡,兩圓半徑之比為1:16( )
A.該原子核發(fā)生了 衰變 B.反沖核沿小圓做逆時針方向運動 C.原靜止的原子核的原子序數(shù)為15 D.沿大回和沿小圓運動的粒子的周期相同 專題五 答案 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AD C BD D CD C BD D AD C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 AD BC B C A ABC B ABD A C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A D A AD D A C BD BC ABC 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 AB D D A CD B C C AD BC 試題詳情
2009年高考政治復(fù)習單項題專練(四) 1.2008年9月5日新華網(wǎng)報道:浙江紹興市全市上下正堅定信心,加快發(fā)展紡織業(yè)。紹興紡織業(yè)人均創(chuàng)利為全國的1.8倍,勞動生產(chǎn)率為全國的1.6倍.較高的勞動生產(chǎn)率能使紹興紡織業(yè): ①提高企業(yè)商品的價值量
②增加企業(yè)商品的降價空間 ③減少企業(yè)商品的個別勞動時間
④增加企業(yè)商品的競爭力 A.①②③
B.①②④ C.①③④
D.②③④ 2.2008年8月25日人民網(wǎng)報道:我國早已明確了資源性產(chǎn)品價格改革的目標和方向,但由于種種原因,我國能源價格尚未完全市場化。從經(jīng)濟生活的角度看,改革資源性產(chǎn)品價格形成機制應(yīng)當體現(xiàn): ①價值對價格的決定作用
②社會必要勞動時間決定商品的價值量 ③賣方市場對商品價格的決定作用 ④供求關(guān)系對價格的影響 A.①② 。拢冖邸 。茫邰堋
D.①④ 3.時下“請人吃飯不如請人流汗”已成為都市一大時尚,人們越來越舍得“花錢買健康”。對此,錯誤的認識是: A.這說明我國的消費結(jié)構(gòu)正發(fā)生變化B.這將有助于促進我國服務(wù)業(yè)的發(fā)展 C.享受資料消費以成為人們消費的主流 D.這有利于提高個人生活質(zhì)量 4.2008年7月9日溫家寶總理主持召開國務(wù)院常務(wù)會議,在深化國有企業(yè)改革方面,要求加快推進中央企業(yè)股份制改革,具備條件的實現(xiàn)整體上市或主營業(yè)務(wù)整體上市;擴大中央企業(yè)建立規(guī)范董事會試點的戶數(shù)和范圍,建立健全董事會運作的各項規(guī)章制度。這一要求: ①能夠優(yōu)化國有經(jīng)濟的布局和結(jié)構(gòu) ②能夠增強國有經(jīng)濟活力、控制力、影響力 ③可以提高國有企業(yè)的運作效率和管理的科學性 ④能確保國有企業(yè)獲得較高的經(jīng)濟效益 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④
D.①②④ 5.近年來黨和政府多次提出,要毫不動搖地鼓勵、支持、引導(dǎo)非公有制經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。這是因為: A.非公有制經(jīng)濟是社會主義經(jīng)濟的重要組成部分 B.非公有制經(jīng)濟是促進我國生產(chǎn)力發(fā)展的重要力量 C.非公有制經(jīng)濟更適合于社會生產(chǎn)力的發(fā)展 D.我國實行社會主義制度 6.近來,在家裝市場中,“輕裝修,重裝飾”已經(jīng)不再是一句單純的口號。因為美居生活已經(jīng)成為消費熱點,人們的審美追求日益傾向個性化,家居飾品因此成為一種新興的行業(yè)。上述材料說明: ①生產(chǎn)決定消費的方式 ②消費是生產(chǎn)的目的和動力 ③一個新的消費熱點的出現(xiàn)往往能夠帶動一個產(chǎn)業(yè)的出現(xiàn) ④生產(chǎn)決定消費的質(zhì)量和水平 A.①②
B.②③ C.③④
D.①③ 7.2008年全球股市大跌,多國政府采取了積極的救市措施。股市大跌使得絕大部分懷著股市淘金愿望的股民嘗到了深套的滋味。這說明: ①股票價格具有很大的不確定因素 ②投資者必須理性投資w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m ③購買股票并不能給投資者帶來財富 ④股票是一種高風險的投資方式 A.①③④
D.②③④ 8.2008年上半年,全國共實現(xiàn)保費收入5618億元,同比增長51.1?。我國保險業(yè)的發(fā)展: ①能為人們規(guī)避風險提供有效措施 ②有利于降低投保人的風險損失 ③確保居民的人生、財產(chǎn)不再遭受損失 ④能保障居民的基本生活 A.②③
B.③④ C.①②
D.①④ 9.經(jīng)濟學上所推崇的“橄欖型”收入分配結(jié)構(gòu),是低收入和高收入相對減少、中等收入占絕大多數(shù)的分配結(jié)構(gòu),這種結(jié)構(gòu)比我國目前的“金字塔型”穩(wěn)定得多。我國的分配結(jié)構(gòu)正朝著“橄欖型”方向發(fā)展。這主要是為了: A.促進效率的提高 B.促進社會公平 C.促進生產(chǎn)的發(fā)展 D.促進內(nèi)需的擴大 10.要建立規(guī)范有序的收入分配格局,正確的做法是: ①提高低收入者的收入水平②反對平均主義,提倡同步富裕③初次分配和再分配都要處理好效率與公平的關(guān)系,再分配更加注重公平④調(diào)節(jié)過高收入,取締非法收入 A.①③④
B.②③④ C.①②④
D.①②③ 11.從2008年秋季起,我國全面免除城市義務(wù)教育階段學雜費(2007年已經(jīng)全部免除農(nóng)村義務(wù)教育階段學雜費)。這一項惠及百姓的“民心工程”: ①有利于促進社會公平正義、推動社會和諧發(fā)展②說明社會主義市場經(jīng)濟以共同富裕為目標,不會出現(xiàn)貧富差距③是社會主義制度的本質(zhì)要求④說明社會主義市場經(jīng)濟以堅持公有制的主體地位為基本標志 A.②③
B.①② C.③④
D.①③ 12.古人詩有“風定花猶落”一句,素來無人能對,王安石借用王籍原詩“鳥鳴山更幽”來對,這樣對仗體現(xiàn)了: ①聯(lián)系的觀點 ②靜止和運動是統(tǒng)一的 ③靜止和運動是對立的 ④實踐是認識的基礎(chǔ) A.①②
B.②④ C.①②③
D.①②④ 13.2008年11月4日,紀念村民委員會組織法實施十周年座談會在北京召開。與會代表一致認為:農(nóng)村的基層民主進一步發(fā)展,公民有序的政治參與不斷擴大,人民依法實行民主選舉、民主決策、民主管理、民主監(jiān)督逐步得到保證。這體現(xiàn)了: ①我國的民主才是全民的真正的民主②我國的人民民主具有真實性的特點③我國人民享有直接管理國家事務(wù)的權(quán)利④我國的民主制度不斷完善 A.①② 。拢冖邸 C.③④ D.②④ 14.北京奧運會于2008年8月8日開幕。奧運會期間,我國政府開辟了3個游行示威專區(qū)。讓游行示威人員經(jīng)過批準、有序地集會,表達自己的意愿,體現(xiàn)了: ① 權(quán)利與義務(wù)的統(tǒng)一 、诿裰髋c法制的統(tǒng)一 ③選舉權(quán)與被選舉權(quán)的統(tǒng)一 ④監(jiān)督與被監(jiān)督的統(tǒng)一 A.①② 。拢冖邸 。茫佗 D.③④
15.2008年10月美國的金融危機以及我國國內(nèi)的一些因素對我國的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展產(chǎn)生了重大的影響.在這一背景下,我國財政政策進行了從“穩(wěn)健的財政政策”到“積極的財政政策”、貨幣政策從“適度從緊的貨幣政策”到“適度寬松的貨幣政策”的戰(zhàn)略性轉(zhuǎn)變。這是政府在履行: A.維護國家長治久安的職能 B.組織社會主義經(jīng)濟建設(shè)的職能 C.提供社會公共服務(wù)的職能 D.組織社會主義文化建設(shè)的職能 16.2008年9月3日,溫家寶總理主持召開國務(wù)院常務(wù)會議強調(diào):各地區(qū)、各部門、各單位,要嚴格依法行政。嚴格依法行政的意義在于: ①有利于保障人民群眾的權(quán)利和自由 ②有利于加強廉正建設(shè),增強政府權(quán)威 ③有利于促進政府公正司法、嚴格執(zhí)法 ④有利于防止行政權(quán)力的缺失和濫用。 A.①② 。拢佗冖邸
