0  427563  427571  427577  427581  427587  427589  427593  427599  427601  427607  427613  427617  427619  427623  427629  427631  427637  427641  427643  427647  427649  427653  427655  427657  427658  427659  427661  427662  427663  427665  427667  427671  427673  427677  427679  427683  427689  427691  427697  427701  427703  427707  427713  427719  427721  427727  427731  427733  427739  427743  427749  427757  447090 

2、----Hurry up!Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

----Oh!I thought they   without me.

A、went   B、are going   C、have gone    D、had gone


1、Listen to the two girls by the window.What language    ?

A、did they speak   B、were they speaking  

C、are they speaking   D、have they been speaking


15、According to the art dealer,the painting   to go for at least a million dollars.

A、is expected   B、expects   C、expected    D、is expecting

1-----5CDBCB   6-----10CBDDB     11-----15BCDBA



14、Now that she is out of a job,Lucy   going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.

A、had considered   B、has been considering   C、considered    D、is going to consider


13、The discussion   alive when an interesting topic was brought in.

A、was coming   B、had come   C、has come    D、came


12、It’s said that he   because of his killing an old man.

A、has been held a prisoner   B、has been taken a prisoner  

C、was held prisoner   D、was in prisoner


11、----Come on,Peter,I want to show you something.

----Oh,how nice of you!I   you   to bring me a gift.

A、never think;are going   B、never thought;were going  

C、didn’t think;were going  D、hadn’t thought;were going


10、----Have you brought the camera?

----Oh,my poor memory!I   before leaving home.

A、mentioned   B、had been mentioned  

C、have been mentioned    D、have mentioned


9、----I suppose Jack is late again.

----You   it!

A、are guessing   B、will guess   C、guess    D、have guessed


8、Rainforests   and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A、being cut   B、are cut  C、to be cut   D、are being cut

