8.當(dāng)代世界各國的國家結(jié)構(gòu)形式可以分為 和 ! ( )
A.單一制和聯(lián)邦制 B.聯(lián)邦制和邦聯(lián)制
C.單一制和復(fù)合制 D.單一制和邦聯(lián)制
7.從國家權(quán)力機(jī)關(guān)和國家元首的產(chǎn)生方式及其職權(quán)范圍看,現(xiàn)代國家管理形式大致分為兩大類型,即 和 ! ( )
A.民主共和制和君主立憲制 B.總統(tǒng)制和委員會制
C.君主立憲制和總統(tǒng)制 D.議會制和君主立憲制
( )
A.實行君主立憲制 B.實行代議制
C.實行總統(tǒng)制 D.實行單一制
5.關(guān)于國體與政體的關(guān)系,下列說法正確的是 ( )
4.對民主與專政的關(guān)系,下列觀點正確的是 ( )
A.①②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.②③④
3. 國家性質(zhì)是由 決定的! ( )
A.統(tǒng)治階級的性質(zhì) B.國家職能
C.政體 D.大多數(shù)人的階級性質(zhì)
2.構(gòu)成主權(quán)國家的基本要素有 ( )
A.國體、政體、政府、公民 B.政黨、民族、宗教、軍隊
C.獨立、平等、自由、民主 D.人口、領(lǐng)土、政權(quán)、主權(quán)
1.從本質(zhì)上講,國家都是在經(jīng)濟(jì)上占統(tǒng)治地位的階級進(jìn)行階級統(tǒng)治的政治權(quán)力機(jī)關(guān)。這告訴我們 ( )
A.國家不是從來就有的 B.經(jīng)濟(jì)地位是國家的本質(zhì)屬性
C.階級性是國家的本質(zhì)屬性 D.國家是階級矛盾不可調(diào)和的產(chǎn)物和表現(xiàn)
1.學(xué)而時習(xí)之,不亦說乎?有朋自遠(yuǎn)方來,不亦樂乎?--《論語·學(xué)而》 溫故而知新,可以為師矣。--《論語·為政》 學(xué)而不思則罔,思而不學(xué)則殆。--《論語·為政》 知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。--《論語·為政》 見賢思齊焉,見不賢而自內(nèi)省也。--《論語·里仁》 三人行,必有我?guī)熝。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之?-《論語·述而》 己所不欲,勿施于人。--《論語·衛(wèi)靈公》 2.魚,我所欲也;熊掌,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍魚而取熊掌者也。生,亦我所欲也; 義,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取義者也。--《孟子·告子上·魚我所欲也》 3.故天將降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為, 所以動心忍性,曾益其所不能。--《孟子·告子下·生于憂患,死于安樂》 4.夫戰(zhàn),勇氣也,一鼓作氣,再而衰,三而竭。--《左傳··曹劌論戰(zhàn)》 5.吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也。 --《戰(zhàn)國策·鄒忌諷齊王納諫》 6.親賢臣,遠(yuǎn)小人,此先漢所以興隆也;親小人,遠(yuǎn)賢臣,此后漢所以傾頹也。 --諸葛亮《出師表》 茍全性命于亂世,不求聞達(dá)于諸侯。--諸葛亮《出師表》 7.阡陌交通,雞犬相聞。--陶淵明《桃花源記》 8.巴東三峽巫峽長,猿鳴三聲淚沾裳。--酈道遠(yuǎn)《三峽》 9.世有伯樂,然后有千里馬。千里馬常有,而伯樂不常有。--韓愈《馬說》 10.山不在高,有仙則名。水不在深,有龍則靈。--劉禹錫《陋室銘》 11.青樹翠蔓,蒙絡(luò)搖綴,參差披拂。--柳宗元《小石潭記》 12.先天下之憂而憂,后天下之樂而樂。--范仲淹《岳陽樓記》 13.醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之間也。--歐陽修《醉翁亭記》 14.予獨愛蓮之出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不妖。--周敦頤《愛蓮說》 15.庭下如積水空明,水中藻荇交橫,蓋竹柏影也。--蘇軾《記承天詩夜游》 16.天大寒,硯冰堅,手指不可屈伸,弗之怠。--宋濂《送東陽馬生序》 17.關(guān)關(guān)雎鳩,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。--《詩經(jīng)·關(guān)雎》 18.蒹葭蒼蒼,白露為霜。所謂伊人,在水一方。--《詩經(jīng)·蒹葭》 19.日月之行,若出其中;星漢燦爛,若出其里。--曹操《觀滄! 20.采菊東籬下,悠然見南山。