C.②④ 。模佗冖 17.2008年8月29日,十一屆人大常委會第四次會議審議了國務(wù)院提出的2007年中央決算報告、審計工作報告,審查批準了2007年中央決算。這表明: ①全國人大直接行使管理經(jīng)濟的職能 ②我國行政機關(guān)對人大負責,受人大監(jiān)督③全國人大常委會行使監(jiān)督權(quán)和決定權(quán) ④中央和地方的權(quán)力得到合理劃分 A.①②
C. ②③
D. ③④ 18.2008年11月21日南方日報:要以科學發(fā)展觀為指導(dǎo),堅定不移地發(fā)展社會主義民主政治。關(guān)于中國社會主義民主政治的說法正確的有: ①人民當家作主是社會主義民主政治的本質(zhì)②人民代表大會制度是由人民民主專政決定的,是中國社會主義民主政治的最鮮明的特點③建設(shè)社會主義民主政治,最重要的是堅持和完善人民代表大會制度④社會主義民主政治最重要的特點是民主集中制 A.②③④
D.①②④ 19.埃及胡夫金字塔有一段令人生畏的銘文:“不論是誰騷擾了法老的安寧,死神之冀將在他的頭上降臨!绷钊松返你懳膹恼軐W上看屬于: A.古代樸素唯物主義 B.近代機械唯物主義 C.主觀唯心主義 D.客觀唯心主義 20.十七屆三中全會指出,要繼續(xù)解放思想,大膽實踐、勇于開拓,以新的理念和思路破解農(nóng)村發(fā)展難題。這句話蘊涵的哲學道理是: A.意識對認識世界具有指導(dǎo)作用 B.意識對改造世界具有指導(dǎo)作用 C.意識是客觀存在的反映
D.意識決定于物質(zhì) 21.日報》刊出一篇名為“今年中秋月更明”的評論員的文章!敖衲曛星镌赂鳌闭f明: ①人們的感受完全是主觀的,不具有任何客觀基礎(chǔ) ②人們的意識對對象的反映具有主觀特性③人們認識對象的過程就是創(chuàng)造對象的過程 ④人們的認識既源于原型又不拘泥于原型 A.①②
B.②④ C.②③
D.①④ 22.2008年9月27日“華南虎”案中的周正龍被判處有期徒刑2年6個月,11月周正龍上訴又被釋放。“華南虎”照片是用老虎畫拍攝的假虎照。對假虎照進行調(diào)查處理,是因為它: A.割裂了運動和靜止的關(guān)系
B.否認了物質(zhì)是運動的物質(zhì) C.違背了一切從實際出發(fā)、實事求是的原則 D.沒有充分發(fā)揮主觀能動性 23.5.12汶川特大地震震驚世界,許多人發(fā)問,這么大的地震為何沒能預(yù)報?目前,對地震的準確預(yù)報還是個世界性的難題,這是因為: A.人們對事物的認識受主客觀條件的制約B.規(guī)律是客觀的、普遍的 C.運動是無條件的、永恒的、絕對的D.世界是普遍聯(lián)系的 24.政治生活中關(guān)于“我們總要參與,我們總會參與”體現(xiàn)了馬克思主義哲學的: A.實踐性 B.革命性和科學性 C.唯物主義特征 D.辯證法特征 25.始生效!吨腥A人民共和國反壟斷法》的出臺是為了更好地維護市場秩序。上述材料反映: A.認識的反復(fù)性和目的性
B.認識的無限性 C.實踐是不斷發(fā)展的,認識是反復(fù)多變的 D.真理的客觀性、條件性 26.鄭板橋有詩句:“新竹高于舊竹枝,全憑老干為扶持。明年再有新生者,十丈龍孫繞鳳池!逼渲械恼軐W寓意是: ①新事物具有強大的生命力 ②發(fā)展的實質(zhì)是新事物代替舊事物 ③舊事物不符合發(fā)展規(guī)律 ④新事物的成長要靠人們的熱情扶持 A.①④
B.②④ C.①②④ D.②③④ 27.北京奧運會的開幕式上,太古遺音、四大發(fā)明、夸父追日等中國元素比比皆是。中國燦爛的文化神奇地得到展示,成為北京奧運會開幕式取得成功的巨大亮點。這說明: A.事物是普遍聯(lián)系的,也是發(fā)展的 B.矛盾具有特殊性,要善于把握矛盾的特殊性 C.部分離不開整體,整體也離不開部分 D.只要抓住了主要矛盾,辦事情就能成功 28.《莊子.刻意》中說:“吹?呼吸,吐故納新!背烧Z“吐故納新”由此而來。這個成語包含的哲理是: A.新事物在曲折中前進的原理 B.量變與質(zhì)變的關(guān)系原理 C.對立統(tǒng)一的原理
D.辯證否定的原理 29.清朝著名思想家顧炎武說:“不廉則無所不取,不恥則無所不為!睒s辱倒錯,是當前腐敗滋生蔓延的一個重要原因。這說明:w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m A.社會存在決定社會意識 B.社會意識是對社會存在的反映 C.落后的社會意識對社會發(fā)展起阻礙作用 D.人的價值在于責任和貢獻 30. 2008年3月29日,由中央文明辦、教育部、共青團中央、全國婦聯(lián)共同發(fā)起的未成年人“知榮辱、樹新風、我行動”到的實踐活動啟動;顒觿訂T全國城鄉(xiāng)的未成年人要在實踐中增強道德意識、強化道德養(yǎng)成、踐行道德規(guī)范、提高道德素質(zhì)。這一活動的開展: ①有利于形成良好的社會風尚 ②是提高全民族文明素質(zhì)的基礎(chǔ)性工程 ③有利于推動社會主義精神文明建設(shè) ④是我國經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展的中心工作 A. ①②③
B. ①③④ C. ②③④
D. ①②④ 31. 自2008年1月1日起,我國正式施行國務(wù)院頒發(fā)的《職工帶薪年休假條例》。這表明我國政府: A. 堅持立黨為公、執(zhí)政為民
B. 維護勞動者的一切權(quán)益
C. 堅持以人為本、依法行政
D. 履行組織社會公共服務(wù)職能 32.2008年3月,十一屆全國政協(xié)第一次會議在北京召開。人民政協(xié)是: A. 我國的參政黨 B. 同中國共產(chǎn)黨通力合作的親密友黨 C. 我國的國家機關(guān) D. 中國人民最廣泛的愛國統(tǒng)一戰(zhàn)線組織 33.上海市人民政府向全社會公開征集對上!笆晃逡(guī)劃”(草案)的建議和意見,收到了近萬封人民群眾的來信。這表明我國公民: A. 可以直接參與管理國家大事 B. 民主參政意識不斷增強 C. 可以任意表達自己的意見 D. 享有對國家機關(guān)及其工作人員的監(jiān)督權(quán) 34. 2008年4月8日(農(nóng)歷三月三),黃帝故里拜祖大典在河南新鄭舉行。黃帝是我們中華民族共同的祖先。下列關(guān)于我國民族概況的說法,不正確的是: A. 具有以漢族為主體,大雜居、小聚居的分布特點 B. 現(xiàn)在全國各地的居民都是以漢族為主體,又是少數(shù)民族雜居的 C. 除漢族以外的其他55個民族習慣上被稱為少數(shù)民族 D. 現(xiàn)在全國幾乎沒有一個市、縣的居民是由單一民族組成的 35.《中華人民共和國反壟斷法》于2008年8月1日起實施。該法尤其受到非公有制經(jīng)濟界人士的關(guān)注和期待。這是因為反壟斷法將: A.制約公有制經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展
B.促進非公有制經(jīng)濟優(yōu)先發(fā)展 C.促進各種所有制經(jīng)濟平等競爭 D.改變國有經(jīng)濟的主導(dǎo)地位 36.某企業(yè)是一家集體企業(yè),由于生產(chǎn)任務(wù)較多,未經(jīng)勞動行政部門批準,要求職工每天加時工作,星期天也照常上班。職工每月累計加班加點高達120小時。長時間超負荷的工作對職工的身心健康造成極大傷害,侵犯了職工的合法權(quán)益。上述材料中的這家企業(yè)侵犯了勞動者的: A.平等就業(yè)和擇業(yè)的權(quán)利 B.取得勞動報酬的權(quán)利 C.休息、休假的權(quán)利
D.獲得勞動安全衛(wèi)生保護的權(quán)利 37.2008年6月19日,南寧迎來了來自文萊、柬埔寨、印尼、老撾等東盟10國和東盟秘書處的158名青年代表,以“共建青年區(qū)域合作新平臺”為主題的2008中國―東盟青年營正式拉開帷幕。中國與東盟加強合作: ①說明區(qū)域集團化是經(jīng)濟全球化的主要表現(xiàn) ②是區(qū)域集團化趨勢加強的表現(xiàn) ③有利于實現(xiàn)雙方經(jīng)濟的共贏
