0  1280  1288  1294  1298  1304  1306  1310  1316  1318  1324  1330  1334  1336  1340  1346  1348  1354  1358  1360  1364  1366  1370  1372  1374  1375  1376  1378  1379  1380  1382  1384  1388  1390  1394  1396  1400  1406  1408  1414  1418  1420  1424  1430  1436  1438  1444  1448  1450  1456  1460  1466  1474  3002 








1.      Where is the man’s mother now?

A  In her home               B, In a hospital.          C, In her office

2.What do we know about Mark?

A He’s not feeling at ease.                B, He’s looking for a new 

C He’s happy that his parents aren’t coming

3.What will the weather be like next week?

A .Cloudy and windy        B, Rainy and cold,,        C  Snowy and windy

4.What do we know about the man?

   A He doesn’t like his job               B, He will got give up his job

C He has a large family to support.

5.How will the guests go to New York?

A By cay              B,By taxi                C By plane




6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A ,Workmates              B, Neighbors    C        .Strangers

7.What can’t the man wait to do ?

A Go shopping with his wife,              B. Look after his children

C Work in his garden

8.When does this coversation most probably take palce?

A On Wednesday               B,On Friday             C, On Sunday


9.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A In a shop           B, At home              C In the street

10.Who are Anne and Dick?

A The speakers’children                B, The speakers’friend’s children,

C The speakers’ niece and nephew

11.What will the speakers buy for Dick?

A Some records             B, A toy suit,             C  A book


12.When was it unusual to see a plane?

A In the early 1960’s             B In the 16th century        C In the early 1900’s

13. Why can we use electric lights?

A Someone has paid for us                   B, We have more money than before

C someone invented ways to make use of electricity

14.What are the speakers talking about?

A The changes of life                        B The history of planes,

C The invention of electric lights


15.What did the man plan to do at first?

A Work in a supermarket                     B, Open his own business,

C, Work in and old shop

16.What is the man’s job now?

A  A shop assistant        B  The owner of a supermarket        C  A businessman

17.What do we know about the woman?

A She once worked in Japan  B She has a job abroad

C,She changes jobs too often


18.Where will the American writer give a talk?

A  At the bookshop            B  In the library      C  In Allen Hall

19. What will the writer talk about ?

A  Her latest novel.            B  Her success story   C, Her recent journey

20.Who is the woman speaking to ?

A Students,                   B Tourists              C Writers




第一節(jié)          單項填空(共 15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)


21.-Good morning. HuangJia hotel

   -Good morning, I’d like to book a meeting room for the time from 3 p.m to 6p,m this afternoon


A What can I do for you ?                       B Just a minute, please!

C What’s the matter?                           D I don’t care

22.It rained a lot during their journey, so they          have had a good time.

A can’t              B must               C shouldn’t           D might

23.What the boss really doubts is         his employees will go on working in the company

A that                B weather    C when    D if

24.The policemen           the stolen place again and again, and finally they found the evidence who stole the antique

A got through           B picked up            C went over         D turned over

25.-Can you tell me the timetable of the school bus?

-Well , the bus         here for the first trip at 6:30 am

A will leave            B left                 C is leaving          D leaves

26.Was it at the school gate.if I may ask         you met your friends from your hometown?

A where               B that                C which              D ones

27.-Why is you rprofessor so happy recently?

-Because the throry she insisted on         correct.

A is proved            B proving              C was proved         D has proved

28.Besides hotels . there are also families          visitors can experience the warmth and kindness of the local people.

A which              B that                 C what             D where

29.Lucy had to shout           on the noisy street,

A making herself hear                 B to make herself hear

C making herself heard                D to maek herself heard

30.Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from        

spoken by their parents at home.

A what               B that                C which            D one

31.          weather it is , we shall set out at 8o’clock.

A Whatever            B Whenever          C However      D No matter

32.-Why are you so sweaty?

-I       football with my classmates and how I want to have a drink!

A was playing          B had been playing       C have played      D played

33.Only after he had spent several nights working on the maths problem           to wonder whether the problem was wrongly set.

