0  429081  429089  429095  429099  429105  429107  429111  429117  429119  429125  429131  429135  429137  429141  429147  429149  429155  429159  429161  429165  429167  429171  429173  429175  429176  429177  429179  429180  429181  429183  429185  429189  429191  429195  429197  429201  429207  429209  429215  429219  429221  429225  429231  429237  429239  429245  429249  429251  429257  429261  429267  429275  447090 

29. Whose eyes________ it that he saw in the darkness?

A. was   B. were   C. is   D. are


28. Where was________ the traffic accident happened last night?

A. it that   B. it   C. the place that  D. the place


27. Is this the school_______ you visited some foreigners a few months ago?

A. that   B. which   C. the one  D. where


26. Has everything________ can be done__________?

A. what; done     B. that; been done

C. that; already done  D. what; already been done


25. ________ everything he had taken away from him?

A. Was  B. Should   C. Did   D. Had


24. --- __________ you did?

--- No, as a matter of fact, I didn’t need to.

A. That is what     B. What is that

C. Is that what      D. Is what that


23. Whom would you rather have_________ with you this time?

A. to go  B.  go  C. gone  D. going


22. Is _______ he said it worth believing?

A. all what  B. what   C. it   D. that


21.Would you please point out the mistakes in my composition, if________ ?

A. any   B. none  C. some  D. anything


20. Is this the watch you wish to_______?

  A. repair it       B. have repaired it

  C. have it repaired   D. have repaired