④有利于世界經(jīng)濟、區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展 A.①②③
B.②③④ C.②④ D.①②④ 38.會展設(shè)計師、寵物馴導(dǎo)師、婚姻家庭咨詢師、珠寶首飾評估師、調(diào)香師……社會日新月異的發(fā)展催生了很多新風撲面、生機勃勃的新興職業(yè)。新興職業(yè)的出現(xiàn): ①表明就業(yè)是民生之本
②標志著以創(chuàng)業(yè)帶動就業(yè)已蔚然成風 ③有利于緩解嚴峻的就業(yè)和再就業(yè)壓力 ④有利于提高居民的生活水平和質(zhì)量 A.②③
B.③④ C.②③④ D.①②③ 39.2008年6月,胡錦濤主席在中國科學院第十四次、中國工程院第九次院士大會發(fā)表重要講話時指出:科技界應(yīng)加強對自然災(zāi)害孕育、發(fā)生、發(fā)展等規(guī)律的研究,為科學預(yù)測和預(yù)防提供理論依據(jù)?萍冀鐟(yīng)加強對防災(zāi)減災(zāi)問題的研究,說明: A.在客觀規(guī)律面前,人們是消極被動、無能為力的 B.社會發(fā)展在社會基本矛盾運動的不斷解決中實現(xiàn) C.充分發(fā)揮主觀能動性,認識和利用規(guī)律,造福人類 D.科學技術(shù)是最革命、最活躍的因素 40.即使我們是一支蠟燭,也應(yīng)該“蠟炬成灰淚始干”。即使我們只是一根火柴,也要有一次閃耀。艾青的《光的贊歌》給我們的啟示是: A.發(fā)展自己才能,提高個人素質(zhì) B.堅定理想信念,樹立正確價值觀 C.追求個性解放,學會享受生活 D.放棄個人利益,鑄就永恒的人生 41.號稱中國股市散戶第一人的楊百萬說,股市是沒有圍墻的社會財經(jīng)大學,只有留級和重讀,永遠沒有畢業(yè)生。這告訴我們: A.股票是一種高收益的投資方式 B.認識具有無限性、反復(fù)性 C.有些事情是人們不能認識的 D.真理是客觀的 42.“青燈一盞文章鋪錦繡,苦心幾番詩詞發(fā)春華”是一幅勵志讀書的楹聯(lián)。下列名句中與之蘊涵相同哲理的是: ①人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青 ②江山代有人才出,各領(lǐng)風騷數(shù)百年 ③寶劍鋒從磨礪出,梅花香自苦寒來 ④千淘萬漉雖辛苦,吹盡黃沙始到金 A.③④
B.①② C.②③ D.②④ 43.濟新秩序而努力。中國政府主張,為建立國際政治經(jīng)濟新秩序,各國在政治上應(yīng)該做到: A.相互尊重,共同協(xié)商
B.相互促進,共同發(fā)展 C.相互借鑒,共同繁榮 D.相互信任,共同維護 44.民主政治建設(shè)有賴于公民有序的政治參與。有序參與和無序參與的區(qū)別在于: ①是否依法行使政治權(quán)利、履行政治性義務(wù) ②是否向國家機關(guān)表達了自己的合理批評和建議 ③參與行為是否遵循了法律、法規(guī)和程序性規(guī)范
④參與過程中是否正確處理了權(quán)利與義務(wù)的關(guān)系 A.①②③
B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 45.2008年6月27日,朝鮮于當?shù)貢r間17時05分(北京時間16時05分)炸毀了寧邊地區(qū)核設(shè)施的冷卻塔。其實這一舉措是第六輪六方會談第二階段會議取得實質(zhì)性成果的重要證明。朝鮮同意對一切現(xiàn)有核設(shè)施進行以廢棄為目標的去功能化。這標志著朝鮮半島無核化進程邁出了重要而堅實的一步。上述材料說明: ①對話與合作是解決沖突和分歧的正確方法 ②國家間的共同利益是各國合作的基礎(chǔ)③會談六方在根本利益上是相同的
④國家力量是影響國際關(guān)系的決定因素 A.①②③④
B.①②④ C.①②③
D.①② 2008年8月8日至24日,舉世矚目的第29屆夏季奧運會在北京隆重舉行。據(jù)此回答46-47題。 46.《同一個世界,同一個夢想》等廣為流傳,廣大文藝工作者用積蓄已久的激情化為音符綻放開來,用音樂烘托出奧運的力量和中國的壯美,激發(fā)了情感,鼓舞了人心……由此可見,文藝創(chuàng)作要: ①理解人民群眾對文化生活的基本需求
②關(guān)注現(xiàn)實題材 ③反映時代精神、緊貼人民生活、反映群眾心聲 ④弘揚優(yōu)秀文化 A.①③④
B.①②③④ C.①②③
D.①②④ 47.北京奧運會不僅是一場體育盛會,也是一場世界文化盛會。假如你是一位奧運志愿者,在服務(wù)過程中應(yīng)當:w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m ①遵循各國文化一律平等的原則 ②做各國文化的弘揚者、建設(shè)者 ③尊重各國文化之間的差異 ④做中外文化交流的友好使者 A.①②③
B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 48.2008年9月1日,新學期開學第一天,全國中小學生迎來史上最牛的一節(jié)課:以“知識守護生命”為主題的安全公益課《開學第一課》,通過對學生進行“避險自救”知識教育,教學生掌握避災(zāi)的常識和技巧,真正“用知識守護生命”。對此,下列認識中正確的是: A.人們的精神活動離不開物質(zhì)活動 B.文化在時代發(fā)展中與經(jīng)濟、政治相互交融 C.參加健康有益的文化活動,能夠獲得一定的專業(yè)知識和技能 D.優(yōu)秀文化能夠增強人的精神力量 49.里,而當時世界上所有文明流域加起來的面積也只是中國的十五分之一。所以,氣魄、宏偉的統(tǒng)一文明是中國文化的一大特點。由此可見: ①中華文化就是中華文明
③中華文化一直走在世界前列 ④我國各族人民對中國文化有認同感和歸宿感 A.①② B.③④ C.①③
D.②④ 50.多讀那些向你傳遞愛和真善美,傳遞博大精神、高尚道德和科學文化的書,你的生命一定會浸透了書香,一定會成為熠熠生輝的發(fā)光體,能夠創(chuàng)造文明和書寫歷史,能夠引導(dǎo)、照耀、溫暖別人和后人。這表明: A.人們常常遭遇思想道德上的“兩難選擇” B.讀書的根本意義在于提高自己知識文化修養(yǎng) C.要在知識文化的陶冶中不斷升華自己的思想道德境界 D.書有高下優(yōu)劣之分 51.十七大報告把優(yōu)先發(fā)展教育、建設(shè)人力資源強國作為社會建設(shè)六大任務(wù)之首。關(guān)于教育的地位和作用,下列說法不正確的是: A.教育具有選擇、傳遞、創(chuàng)造文化的特定功能 B.教育是發(fā)展科學技術(shù)和培養(yǎng)人才的基礎(chǔ) C.教育在現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)中具有基礎(chǔ)性、先導(dǎo)性和全局性的作用 D.教育是社會主義文化大發(fā)展、大繁榮的根本保證 52.中國電視節(jié)目鮮有自主品牌,原創(chuàng)的電視節(jié)日幾乎沒有一個叫座的,因此只能照搬歐美成熟的電視節(jié)日模式。近兩年“超級女聲”、“夢想中國”、“我型我秀”等節(jié)目都是照搬國外的真人秀模式,節(jié)目同質(zhì)化顯示的是原創(chuàng)的匱乏。這說明要增強我國的文化競爭力必須: A.高度重視民族優(yōu)秀文化的繼承 B.提高我國文化產(chǎn)業(yè)創(chuàng)新能力 C.大力發(fā)展社會主義先進文化 D.堅持解放思想,堅持百花齊放 DDCAB
www.ks5u.com 試題詳情
北京市2009年高考專題強化訓練(四) 電磁學 試題詳情
命題人:鄒小鳳 審題人:邊慧中 考試時間:12月4日---5日 一:聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題l.5分,滿分7.5分) 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。 1. What do we know
aboutwww.ks5u.com the man? A. He has a toothache. B. He doesn’t
like chocolate. C. He is
losing weight. 2. What are the
speakers probably doing? A. Watching a film. B. Taking a
picture. C.