A did he begin          B, he began          C, he did begin        D, began he

34.It took the early settlers more than 150 years to build up       is now a modern city,

A where               B which             C what               D that

35.I walked out of the cinema,         I’d never come back to this hell of a place,

A determining          B dicided             C to determine        D to dicide


第二節(jié)   完形填空(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)


John Henry was a young man, and he was one of the best steel-drivers in the country,He cjould work for hours without missing a beat, People said he worked so fast that his  36    moved

Like lightening

    One day,a salesman came to the work area with a new   37    machine by powered steam, He said it could drill holes    38   than twelve men working together, The railroad company  39 to buy the machine if it worked as well as the salesman said.

The supervisor(監(jiān)工頭) said,”I have the best steel-driver in the   40     , He can beat more than twenty men working together,”The salesman   41    the statements. He said the company could have the machine without cost   42    he was faster, The supervisor told John about it and said “How about a   43    ?” John Henry looked at the machine and saw   44    of the future, He saw machines taking   45    of America’s best laborers, He saw himself and friends   46   and standing by a road ,asking for food, He saw men losing their families and their    47    as human beings , John Henry told the supervisor he would never let the machine take his job, His friends all cheered.

The competition began, John Henry  48   his hammer and started working. At first, the steam-powered drill worked two times faster than he did,    49     he started working with a hammer in each hand. He worked faster and faster. In the mountain , the dust was so    50   that most men would have had trouble   51    . After a while , the machine was pulled from the tunnel , It had broken down, . But John Henry   52    working faster and faster. At last he became weak ,and his heart    53    . John Henry fell to the ground .”I beat them,” Then he took his 54    breath.

Soon, the steam drill and other machines replaced the steel-drivers ,.Many   55   left their families, looking for work, They took the only jobs they could find, As they worked, some sang about John Henry,

36.A  broom,           B  hammer          C hand         D sleeve

37.A washing            B drilling             C sewing        D flying

 38. A quickly            B slower              C faster         D fast

 39. A managed         B allowed            C refused       D planned

 40 A family             B class                C film           D country

 41. A doubted          B hated              C disagreed     D decided

 42. A when             B if                   C unless          D despite

 43. A lesson             B race                C unless         D despite

 44.A images            B faces                C plans          D signs

 45. A the place         B the room             C the space     D the air

 46. A excited        B unemployed          C moved      D encouraged

 47. A food             B rights                 C wages         D houses

 48.A touched           B kicked              C kissed         D stamped

 49. A Otherwise         B But                  C Then          D However

 50. A thin               B big                   C high          D thick

 51. A laughing          B talking                C breathing      D singing

 52.A stopped           B kept              C enjoyed        D suggested

 53. A burst              B worked                C ran            D lived

 54.A  own              B deep                  C best            D last

 55. A laborers         B women                C villagers       D salesmen

 第二部分: 閱讀理解(共20小題,每小題3分,滿分60分)



Ticket price increases at HK Disney

 Source:Xinhua 1 02 -05 2009 11:39

     Hong Kong Disneyland announced on Tuesday it will raise weekday admission prices for mainland and overseas tourists by about 19 percent, But Hong Kong residents and tourists who pruchase tickets through travel agents can still enjoy the old prices until June 30.

 A one-day admission will cost HK $ 350 ($ 45)for adults and HK$250 for children aged up to 11 from Monday, the previous charges  for weekends, Adults were previously admitted for HK

 $ 295 and  children HK$ 210

 A Hong Kong Disneyland spokesman said the park does not  expect the new pricing structure to have an immdeiate impact on attendances, as research shows guests choose when to visit the attraction based on time available rather than ticket prices, But the hikes (the rise of prices)drew immediate criticism from the industry, The greater tourism industry fears it may harm mainlanders’ willingness to visit Hong Kong.

 Joseph Tung Yao-chung, executive director of Travel Industry Council of Hong kong, said the decision was unwise in the current financial elimate, He also urged the company to rethink its dicision, during an interview with Southern Metropolis Daily

 56.On September 10 of 2009 (weekday) HongKong residents and tourists will have to spend

           Buying three children tickets.

 A HK$360           B $360            C HK$750        D HK$885

 57.There is a family with five people ,Johnm his father, mother ,grandfather and grandmother, They are from America, John is eleven years old, If they visit the place on June 30 2009 (weekday),they will spend about           in total

 A $ 212               B $ 1650          C HK$1400        D $1390

 58What can we infer from the passage?

 A Joseph Tung Yao-chung disagreed about the ticket price increase at HK Disney.

 B HongKong Disneyland will make a lot of money by raising  weekday admission prices for mainland tourists,

 C The Hong Kong Disneyland spokesman didn’t like the new pricing structure,

 D Only tourists from mainland visit Hong Kong Disneyland,.



 Seven Chinese sailors are missing after a Chineses cargo ship sank in Russian waters near Japan on Saturday, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday, :”some of the 10 Chinese sailors on board were saved but seven are still missing after the ship sank off the waters of Vladivostok,” said a statement on its website,。 The ministry didn’t mention the cause of the incident, saying rescue efforts and an investigation into the incident are ongoing ,

 But the Global Times, a Chinese language newspaper based in Beijing, said yesterday the ship was fired on by the Russian navy before it sank. The news is first reported in a Russian newspaper, New Star, the cargo ship, was sequestered(扣押)at the Russian port or Nakhodka earlier this month for alleged (被指控的,可疑的)smuggling. It left the port not far from the Sino-Russian border withour permission from Russian authorities last Thursday and was chased(追)by a cruiser, the newspaper said, Later, the warship shot at least 500 rounds onto the ship and forced it to sail back toward the port ,in a period of almost 24 hours, Russian navy officers and soldiers onboard the rcruiser watched the sinking boat and did not make any response to the cries for help from the crewmen, In the end , 16 silors onboard New Star got on two lifeboats, The Russian sailors managed to sve one boat carrying eight people , while the other was engulfed in the waves, Of all the sailors onboard 6 came from Indonesia

 The Russian News Agency reported the incident yesterday and said the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search , It also said that bad weather was the reason  behind accident,

 According to the Intemational Maritime Orginzation, the owner of New Strar is a shipping company of Zhejiaing, while the operator is a company based in Guangzhou

 59. The passage may be found in             

 A magazines    B newspapers     C, scientific fictions    D,biographies(傳記)

 60. How many Chinese sailors have been saved?

 A 10  B 7  C 3  D 6

 61.Why did the Russian warship shoot the carog ship

 A To force it to sink      B, To force it to go back to China

C To force it to sail back to Russia    C To kill the sailors on the ship

62. It can be inferred that

A the other 8 sailors may have died

B the Russian navy officers and soldiers were willing to help the sailors

C the Russian port was far from China

D the Chinese ship was not very good



TWENTY-FIVEyears ago director Stephen Spielberg captured the hearts of Westen audiences with his family classic , E.T Now his Hong Kong dirctor Stephen Chow in trying to do the same trick in China,

Chow’s latest movie CJ7(《長江七號》),in cinemas now,is a heart-warming story about a poor migrant worker(外來務工者) and his son . When a strange alien enters their lives, father and son learn a lesson about the value of family , Chow hopes his movie will help to make family  films more popular in China.

Family films have been the main part of the Hollywood market for the last 40 years , They have given audiences movies like ET. Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park, However, there are few of  these movies in China , where expensive history films are more popular.

A family film is not simply a children’s movie , It is a film that is not only suitable for children,but appeals to the whole family.

According to Raymound Zhou , a famous film critic, these films are rare in China because “very few families go to the cinema together’. Because of this , there is little demand for  movise that appeal to the whole family,

However , in the West, it is common for the family to sit down and watch a movie together, Tim Bridges, from London, says :”I love it at Christmas when I sit down and watch a movie with my family.”

All family films contain similar messages about honest、remaining positive and learning there is more to life than money. According to the American movie reviewer, Dave Johnson, this is because “When parents watch a movie ,they wnt theier children to be learning good values”.

Just like when the alien in Spielberg’s E.T. phoens home to make contact with his family Chow will hope Chinese audiences are tuned in and ready to receive his family movie message.

63.Which of the following can replace the underlined part in the last paragraph

A understand what others are thinking    B make telephones

C go to the cinema    D sing songs

64. What is the family film. According to the passage?

A A kind of film that is about history

B A kind of film in which the charachers are animals

C A kind of film that is meant for both children and adults

D. A kind of film that is about families.

65.What is implied but not stated directly in the passage?

A  Families in Chian should go to the cinema at Christmas

B It’s good for children to watch family films

C Chinese families don’t like family films

D The movie CJ 7 has nothing in common with E.T.