Drawing a picture. 3. What will the
weather be like tomorrow morning? A. Hot B. Rainy C. Cloudy 4. What are the
speakers mainly talking about? A. A holiday plan. B. A weekly schedule. C. A speech arrangement. 5. What does the boy
want to buy? A. A dictionary. B. A story book. C. An audio CD. 第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題l.5分,滿分22.5分) 聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。 請聽第6段材料,回答第6至7題。 6. What are the speakers mainly talking
A. The woman’s baby.
B. The woman’s family.
C. The woman’s husband. 7. How many children does the man have?
A. 1. B.
C. 3. 請聽第7段材料,回答第8至10題。 8. What is the probable relationship
between the speakers?
A. Colleagues.
B. Boss and secretary.
C. Customer and waitress. 9. What does the man tell the woman to do?
A. Send an e-mail for him.  B. Have a look at his computer.  C. Ask an engineer to fix his computer. 10. What do we know about the man?
A. He is busy now. B.
He is very worried now. C. He
got the computer from the woman. 請聽第8段材料,回答第11至13題。 11. What does the boy think of his mark?
A. It’s satisfying. B.
It’s average. C. It’s
poor. 12. What does the girl suggest doing
A. Studying maths.
B. Practising tennis.
C. Playing table tennis. 13. When will the speakers meet every week?
A. On Mondays.
B. On Wednesddays. C.
On Fridays. 請聽第9段材料,回答第14至17題。 14. Where is the woman going?
A. To a store.
B. To her house.
C. To her office. 15. When does the woman think she could be
A. By 8 o’clock.
B. By 7 o’clock.
C. by 5 o’clock. 16. How does the woman probably go to work?
A. By bus.
B. By taxi. C.
On foot. 17. What is the probable relationship
between the speakers?
A. Husband and wife.
B. Boss and secretary.
C. Brother and sister. 請聽第10段材料,回答第18至20題。 18. Why did the speaker’s family move to Sydney?
A. Because of his study. B. Because of his
business. C. Because of his
father’s business. 19. Where did the speaker go to university?
A. In California. B. In Bangkok. C. In Sydney. 20. What did the speaker think of his
travel in Asia?
A. It was long.
B. It was meaningful. C. It
was expensive. 二.單項選擇(共15小題,每小題1 分,滿分15分) 21. He was once warned that he
would _________unless he stopped working that hard . A. break down B. break in C. break out D. break into 22. A man so
difficult to must be hard to . A. please;work B.
please;work with C. be please;work with D.
be pleased;be worked
with 23. It is believed
that if a book is ,it will surely the reader. A. interesting;interest B.
interested;interesting C. interested;interested D.
interest;interested 24. --- I thought Tom would visit
me last night. --- Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to
inform him of your arrival here, or he ________ on you. A. had called B. would
C. called D. would
have called 25. As we all know, ________
United Nations take _______ active part in international affairs nowadays. A. the; / B.
/; an C.
the; an
D. /; / 26. We tried to __________him
from climbing the mountain without a guide. A. persuaded B. discouraged C. advised D. wished 27. We
should never forget the severe snow storm in early 2008 and the sufferings _ ___ caused to the
southern Chinese people. A. they
B. it
C. what
D. that  28. My brother
John drove the car down the road at ________ I thought was a dangerous speed.  A. that B. which C. what D. where 29. A new to teaching languages is being used here,and it has turned out to be very helpful
to the students. A. approach B.
means C.
method D.
way 30. Mike, as far
as l know, ________ like to play music. A. seems B.
appears C.
feels D.
does  31. He left word
with his secretary ________ she should keep it a secret for the moment. A. which B. that C. what D.
whether 32. The production
of this factory is now what it was ten years ago.  A. three times as B. double
C. two times than
D. four times of 33. With a large amount of work __________,
the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday. A. remained to be done B. remaining to be done  C. remained being done D.
remaining to do 34. Native Americans about seven percent of the California population. A. fill up B. bring up C. make up D. set up 35. “One World One Dream’’ fully the universal values of the Olympic
spirit―Unity, Friendship,
Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream.  A. raises B. reflects C. understands D. announces 三. 完形填空(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意。然后從36-55各題所給的選項中,選出最佳答案。 I was a rotten teenager,
sharp-tongued and eager to control others. I told lies. At an early age that I
could make things 36
my way with just a few
small changes. The writers for today’s hottest soap opera could not have
created a 37 character than me. I
don’t know how long it took me to realize how I was 38 so many others. Not only did I succeed in
39 many of my closet friends by trying to
control them; I also managed to destroy the most 40 relationship in my life; my relationship
with my mother. My
mother, who gave birth to me at age 38 41 her doctor’s wishes, would cry to me, “I
waited so long for you. Don’t ignore my help!” I would reply 42 , “I never wanted you to care about me!
Leave me alone and forget I 43 lived!” My
mother began to believe I really 44 it. Like many young girls in high school,
the boys whom I knew were 45 were always the first ones I had to date.
I would try to find any way to draw attention to myself 46 at the same time trying to be invisible.
I had also been __47 into drugs then to change my personality.
My only pleasure was to make people feel __48 . But
then I asked 49 why. Why the need to hurt? Why the attacks
on my mother? I would drive myself mad with all the whys until one day, I
couldn’t 50 it any longer and jump from a car moving
at 80 miles per hour. Lying
awake the following night at the hospital, I saw my mother’s pained face―warm,
tired brown 51 filled with nothing but thanks for her
daughter’s rebirth of life. __52 all the horrible things I did to her, she
still loved me. I cried and asked why. She just looked down at me and said
frankly, “I don’t know.”  __53 love is the most precious gift we can
give. Being 54 for the past is the most precious gift we
can receive. I want to 55 the gift my mother gave me to all the
“rotten teenagers” in the world. 36.
A. go 37.
A. better 38.
A. loving 39.
A. putting off 40.
A. curious 41.
A. against 42.
A. gently 43.
A. never 44.
A. said 45.
A. available 46.
A. when 47.
A. heavy 48.
A. fright 49.
A. myself 50.
A. explain 51.
A. gestures 52.
A. Since 53.
A. Unconditional 54.
A. loved 55.
A. tell B.
come B.
worse B.
hating B.
breaking into B.
precious B.
for B.
suddenly B.
ever B.
knew B.
possible B.
while B.
easy B.
confusion B.
my mother B.
control B.
faces B.
Although B.