66.It can be inferred that in the future,            

A Chinese families will go to the cinema  together

B there may be more family films in China

C making family films in China is not easy

D family films are about love



Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy, They feel heavy pressures from their parents to do well in school, Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a wonderful life, Though this may be good ideas for those very bright students, it can have very bad results for many students who are not quick enough at learning

Unfortunately, a number of students killed themselves, Others are after comfort in using druges, Some do bad things with trouble-makers and turn to crime, Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have disappointed their parents, Such students feel that they are les important and leave school before they have finished their study.

It is surprising that though most Japanese parents are worried about their children , they do not help them in any way, Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and that it is the teachers’work to help their children, To make matters worse, a lot of parents send their children to special schools called juku-cram schools, These schools are open during the evening and on weekeds , and their only purpose is to prepare students to apss exams; they do not try to educate students in  any real sense of the real world, It thus comes as a shock to realize that almost three quarters of the junior or hight school population attend these cram schools,

Ordinary Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students’ hair to their clothes and things in their school bags. Child psychologists now think that such strick rules often lead to a feeling of being unsafe and being unable to fit into society, They regard the rules as being harmful to the development of each student, They believe that no sense of moral values is developed and that students are given neither guidance nor training in becoming good citizens

67. A lot of Japaness students are unhappy at school because          

A they work very hard    B they find they can’t do well at school

C they feel unimportant   D they are under too much prssure

68. Because fo their failure at school, some students take drugs to            

A kill themselves    B seek comfort

C disappoint their parents   D make trouble

69.What should be the best title of passage?

A Students’ Pressure    B Students’ Problems

C The Negative Impact(影響) of Japanese Education

D The Trouble in Japanese schools

70.In juku-cram schools students           

A are taken good care of by the teachers   B. feel no pressure

C are trained to pass exams   D can learn a lot of useful things

71.In ordinary Japanese schools,            

A there are strict rules    B, students feel safe

C students can do anything  D learning is not important



Postcards to myself

In 50 years fo traveling Colin McCorpuodale has visited every country in the world, except thtee, And everywhere he goes, he sends himself a postcard , He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp, Usually he writes just a short message to himself , His latest one , from the Malians island, read Good fishing,

On a wall in his home in London there is a large  map of  the world. There are hundreds of little red  pins stuck in it .”It’s good to get a pin in the map.” Says Mr.McCorquodale, “but I follow the rules,I’m allowed to stick one in only if I ‘ve been in a place for more than 24 hours.”

Naturlly , Mr, McCorpuodale has his favorite places, New Zealand he describes as “wonderful “In Europe, he says,”Italy is a favourite place, But in Italy tourists are worried that they will get ripped off because people there often charge too much for something ,” Of China he says ,”This is one country in the world which is completely different, There is no European influence.”

Wherever he goes, Mr. McCorpuodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle,a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and a pen for writing his postcards

So why does he do it ? For the postcards or the travel? Mr McCorpuodale laughs, “I do it for the journey,” he , says.” I get a kick out of traveling, and all the planning.”

72.We can learn from the second paragraph that            

A There is a large map of London in his home.

B Mr McCorpuodale likes sticking red pins in the map at will(隨意)

C If he traveled in a place and stayed there 2days, he will stick  a red pin in the map

D He likes collecting red pins,

73. What is written on his latest postcard?

A A favorite place    B Malians island

C  Good fishing     D A beautiful view

74. Tourists in Italy are often          

A beaten   B helped     C encouraged   D cheated

75. From the passage we know that Mr McCorpuodale             

A has visited all the coutries in the world

B  has only three favorite places

C takes his wife with him wherever he goed

D gets a lot of pleasure from traveling and the planning for it



第一節(jié)          短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)


I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two        76.           

weks ago . I have been thinking about a question you aked      77.           

me . In my opinion, you should go back after you finish your      78.           

stuides abroad. For  one reason, that you are studying si badly   79.           

needed nowadays in our country, It will be quite  easily for you   80           

to find a good job , In fact , I know a few bitg company here in    81           

our city hopes to hire people like you , For another reason, .        82           

I think it will be very much more convenient for you ot look         83.           

after your parents as they are getting old, Therefore this is only     84.           

my point of view, It is up for you to make right choice.             85.           



a)     適當放慢腳步,留出思考試卷

b)     反復訓練重復、易錯知識點

c)     指導方法

d)     減少作業(yè)量以保證質量

e)     給予更多鼓勵


1.      根據以上內容寫一篇短文,不要逐句翻譯,可適當增加細節(jié)以使行文連貫。

2.      要準確使用語法和詞匯;使用一定的句型、詞匯,清楚、連貫地表達自己的意見;

3.      詞數:100個左右。開頭已給出,不計詞數。

Dear Mr. Wang

We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.























1―5  BACBC     6―10 BACBA    11―15 BCCAB    16―20 ABBCA

21--25 BADCD     26--30 BDDDB    31--35 AAACA

36---40 BBCDD    41---45 ABBAA    46---50 BBCCD    51---55 CBADA

56--58CAA        59---62 BCCA     63---66 ACBB     67---71 DBCCA

72--75 CCDD

76. √  77. a →the        78. go →come     79. that →what    80. easily →easy

81. company →companies   82. hopes→hope    83. 去掉very

84. Therefore →But        85. for →to

Dear Mr. Wang,

   We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.

   In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation. As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered everything. Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.

    By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.













第I卷(選擇題 共30分)



數  學(理)

考試時間120分鐘   分值:150分



            數  學(文)        09-03

考試時間120分鐘   分值:150分


專題(一) 各種性質的力和物體的平衡
















2已知在平面直角坐標系中,向量,且 .










3.設A、B是橢圓3x2+y2=λ上的兩點, 點N(1,3)是線段AB的中點.

(1)確定λ的取值范圍, 使直線AB存在, 并求直線AB的方程.

(2)線段AB的垂直平分線與橢圓相交于C,D兩點, 求線段CD的中點M的坐標

(3)試判斷是否存在這樣的λ, 使得A、B、C、D四點在同一個圓上?并說明理由.


















(Ⅱ)若過點的直線交動點M的軌跡于C、D兩點, 且N為線段CD的中點,求直線的方程.






























(Ⅰ) 求橢圓的方程;

(Ⅱ) 設橢圓的左頂點為A,下頂點為B,動點P滿足,()試求點P的軌跡方程,使點B關于該軌跡的對稱點落在橢圓上.




















































(1) 問點P在什么曲線上?并求出該曲線方程;

(2)    點O是坐標原點,兩點在點P的軌跡上,若的取值范圍.
































(1) 求動圓的圓心軌跡的方程;

(2) 是否存在直線,使過點(0,1),并與軌跡交于兩點,且滿足?若存在,求出直線的方程;若不存在,說明理由.
















































20.已知是函數圖象上一點,過點的切線與軸交于,過點軸的垂線,垂足為 .










































1. 設是實數,且是實數,則(    ).

    A.                         B.                           C.                          D.

2.設是兩個命題,,則的(    )

       A.充分而不必要條件                                      B. 必要而不充分條件

       C. 充分必要條件                                         D. 既不充分也不必要條件


   軸所圍成的三角形的面積等于(    )

       A.                   B.                   C.1或3              D.


    A.           B.           C.             D.


   線與曲線恰有兩個交點,則實數的值是(    )

       A.                                                          B.     

       C.                  D.以上答案都不對

6.數列中,,則    .





1-5 B A A B C  6.



1.命題p:|x|<1,命題q:,則成立的(   )

     A.充分不必要條件                                        B.必要不充分條件 

       C.充要條件                                                  D.既不充分也不必要條件

2.已知函數上單調遞增,且在這個區(qū)間上的最大值為,則實數的一個值可以是(   )   

     A.                          B.                          C.                        D.

3.過雙曲線M:的左頂點A作斜率為1的直線l,若l與雙曲線M的兩條漸近線分別相交于B、C,且|AB|=|BC|,則雙曲線M的離心率是(   )

A.                        B.                        C.                      D.

4.設奇函數f(x)在[-1,1]上是增函數,且,若函數對所有的都成立,則當時,t的取值范圍是(   )

A.                                                    B.

C.                                  D.

5.已知中,AB=2,BC=1,,平面ABC外一點P滿足PA=PB=PC=2,則三棱錐P―ABC的體積是(   )  

     A.                         B.                       C.                       D.       


(2). 則2008*1001的值是________________.    