Slow B.
forgiven B.
provide C.
turn C.
happier C.
hurting C.
keeping up C.
nervous C.
according to C.
sharply C.
already C.
hoped C.
impossible C.
and C.
difficult C.
excitement C.
my friend C.
stand C.
eyes C.
As C.
Quick C.
hated C.
supply D.
feel D.
cleverer D.
shocking D.
pushing away D.
obvious D.
with D.
unwillingly D.
before D.
meant D.
believable D.
or D.
fast D.
pain D.
my father D.
accept D.
feelings D.
Despite D.
True D.
forgotten D.
extend 四. 閱讀理解(共20小題。每小題2分,滿分40分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項中選出最佳選項。 A It is now commonly known that AIDS is a deadly disease. It does
great damage to human beings’ immune(免疫的) system, weakening resistance to disease and leading to death due
to complete weakness. To this day, there are no existing drugs that can kill the
AIDS virus. It is a deadly battle between science and AIDS.
This is only one side of the story. Although it cannot be cured, AIDS is
preventable. For those who have not caught the disease, the knowledge of preventive
measures seems to be the most powerful weapon at hand.
Since the discovery of the first AIDS patient in 1985, the number of HIV
carriers is on an alarming rise in China and statistics show that
young people are the more likely victims of AIDS. Nationwide there are 214
million people between the ages of 13 and 22, most of whom are students. If no
measures are taken to protect these young people, it is almost certain that the
threat of AIDS will be very real to them. There has been a great deal of misinformation concerning the
transmission of AIDS. One of the most misleading myths is that AIDS can be
transmitted by casual physical contact such as kissing, shaking hands or
sharing food containers. Surveys and investigations conducted in some
universities and colleges show that half of those people questioned are not
clear about how AIDS is transmitted, not to mention how it is prevented.
This is the driving force behind the State Education Commission’s
decision to spread AIDS awareness information among college students and later
to high school students and primary school students. 56. Why does the passage say that AIDS is a
deadly disease? A. Because it destroys the
immune system of the human body. B. Because the AIDS patients
can not resist diseases and die. C. Because doctors can find
no medicine to cure AIDS. D. All of the above. 57. By writing “ this is only one side of
the story.” the writer suggests that ______. A. although we can’t cure
AIDS, we can manage to prevent it B. AIDS is very dangerous,
but we should not be scared by it C. AIDS is not curable but
doctors should not give up fighting against it D. although the doctor
cannot cure the disease, yet he can help improve the patients’ health. 58. What can be concluded from the surveys
and investigations mentioned in the passage? A. 50 percent of college
students have no idea how people become AIDS victims B. 50 percent of college
students do not know how to prevent AIDS C. Many college students are
not aware how people become AIDS victims D. Many college students did
not mention AIDS prevention in the surveys and investigations 59. Which of the following can be the
proper title of the passage? A. China Fights AIDS
B. Young People ? Most Likely AIDS Victims C. AIDS Information Is
Necessary D. AIDS ? A
Deadly Disease B Mr.Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape
from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of
water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route―through the boot(行李箱). Mr.Johnson’ s car had finished up in a
ditch(溝渠) at Romney
Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water
began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors
because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the
windows because I knew water would come flooding in.” Mr.
Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting
Home, Kent,
first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn
and hammering on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape. Later
he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I
had in my pocket and I used it to loosen the back seat to get into the boot. I
hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help
came.” It
took ten minutes to loosen the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the
sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench and began to work
on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally
it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in.I forced the lid down into the mud
and scrambled clear as the car filled up.” His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦傷), Mr.Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby,
where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Lucy Bates.Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That
thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were
visible, police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at
the bottom of the ditch. 60. _______________ is
the most important to Mr. Johnson during his escape? A. The
hammer B. The coin C.
The screw D. The horn 61. Mr. Johnson’s car accident happened ___________. A. with
his car standing on its boot. B. while on his way home. C. partly
due to the slippery road.
D. because of the high speed. 62. “Finally it gave” (Paragraph 5) means that _________. A. luckily
the door was opened in the end B.
at last I found the boot lock C. he
forced the boot lid open with all his efforts D. The chance to escape lost 63. It may be inferred from the passage that _________. A. the
ditch was along a quiet country road. B. the
accident happened on a snowy day. C. the
bank lent Mr.Johnson a
hand about his damage. D. Mr.Johnson was well treated for his
injury. C The
more I learn about how your oral health can affect your overall health, the
more of a brushing fanatic(狂熱者) I am. But it wasn’t always that way. As a kid, I resisted
tooth-brushing at bedtime―what a bore! I remember my mom asking if I’d brushed
my teeth. I’d say yes and she’d say “Let me smell your breath,” so she could
confirm it with a smell of Crest. But I’d learned just to take a bite of
toothpaste right from the tube, without even making contact with a brush. What
a stupid mistake! Soon my teeth were full of holes―something I’ve regretted ever
since. In
those days we weren’t much into preventive care at either the dentist or
doctor. That wasn’t part of the way of thinking of my parents’ generation, who
grew up during the Great Depression. We didn’t know how important it could be,
either. "So much of dental care is reactionary.” says Mark Helpin, head of dentistry at Temple University.
“Parents will bring their children in only if there’s a problem.” Medical research has shown the dangers of tooth decay(蛀牙) and gum disease, including heart
disease, low birth weight in babies, dangerous and even deadly infections and
now maybe Alzheimer’s disease(老年癡呆). There’s no longer any excuse to avoid regular dental checkups and
careful oral maintenance―especially with young kids to get them started on the
right path. It’s important to establish a relationship with a dentist the same
way you would with a pediatrician. The
Alzheimer’s news is especially alarming. We reported back in January on a study
at the University
of Kentucky that found a
preliminary link between tooth loss and dementia. Now there’s further evidence,
thanks to a study presented last week at the Alzheimer's Association 2008
International Conference in Chicago.
While this study in no way proves that gum disease causes Alzheimer’s, it’s
pretty clear that the inflammation and immune response to these harmful
bacteria aren’t good! It
takes less than a minute to brush your teeth. It takes two minutes to do a
thorough job of brushing your teeth. If doing those two things twice a day may
save me from mental disease later, I’m never going to miss these small tasks
again―and neither should you. 64. When the author was a child, . A. his
mom liked to smell his breath B. he was unwilling to
brush his teeth C. he
hardly suffered from tooth decay
D. he made mistakes while brushing his teeth 65. The underlined sentence “So much of dental care is reactionary.”
in Paragraph 2 means that . A. parents
often bring their children to the dentist B. people
pay too much attention to their tooth care C. people
are unaware of the importance of tooth care D. parents
have no idea when children should see the dentist 66. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the
passage? A. The
researchers conclude that gum disease causes Alzheimer’s. B. The
possibility that gum disease might cause Alzheimer’s is worrying. C. Tooth
decay and gum disease have little to do with birth weight in babies. D. The
author’s parents used to bring him to the dentist for regular dental checkups. 67. The purpose of the passage is . A. to
encourage people to brush their teeth B. to
tell people how to brush teeth correctly. C. to
help people learn about some tooth diseases. D. to
give suggestions on how to protect our teeth.
popular saying goes, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will
never hurt me." However, that's not really true. Words have the power to
build us up or tear us down. It doesn' t matter if the words come from someone
else or ourselves--the positive and negative effects are just as lasting. We all
talk to ourselves sometimes. We're usually too embarrassed to admit it, though.
In fact, we really shouldn t be because more and more experts believe talking
to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit. This
"self-talk"helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve
problems, and calm ourselves down.Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative.
So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to
ourselves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The
next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room,
join me in saying "Good job!" Often,
words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the effect they will
have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others. For
example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language
during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. Or
critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive. Words
possess power because of their lasting effect. Many of us regret something we once
said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should
always ask ourselves: Is it true? Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want
to say doesn't pass this test, then it's better left unsaid. Words
possess power: both positive and negative. Those around us receive
encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem ( 自尊) and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all
those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours. 68.The main idea of the first paragraph is that .