7.有一解三角形的題因紙張破損,有一條件不清,且具體如下:在中,已知,____________,求角A. 經推斷破損處的條件為三角形一邊的長度,且 



①函數f(x)的最小值為-1;②函數f(x)在每一點處都連續(xù);③函數f(x)在R上存在反函數;          ④函數f(x)在x=0處可導; ⑤對任意的實數x1<0, x2<0且x1<x2,恒有.其中正確命題的序號是_____________.

答案:1-5BB ACD   6. 31003     7.答案提示A=60°,試將條件補充完整.  ①②⑤



1.若f′(x0)=2,  則=(      )

       A.1                         B. 2                         C. ?1                     D.

2. 設函數y=f(x)的圖象關于直線x=1對稱,在x≤1時,f(x)=(x+1)2-1,則x>1時f(x)等于(     )

A  f(x)=(x+3)2-1                                                 B  f(x)=(x-3)2-1

C  f(x)=(x-3)2+1                                           D  f(x)=(x-1)2-1

3. 若直線ax+2by-4=0(a,b∈R)始終平分圓x2+y2-4x-2y-4=0的面積,則ab的取值范圍是 (     )

A.(0,1)                 B.(0,1                   C.(-∞,1)               D.(-∞,1

4、給出四個命題  (1)若sin2A=sin2B,則△ABC為等腰三角形;(2)若sinA=cosB,則△ABC


   C)cos(CA)=1,則△ABC為正三角形  以上正確命題的個數是(     )

A  1                          B  2                          C  3                          D  4


5.設a,b是異面直線,下列命題正確的是       (    ) 





6、 已知AB、C三點在曲線y=上,其橫坐標依次為1,m,4(1<m<4),當△ABC

    面積最大時,m等于(     )

A  3                       B                           C                           D 


   實數a、b、αβ的大小關系為    .

8. 設A1、A2是橢圓=1的長軸兩個端點,P1、P2是垂直于A1A2的弦的端點,則直線A1P1A2P2交點的軌跡方程為             .


9、如圖半⊙O的直徑為2,A為直徑MN延長線上一點,且OA=2,B為半圓周上任一點,以AB為邊作等邊△ABC  (A、B、C按順時針方向排列)問ÐAOB為多少時,四邊形OACB的面積最大?這個最大面積是多少?


答案:1-6 ABDBDB  7. α<a<b<β     

8.       9.


1、直線的傾斜角是                                      (    )

   (A)            (B)             (C)             (D)  


高三化學定時練習 1







A.80 g硝酸銨含有氮原子數為2NA

B.1L 1mol/L的鹽酸溶液中,所含氯化氫分子數為NA

C.標準狀況下,11.2 L四氯化碳所含分子數為0.5 NA

D.在銅與硫的反應中,1 mol銅失去的電子數為2 NA

8. 將純鋅片和純銅片按右圖所示方式插入同濃度的稀H2SO4中一段時間,以下敘述正確的是:



C.兩燒杯中溶液的PH 均增大


9.據最新報道,科學家發(fā)現了如下反應:O2+PtF6==O2(PtF6),已知O2(PtF6)為離子化合物(中Pt 為+5 價),對于此反應,下列說法正確的是

A.在O2(PtF6 )中不存在共價鍵

B.在此反應中,O2是氧化劑,PtF6 是還原劑

C.在此反應中,每生成lmol O2(PtF6)則轉移l mol 電子






D.100mL0.1mol/L醋酸溶液與10 mL 1 mol/L醋酸溶液中H+的數目。

11.已知A、B是第一周期以外的短周期元素,它們可以形成離子化合物AmBn。在此化合物中,所有離子均能形成稀有氣體原子的穩(wěn)定結構。若A的核電荷數為,則B的核電荷數不可能是(    )

A.          B.      C.               D.










A.遇FeCl3溶液均顯紫色            B.均能發(fā)生銀鏡反應

C.均能與溴水發(fā)生加成反應         D.均能與NaOH溶液發(fā)生反應


100 mL(混合時溶液體積的變化忽略不計),且混合溶液的pH=2,則原BaCl2溶液中Cl-的濃度為(     )

A.0.011 mol/L     B.0.22 mol/L     C.0.022 mol/L     D.0.11 mol/L




(3)白磷在一定條件下可被HClO3的水溶液氧化,生成磷的最高價態(tài)化合物,而氯元素被還原為最低價態(tài)    ______________________________________                


(5)在火箭推進器中裝有強還原劑肼(N2H4)和強氧化劑H2O2,當它們混合時,即產生大量氮氣和水蒸氣,并放出大量熱。已知0.4 mol液態(tài)肼和足量液態(tài)H2O2反應,生成氮氣和水蒸氣,放出256.65 kJ的熱量。寫出此反應的熱化學方程式:                                        。

27. (12分)已知:












(1)指出反應類型:反應①                   ;反應②                  。

(2)A的結構簡式是                        ;F的結構簡式是                      。
















(1)C的電子式是             ,E的化學式是               ,G的化學式   






29.(20分)(I) 下圖甲和乙是某學校王老師制備NH3 并進行性質實驗時的改進裝置。按圖甲把儀器安裝好,稱取2g 固體氯化銨裝入試管底部,再快速稱取2g 氫氧化鈉覆蓋在氯化銨上方;立即用帶有滴管的塞子塞緊(滴管預先吸入約2mL 濃氨水);燒杯內盛滴有酚酞試液的水:把濃氨水滴入試管里,可立即觀察到試管內發(fā)生劇






將上述中收滿NH3 的圓底燒瓶取下,改裝成圖乙所示的裝置,膠頭滴管內事先預吸入2mLH2O ,此時小氣球系在玻璃棒上呈自然松馳狀態(tài);將滴管內的水慢慢滴入燒瓶中,輕輕晃動燒瓶,通過觀察實驗現象便可以驗證NH3 的某個性質。按要求回答下列問題:




①在NH3 ? H2O 中有平衡使平衡向左移動

②在NH3? H2O 中有平衡使平衡向左移動

③Na0H 溶于水時放熱,使體系的溫度升高,NH3 的溶解度減小

④NH4Cl與NaOH 在此情況下可反應生成NH3,

⑤NH4Cl 會分解釋放出NH3

(3)圖甲中的NH4Cl 與NaOH 固體混合物能否用CaO 固體代替     (填”能”與”不能”)

(4)如何判斷圖甲中燒瓶己收滿NH3 ?_________________________________

(5)圖乙中膠頭滴管中的水擠入燒瓶后,觀察到的現象是                它說明了NH3                

(Ⅱ)如圖所示:在B槽中裝有500 mL水,容積為a mL的試管A充滿了NO2和NO的混合氣體(標準狀況),將試管A倒插入B槽的水中。充分反應后,試管A中余下氣體的體積為0.5a mL,則原混合氣體中NO2和NO的物質的量之比為                  

通過導氣管C往余下0.5a mL氣體的試管A中持續(xù)通入氧氣,A中可能觀察到的現象是:_____________________________________________________________                                                          


當試管A中充滿氣體時停止通入氧氣,然后將試管取出水槽,則共通入氧氣的體積為     ________mL,水槽B中溶液的物質的量濃度為           mol?L-1(設溶液的體積仍為500 mL)


6.A  7.A  8.C  9.C   10.D   11.B  12.D   13.A


(1) 2AsH3+3O2= As2O3+3H2O    (2)2NaNO3+8HI=2NO+3I2+2NaI+4H2O

(3)3P4+10 HClO3 +18H2O=12H3PO4+10HCl   (4)6Zn+As2O3+12H+=6Zn2++2AsH3↑+3H2O

(5)N2H4(l)+2 H2O 2(l)= N2(g) + 4H2O(g); △H= -641.625 kJ.mol-1


27. (12分)

(1)加成反應    消去反應   (各1分)

    (2)C6H5-CH(OH)CH2CHO       HOCH2CH2OH(各2分)

(3)C6H5-CH=CHCHO+2Cu(OH)2           Cu2O↓+2H2O+C6H5-CH=CHCOOH  (3分)






  (1)        (2分)    CaCO3      HNO3    (各1分)


(2)CaC2+2H2O=Ca(OH)2+C2H2↑     4NH3+5O2                 4NO+6H2O   (各3分)



29. (20分)

(Ⅰ)(1)                                          (2分)

     (2)①②③④ (2分) (3)能 (1分) (4) 燒杯內的溶液變紅(1分)


(Ⅱ)(1)3:1  (2分)