A. not
sticks and stones but words will hurt us B. inspiring words give us
confidence C. negative
words may let us down
D. words have a lasting effect on us 69. There is no sense for us to feel embarrassed when we talk to
ourselves because . A. almost
everybody has the habit of talking to themselvs B. we
can benefit from talking to ourselves C. talking
to ourselves always gives us courage D. it
does no harm to have "self-talk" when we are alone 70. The underlined part in the third paragraph means that We should
also timely . A. praise
remind ourselves C. make
ourselves relaxed
give ourselves amusement 71. The author would probably hold the view that . A. encouraging words are sure to lead to
kind offers B. negative words may stimulate us to
make more progress C. people tend to remember friendly words D. it is bettter to think twice before talking
to others. E Years
ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers advised, “Barbara,
be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience.”
How right they were! “Nothing
great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is
the paste that helps you hang on there when the going gets tough. It is the
inner voice that whispers, “I can do it!” When others shout, “No, you can’t!”
It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock, a geneticist
who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine, to be generally accepted. Yet she
didn’t stop working on her experiments. Work was such a deep pleasure for her
that she never thought of stopping. We are
all born with wide-eye, enthusiastic wonder and it is this childlike wonder
that gives enthusiastic people such youthful air, whatever their age. At 90,
cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach. As the music flowed
through his fingers, his stooped (彎曲的)shoulders would straighten and
joy would reappear in his eyes. As author and poet Samuel Ulman once wrote,
“Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.” Enthusiastic
people also love what they do, regardless of money or title or power.Patricia Mcllrath, retired director
of the Missouri Repertory Theater in Kansas City, was once asked where she got
her enthusiasm.She replied,
“My father, a lawyer, long ago told me, ‘I never made a dime until I stopped
working for money.’” If we
cannot do what we love as a full-time career, we can as a hobby. Elizabeth
Layton of Wellsville, Kan was 68 before she began to draw. This
activity ended periods of depression that had trouble her for at least 30
years, and the quality of her work led one critic to say, “I am tempted to call
Layton a genius.” We
can’t afford to waste tears on “might-have-beens”. We need to turn the tears
into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”. We need to live each moment
whole-heartedly, with all our senses ? finding pleasure in the sweet smell of a
back-yard garden, the simple picture of a six-year-old, the beauty of a rainbow. 72. The author holds the view that ______ .
A. enthusiastic
people will never get old B. enthusiasm
can make you succeed and enjoy life C. enthusiasm
is more important than experience D. enthusiasm
can give people more success and fame 73. Which of the following can best explain the underlined sentence
in the second paragraph? A. Enthusiasm
can give you courage and strength in difficult times. B. If
you don’t have enthusiasm, you can achieve nothing. C. Enthusiastic
people never consider money and fame. D. Enthusiastic
people can gain great fame and honor. 74. The author mentions cellist Pablo Casals in the third paragraph
to show that ______. A. music
can arouse people’s enthusiasm B. enthusiasm
can give people inspiration needed to succeed C. enthusiasm
can make people feel young D. enthusiasm
can keep people healthy 75. How many examples are given in the passage to show the
importance of enthusiasm? A. Two. B. Three. C.
Four. D. Five. 第II卷 五.對話填空(共10小題。每小題1 分,共10分) M: Hello? W: Hello, could I speak to Mr. William Jarrett, please? M: This is Mr. Jarrett speaking. W: Mr. Jarrett, you (76) b____ a ticket on Northeast flight 8866
departing New York’s
La Guardia Airport
at 9:20 pm. I’m sorry to (77) in____ you that flight has been (78) c_____. M: Oh, no. I have to get to Boston
tomorrow by noon. W: I can (79) o____ you a space on another of our commuter flights. This
one leaves Kennedy Airport at 8:15 am and (80) a____ at Boston’s
Logan Airport at 9:25 am. M: That’s interesting. I thought that flight (81) w____ full. W: (82) D____ to increased demands, we’ve (83) a____ a second plane. M: That’s perfect. W: If you accept this offer, sir, Northeast will give you a travel
credit of $100 towards future travel. M: I will accept that. W: Thank you, sir. That new flight is Northeast 8988, departing JFK
at 8:15. Are you on the (84) s____ of our Frequent Flyer Club? M: Yes, I am. My account number is 8895-9850-967-J. W: Thank you, sir. You’ll be (85) r____ 200 air miles for this
flight and $100 credit towards future travel. M: Thank you very much. Goodbye. 六.書面表達(共25分) 請用英文介紹英倫諸島所處的地理位置及其相互關(guān)系, 文章的題目和開頭的第一句已給出,限詞100左右。 The Location of the British Isles The British Isles is a group of islands that
lie off the west coast of Europe.
_ 聽力: 單項選擇: 21-25. ABADC 26-30.
CBCAD 31-35. BBBCB 完形填空: 36-40 ABCDB 41-45
ACBDC 46-50 BADAC 51-55 CDABD 閱讀理解: 56-59 DACC 60-63 BCCA 64-67 BCBA 68-71
DBAD 72-75 BACC 對話填空: 76. booked 77.
inform 78. canceled 79. offer 80. arrives
81. was 82.
Due 83.
added 84. staff 85. receiving The British Isles are a group of islands
that lie off the west coast of Europe. The
largest island is called Britain,
which is separated from France
by the English Channel, which at one point is
only 20 miles wide. It forms the mainland of Great
Britain and consists of three countries: Scotland in the north, Wales in the west and England in the south and east. The
island just west of Britain
is called Ireland.
Between Britain and Ireland , in the Irish Sea,
lies the small Isle of Man. The British Isles are surrounded by the Atlantic
Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the
east. www.ks5u.com 試題詳情
安師大附中2008-2009學年第一學期期中考查 高 三 語 文 試 卷
第Ⅰ卷 (選擇題 共30分) 試題詳情
安師大附中2008-2009學年第一學期期中考查 高 三 英 語 試 卷 (考試時間120分鐘,共150分) 本試卷分第一卷(選擇題)和第二卷(非選擇題)兩部分。 第一卷(三大題,共115分) 注意事項 1.答第一卷前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、班級、學校、填寫在答題卡上。 2.每小題選出答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑。 3.考試結(jié)束,考生將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。 第一部分:聽力(30分) 第一節(jié) (共5小題;每小題1.5分, 滿分7.5分) 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。 1. What is the man going to do tonight? A. Go to the cinema.
Attend a meeting. C.
Watch TV at home. 2. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a shop. B.
In a museum. C.
In a restaurant. 3. What time will the speakers get to
Beijing? A. At 11:00.
At 12:30. C.
At 12:45. 4. Is the man going to the party? A. No.
Sure. C.
Maybe. 5. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Tell her what the problem is. B.
Repair the computer for her. C. Send someone to help her. 第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分) 聽下面5段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。 聽下面一段材料,回答第6. 7.
8題。 6. What subject does Julie like best?
A. Science.
P.E. C.
Sports medicine. 7. Which subject is Julie NOT good at?
A. Music and English.
Physics and chemistry. C.
Marketing and commercial. 8. What’s the possible relationship between
the two speakers?
A. Teacher and student.
Husband and wife. C. Father and daughter. 聽下面一段材料,回答第9.
10. 11題。 9. What are the speakers talking about?
A. An interview.
A meal. C.
A job. 10. What’s the possible relationship
between the two speakers?
A. Boss and clerk.
Mother and son. C.
Employer and employee. 11. How is the man feeling?
A. Tired. B.
Nervous. C.
Hopeless. 聽下面一段材料,回答第12. 13題。 12. Where does the conversation take place?
A. In the police station. B. In the customs office. C. In the tourist center. 13. What’s the purpose of the woman’s trip?
A. Visiting her parents.
Returning to her hometown. C.
Attending a conference. 聽下面一段材料,回答第14.15.
16. 17題。 14. Why does the girl ask her dad for
A. Because she works for him. B. Because she has no job.
C. Because she will go away from home. 15. How much will the girl get?
A. $13. B.
$ 26. C.
$ 30. 16. How did the father manage to give the
A. He drew from the bank.
B. He had enough money at hand. C. He got the money from his secret jar. 17. Which is not the thing that the girl is
going to do with the money?
A. Putting some in a bank. B. Giving some to her parents.
C. Buying some books. 聽下面一段材料,回答第18. 19. 20題。 18. When is the speaker talking?
A. In the morning. B.
In the afternoon. C.
In the evening. 19. Who are the listeners?
A. Patients. B.
Nurses. 20. Which is NOT allowed in the hospital? A. Smoking in any area. B.
Listening to the hospital radio. C. Visiting patients in the morning. 第二部分:英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分) 第一節(jié):單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分) 21. Mary couldn’t remember the exact date of the
hurricane, but she knew it was ____ Saturday because everybody was at ___
church. A. /; the B.
a; / C.
/; a D.
the; / 22.---I’m sorry, I should not have been so
rude to you. ---You ____ your temper but that’s OK. A. have lost B. had lost C.
did lose
were losing 23. ____ both sides accept the agreement
will a lasting peace be established in this region. A. If only B.
Only if C.
Unless D.
As long as 24. Much to the parents’ comfort, their
income is now double ____ it was ten years ago. A. what B.
that C. than D.
which 25. ---Oh, must you? Stay a bit longer.
It’s been such fun having you. ---______, but I’ve got an early start tomorrow morning. A. No problem B. All
right C. Thanks anyway D. Never mind 26. He spent several hours in the wind and
snow, _____. A. cold and hungry B.
coldly and hungrily C. being cold and hungry D.
in cold and hunger 27. It is the protection for trees ____
really matters, ____ how many trees are planted. A. what; besides B.
that; except C.
that; rather than D.
what; other than 28. We are short of money, so every coin
____ now.
A. values B. prices C. worth D.
counts 29. There are many books! It’s not easy for
us to decide ____ and what to leave behind.
A. what to be taken B.
what to take C. how to
take D. how to be
taken 30. This problem may lead to more serious
ones if ____ unsolved. A. making
remained C. keeping D.
left 31. I think Mick will ___ a good monitor,
so I’d like to vote for him. A. turn B.
change C.
be D.
35. We hoped to be able to move into our new house at
the end of the month, but things didn’t___ as we expected.
A. work out B.
move out C. carry out D. get
out 第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分) Signs can sometimes be
seen at the entrance of a house, expressing that a tramp has passed. This
special sign-language is frequently 36 by tramps to inform their 37
whether the host of a
certain house is friendly or unfriendly, and to 38
them the trouble of
making unnecessary calls. Quite 39
one day, I came across a
real tramp. He was such a rare sight these days that I stood some distance away
and watched him. He was dressed just as a tramp should be 40 , old worn trousers, and a jacket
many sizes too big for him. On his head there was a battered old hat and his
boots were so old and worn; they were almost coming into 41 . But the man himself looked
cheerful as if he had not a 42 in the world. He rubbed his nose
with his forefinger, 43 a funny turn, laid a small
parcel by the front gate, and began 44 a sign made by a former caller.
Although the sign was meaningless to me, it must have been 45 , for the tramp’s face lit
up with 46 . He entered the front gate
confidently and rang the bell. When the door opened, I saw him 47 his hat but couldn’t hear his words.
The 48 was very short indeed, for no sooner had
he spoken a few words than the door closed fiercely in his face. I felt 49
for him as he walked 50 out of the house, But just as quickly,
his face lit up again and he moved quickly towards the gate. There he stopped,
looked at the sign, and 51 his head seriously as if he had made a
bad mistake. 52 deeply into his pockets, he produced
a piece of chalk, rubbed out the 53 sign and made a new one in its place. He
stared at it for a moment smiling to himself, then gathered his 54
, pushed back his hat and began walking towards the next house at an
unhurried 55
, whistling as he went along.
36. A. employed B. made C.
taken D.
put up
37. A. parents
B. classmates C.
fellows D. friends
38. A. share B.
save C.
give D.
39. A. in a way B.
by mistake C. by the way D.
by chance
40. A. with B.
in C. by D.
41. A. a fashion B.
a design C. pieces D.
42. A. success B.
care C.
failure D. family
43. A. gave B.
took C.
set D.
44. A. drawing B.
kissing C.
correcting D. studying
45. A. pleased B.
strange C.
funny D.
46. A. surprise
satisfaction C. worry D.
47. A. rise B.
put on C. raise D. throw
48. A. conversation B. introduction C. quarrel D. greeting
49. A. happy B.
frightened C. worried D. sorry
50. A. cheerful B. sadly C.
bravely D. eagerly
51. A. waved B. swung C. shook D. nodded
52. A. Digging B.
Stealing C. Putting D. Looking
53. A. existed B.
moving C. shining D. existing
54. A. belongings B. clothes C. umbrella D. stick
55. A. step B.
position C.
pace D.
situation 第三部分: 閱讀理解(共20小題,每小題2分,滿分40分)
A Foxes and farmers have
never got on well. These small dog-like animals have long been accused of
killing farm animals. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try
to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them. .files/image004.jpg)
Noisy confrontations
between hunters and saboteurs have become so common that they are almost as
much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxes itself. But this year supporters
of fox hunting face a much bigger threat to their sport. A Labor Party Member
of the Parliament, Mike Foster, is trying to get Parliament to approve a new
law which will make the hunting of wild animals with dogs illegal. If the law
is passed, wild animals like foxes will be protected under the ban in Britain. 56. Rich people in Britain have been
hunting foxes________.
A. for recreation B.
in the interests of the farmers C. to limit the fox population D.
to show off their wealth 57. What is special about fox hunting in
A. It involves the use of a deadly poison.
B. It is a costly event which rarely occurs.
C. The hunters have set rules to follow.
D. The hunters have to go through strict training. 58. Fox hunting opponents often interfere
in the game _______.
A. by resorting to violence
B. by
confusing the fox hunters
C. by taking legal action
by demonstrating on the scene 59. A new law may be passed by the British
Parliament to ______.
A. prohibit farmers from hunting foxes B.
forbid hunting foxes with dogs
C. stop hunting wild animals in the countryside D. prevent large-scale fox hunting
One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game
of perfect information. Quite the reverse. Business, politics, life itself are
games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Business
decisions are often made with many unknown and unknowable factors, which would
even puzzle best poker players. But few business people find it comfortable to
admit that they are taking a chance, and many still prefer to believe that they
are playing chess, not poker. 60. The subject discussed in this text is
A. the
process of reaching decisions
B. the
difference between poker and chess.
C. the
secret of making good business plans
D. the value
of information in winning games 61. An important factor in a game of
imperfect information is ___________.
A. rules B.
luck C.
time D.
62. Which of the following can be used in place of “Quite the reverse”?
A. Quite
right. B. True
enough. C. Most
unlikely. D. Just the opposite.
63. In the writer’s opinion, when making business decisions one should
___________ .
A. put
perfect information before imperfect information
B. accept
the existence of unknown factors
C. regard
business as a game of chess
D. mix known
and unknown factors
C Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become
“computer-literate.” But not all experts (專家) agree that this is a good idea. One pioneer, in particular, who disagrees is David Tebbutt, the
founder of Computertown UK.
Although many people see this as a successful attempt to bring people closer to
the computer. David does not see it that way. He says that Computertown UK was
formed for just the opposite reason, to bring computers to people and make them
“people-literate.” David Tebbutt thinks Computertowns are most successful when
tied to a computer club but he insists there is an important difference between
the two. The clubs are for people who have some computer knowledge already.