(2)無色氣體變?yōu)榧t棕色氣體(1分),試管中液面不斷上升至全充滿(1分),繼續(xù)通入氧氣后,試管中液面下降(1分),最后充滿無色氣體(1分)。[2NO+O2=2NO2(1分)  3NO2+H2O=2HNO3+NO  (1分)]或  4NO+3O2+2H2O=4HNO3 (2分)(3)1.375a (2分)  a/11200(2分)





高三化學定時練習  16

6、下列實驗或敘述不符合綠色化學理念的是(    )                                  






     Fe2O3+3Na2O2      2Na2FeO4+Na2O,下列說法正確的是(     )

A.Na2O2既是氧化劑又是還原劑          B.Na2FeO4能消毒殺菌是因其具有強氧化性

C.3 mol Na­2O2發(fā)生反應,有12mol 電子轉移  D.Fe2O3在反應中得到電子

8、下列敘述正確的是   (      )





9、設阿伏加德羅常數的數值為NA,下列說法正確的是(    )

A.常溫常壓下,1 mol氦氣含有的核外電子數為4 NA      

B.一定條件下,0.1 mol Fe與0.1 mol Cl2充分反應,轉移的電子數約為0.3 NA

C.標準狀況下,11.2 L以任意比例混合的氮氣和氧氣所含的原子數為NA

D.標準狀況下,NA個NO分子和0.5 NA個O2分子混合后氣體的總體積為33.6 L

10、下列各組離子在給定條件下能大量共存的是(  )





11、某離子R2+的最外層有2個電子,且有5個電子層,當固體RCl2溶于水配成溶液時,需加入少量單質R和鹽酸。由此推斷下列敘述正確的是                                  (    )

A.R為IIA族元素                                             B.R2+的硝酸鹽的水溶液呈酸性

C.R的最高價氧化物的水化物是強堿             D.RCl4具有強氧化性,容易被還原

12、下列關于有機物的說法中,不正確的是(     )





13、下列比較中,可能正確的是(    )                       


   c(NH4) 由大到小的順序是:①>②>③>④

B.物質的量濃度相等的 H2S 和 NaHS 混合溶液中:

 c (Na+) +c(H+) = c (S2?) +c (HS?)+c (OH?)

C.同溫度同物質的量濃度時,HF比HCN易電離,則NaF溶液的 pH 比 NaCN 溶液小




(1)寫出C元素的名稱         ;寫出DB2的晶體類型          ;寫出AB2的結構式         。

(2)熔點比較:B的氫化物     E的氫化物(選填“<”、“=”、“>’”),解釋原因:                      













F             、G               、H               。


H+E溶液→G:                                                 ;

H+D溶液→F:                                                 。


①書寫下列物質的化學式:F            。 


H+E溶液→G:                                                 ;



Ca(ClO)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2SO4  2CaSO4 + 2Cl2↑ + 2H2O,他們設計了如下圖制取氯氣并驗證其性質的實驗裝置:





(4)請你幫該小組同學設計一個實驗,證明洗氣瓶C中的Na2SO3已被氧化(簡述實驗步驟):_________________                               _____________。














A.丙烯沒有同分異構體                                                     B.聚丙烯能使酸性高錳酸鉀溶液褪色

C.1 mol E與足量金屬鈉反應可以生成22.4 L氫氣(標況)D.化合物G屬于酯類






高三化學定時練習  16


















26、(1)C元素的名稱         ;DB2的晶體類型             ;AB2的結構式                  。

(2)熔點比較:B的氫化物     E的氫化物(選填“<”、“=”、“>’”),解釋原因:                      




F             、G               、H               。



H+D溶液→F:                                                 。

⑵①書寫下列物質的化學式:F            。    


H+E溶液→G:                                                 ;

H+D溶液→F:                                                 。

28、(1)______          _____(填寫裝置的序號)。

(2)B中的現象是______                                                     _________;

整套實驗裝置存在的明顯缺陷是__________                                        _______

(3)寫出D裝置中發(fā)生反應的離子方程式_____                  _________________________。

(4)_________________                               _____                    ________。

29、(1)丙烯生成A的反應方程式為_______                   _____________________________;

丙烯生成F的反應方程式為__                     _______________________________________。

(2)D的結構簡式為_________            _____________。

(3)____________                    _________________________________________________。

(4)_______        ___。


