This frightens away non-experts, who are happier going to Computertowns where
there are computers for them to experiment on, with experts to encourage them
and answer any questions they have. They are not told what to do, they find
out.The computer experts have to learn not to tell people about computers, but
have to be able to answer all questions people ask. People don’t have to learn
computer terms(術(shù)語), but the
experts have to explain in plain language. The computers are becoming
“people-literate.” 64. Which of the following is David Tebbutt’s ides on
the relationship between people and computers? A.Computer learning should be made easier. B.There should be more computer clubs for experts. C.People should work harder to master computer use. D.Computers should be made cheaper so that people can afford them. 65.We can infer from the text that
“computer-lilerate” means_______. A. being able to afford a computer B. being able to write computer programs C. working with the computer and finding out its value D. understanding the computer and knowing how to use it 66. The
underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to the idea that
Computertowns ___. A.help to set up more computer clubs B.bring people to learn to use computers C. bring more experts to work together D. help to sell computers to the public 67. David Tebbutt started Computertown UK
with the purpose of______. A. making better use of computer experts B.
improving computer programs C. increasing computer sales
D. popularising
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SALON A place for you to practice
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title for Part I? A. Top English, your smart
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English, we can teach you! C. Top English, the best
English! D. We have what you want! 69. Which of the following courses can be
learned by the same person? A. Basic Studies and
Standard Spoken English. B. Intermediate Spoken
English and Basic Business English. C. Standard Spoken English
and TOEFL Super Studies. D. Intermediate Business
English and TOEFL Super Studies. 70. If you want to join the English Salon,
you should at least_______. A. be a university graduate B. be a student learning
English in the Top English City C. be an English lover or
can speak English well D. make more friends and
know more about the culture of the English 71. What can you do after joining English
Salon? A. Exchange English learning
experience with other members. B. Know more about the
culture of English-speaking countries. C. Make new friends. D. All the
E Supply and demand is perhaps one of the most basic concepts of
economics and it is the backbone of a market economy. Demand refers to how much
of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the
amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the
relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand
relationship. Supply represents how much the market can offer. The quantity
supplied refers to the amount of a certain goods producers are willing to
supply when receiving a certain price. The relationship between price and how
much of a goods or service is supplied to the market is known as the supply
relationship. Price, therefore, is a reflection of supply and demand.
The law of demand states that, if all other factors remain equal, the
higher the price of a product, the fewer people will demand that product. The
amount of goods that buyers purchase at a higher price is less as the price of
a product goes up, so does the opportunity cost of buying that product.
Like the law of demand, the law of supply shows the quantities that will
be sold at a certain price. But unlike the law of demand, the supply
relationship shows an upward slope. This means that the higher the price, the
higher the quantity supplied. Producers supply more at a higher price because
selling a higher quantity at a higher price increases the whole income.
Now that we know the laws of supply and demand, let’s turn to an example
to show how supply and demand affect price.
Imagine that a CD of your favorite band is sold for $20. Because the
record company’s previous analysis showed that consumers will not demand CDs at
a price higher than $20, only ten CDs were sold because the opportunity cost is
too high for suppliers to produce more. If, however, the ten CDs are demanded
by 20 people, the price will then rise. As a result, the rise in price should
cause more CDs to be supplied as the supply relationship shows that the higher
the price, the higher the quantity supplied. If, however, there are 30 CDs
produced and demand is still at 20, the price will not be pushed up because the
supply is more than the demand. 72. We know from the passage that changes
in the prices of product cause changes in ______.
A. income and expense
B. invention and production
C. market and society
D. supply and demand 73. Look at the following tablet first, if it is up to
you to make a decision to sell a widget(裝飾品), you should sell it for ______. Price of Widgets Number of Widgets People Want to Buy $1.00 100 $2.00 90 $3.00 70 $4.00 40
A. $1 B.
$2 C.
$3 D.
$4 74. The last paragraph is mainly about the
importance of ______. A. a reasonable price B.
finding enough producing material C. finding out what consumers think about D.
making out the demand at market 75. The text is written mainly _____. A. to persuade people to buy more products B. to let people know more about a CD C. to explain the relationships between demand, supply and price D. to tell people how to buy things reasonably 第二卷(35分) 第四部分:寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分35分) 第一節(jié):短文改錯(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分) 此題要求改正所給短文中的錯誤。對標有題號的每一行作出判斷:如無錯誤,在該行右邊的橫線上劃(√);如有錯誤(每行只有一個錯誤),則按下列情況改正: 此行多一個詞:把多余的詞用斜線劃掉,在該行右邊橫線上寫出該詞,并也用斜線劃掉。 此行缺一個詞:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(^),在該行右邊橫線上寫出該加的詞。 此行錯一個詞:在錯的詞下劃一橫線,在該行右邊橫線上寫出改正后的詞。注意:原行沒有錯的不要改。 In China there is about 50 million
76. _____ people. We should try our best make their
______ much easy. For example, when we design a
building, 78.
______ we’ll have to provide a entrance which is
79. ______ for wheelchairs on the first ground floor.
80. ______ Chinese government takes good care for
their life.
81. ______ Many people with disables have received
good treatment
82. ______ from the government. Meanwhile, more and
83. _______ special schools have built for them. But
that is
_______ not enough, their life will be much
85. _______ unless everyone shows love for them. 第二節(jié):書面表達(滿分25分) 在學習英語的過程中遇到困難是在所難免的。請根據(jù)你 (Peter)的學習情況填好調(diào)查表,并根據(jù)填表的內(nèi)容給《英語輔導(dǎo)報》的編輯寫一封信,請求他給予幫助,詞數(shù)100左右。 Questionnaire
NO 1. Are you interested in English?
( )
( ) 2. Are you afraid of making
( )
( ) 3. Can you understand your teacher’s
spoken English?
( ) ( ) 4. Do you have any chances to speak to
others in English? ( )
( ) 5. Are you good at reading in
( )
( ) 6. Do you often keep a diary in
( )
( ) 7. Is it easy to remember English
( )
( ) 8. Do you have any good ways to improve
your English? ( )
( ) 注意:信的主要內(nèi)容應(yīng)包括: 你目前英語學習的現(xiàn)狀是怎么樣的? 在英語學習過程中遇到了什么困難? 這些困難對你有什么影響? 請編輯幫你出主意解決這些困難。 安師大附中2008-2009學年第一學期期中考查 高 三 英 語 答 題 卷 A B C D A B C D A B C D A
B C D A BC D 1. ○○○○ 2. ○○○○ 3. ○○○○ 4. ○○○○ 5. ○○○○ 6. ○○○○ 7. ○○○○ 8. ○○○○ 9. ○○○○ 10.
○○○○ 11. ○○○○ 12. ○○○○ 13. ○○○○ 14. ○○○○ 15.
○○○○ 16. ○○○○ 17.
○○○○ 18. ○○○○ 19.
○○○○ 20.
○○○○ 21. ○○○○ 22. ○○○○ 23.
○○○○ 24.
○○○○ 25.
○○○○ 26. ○○○○ 27.
○○○○ 28.
○○○○ 29.
○○○○ 30. ○○○○ 31. ○○○○ 32.
○○○○ 33.
○○○○ 34. ○○○○ 35.
○○○○ 36. ○○○○ 37.
○○○○ 38. ○○○○ 39.
○○○○ 40.
○○○○ 41. ○○○○ 42.
○○○○ 43.
○○○○ 44.
○○○○ 45.
○○○○ 46. ○○○○ 47.
○○○○ 48.
○○○○ 49.
○○○○ 50. ○○○○ 51. ○○○○ 52.
○○○○ 53.
○○○○ 54. ○○○○ 55.
○○○○ 56. ○○○○ 57.
○○○○ 58. ○○○○ 59.
○○○○ 60.
○○○○ 61. ○○○○ 62. ○○○○ 63.
○○○○ 64.
○○○○ 65.
○○○○ 66. ○○○○ 67.
○○○○ 68.
○○○○ 69.
○○○○ 70. ○○○○ 71. ○○○○ 72.
○○○○ 73.
○○○○ 74.
○○○○ 75. ○○○○ In China there is about 50 million
76. _____ people. We should try our best make their
______ much easy. For example, when we design a
building, 78.
______ we’ll have to provide a entrance which is
79. ______ for wheelchairs on the first ground floor.
80. ______ Chinese government takes good care for
their life.
81. ______ Many people with disables have received
good treatment
82. ______ from the government. Meanwhile, more and
83. _______ special schools have built for them. But
that is
_______ not enough, their life will be much
85. _______ unless everyone shows love for them.
2008-2009學年第一學期期中考試 試題詳情
安師大附中2008-2009學年第一學期期中考查 高三數(shù)學試卷(文) 試題詳情