--陶淵明《飲酒》 21.海內(nèi)存知己,天涯若比鄰。--王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》 22.海日生殘夜,江春入舊年。--王灣《次北固山下》 23.大漠孤煙直,長河落日圓。--王維《使至塞上》 24.我寄愁心與明月,隨風(fēng)直到夜郎西。--李白《聞王昌齡左遷龍標(biāo)遙有此寄》 25.長風(fēng)破浪會有時,直掛云帆濟(jì)滄海。--李白《行路難》 26.會當(dāng)凌絕頂,一覽眾山小。--杜甫《望岳》 27.烽火連三月,家書抵萬金。--杜甫《春望》 28.安得廣廈千萬間,大庇天下寒士俱歡顏,風(fēng)雨不動安如山!--杜甫《茅屋為秋風(fēng)所破歌》 29.忽如一夜春風(fēng)來,千樹萬樹梨花開。--岑參《白雪歌送武判官歸京》 30.天街小雨潤如酥,草色遙看近卻無。--韓愈《早春呈水部張十八員外》 31.沉舟側(cè)畔千帆過,病樹前頭萬木春。--劉禹錫《酬樂天揚州初逢席上見贈》 32.足蒸暑土氣,背灼炎天光。力盡不知熱,但惜夏日長。--白居易《觀刈麥》 念此私自愧,盡日不能忘。--白居易《觀刈麥》 33.幾處早鶯爭暖樹,夜家新燕啄春泥。--白居易《錢塘湖春行》 34.黑云壓城城欲摧,甲光向日金鱗開。--李賀《雁門太守行》 35.東風(fēng)不與周郎便,銅雀春深鎖二喬。--杜牧《赤壁》 36.商女不天亡國恨,隔江猶唱《后庭花》。--杜牧《泊秦淮》 37.何當(dāng)共剪西窗燭,卻話巴山夜雨時。--李商隱《夜雨寄北》 38.相見時難別亦難,東風(fēng)無力百花殘。春蠶到死絲方盡,蠟炬成灰淚始干。 --李商隱《無題》 39.剪不斷,理還亂,是離愁。別是一番滋味在心頭。--李煜《相見歡·無言獨上西樓》 40.人不寐,將軍白發(fā)征夫淚。--范仲淹《漁家傲·塞下秋來風(fēng)景異》 41.無可奈何花落去,似曾相識燕歸來。--晏殊《浣溪沙·一曲新詞酒一杯》 42.不畏浮云遮望眼,自緣身在最高層。--王安石《登飛來峰》 43.會挽雕弓如滿月,西北望,射天狼。--蘇軾《江城子·密州出獵》 44.人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。但愿人長久,千里共嬋娟。 --蘇軾《水調(diào)歌頭·明月幾時有》 45.山重水復(fù)疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。--陸游《游山西村》 46.了卻君王天下事,贏得生前身后名。--辛棄疾《破陣子·為陳同甫賦壯詞以寄之》 47.人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。--文天祥《過零丁洋》 48.枯藤老樹昏鴉,小橋流水人家。--馬致遠(yuǎn)《天凈沙·秋思》 49.興,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦!--張養(yǎng)浩《山坡羊·潼關(guān)懷古》 50.落紅不是無情物,化作春泥更護(hù)花。--龔自珍《己亥雜詩》 初中生必背優(yōu)秀詩文名句 --專家推薦篇 51.他家但愿富貴,賤妾與君共饣甫 糜。--漢樂府《東門行》 52.老驥伏櫪,志在千里。烈士暮年,壯心不已。--東漢·曹操《龜雖壽》 53.羈鳥戀舊林,池魚思故淵。--晉·陶淵明《歸園田居·少無適俗韻》 54.花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親。舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。--唐·李白《月下獨酌》 55.明月松間照,清泉石上流。--唐·王維《山居秋暝》 56.日暮鄉(xiāng)關(guān)何處是,煙波江上使人愁。--唐·崔顥《黃鶴樓》 57.春潮帶雨晚來急,野渡無人舟自橫。--唐·韋應(yīng)物《滁州西澗》 58.梧桐樹,三更雨,不道離情正苦。--唐·溫庭筠《更漏子·玉爐香》 59.今夜偏知春氣暖,蟲聲新透綠窗紗。--唐·劉方平《月夜》 60.曲徑通幽處,禪房花木深。…萬籟此都寂,但余鐘磬音。--唐·常建《題破山寺后禪院》 61.林花謝了春紅,太匆匆,無奈朝來寒雨晚來風(fēng)。 胭脂淚,留人醉,幾時重?自是人生長恨水長東。--南唐·李煜《相見歡·林花謝了春紅》 62.疏影橫斜水清淺,暗香浮動月黃昏。--宋·林逋《山園小梅》 63.楊柳岸、曉風(fēng)殘月,此去經(jīng)年,應(yīng)是良辰好景虛設(shè)。--宋·柳永《雨霖鈴·寒蟬凄切》 64.明月高樓休獨猗,酒入愁腸,化作相思淚。--宋·范仲淹《蘇幕遮·碧云天》 65.人家在何許?云外一聲雞。--宋·梅堯臣《魯山山行》 67.春風(fēng)疑不到天涯,二月山城未見花。--歐陽修《戲答元珍》 68.三月殘花落更開,小檐日日燕飛來。子規(guī)夜半猶啼血,不信東風(fēng)喚不回。--王令《送春》 69.春色三分,二分塵土,一分流水。細(xì)看來、不是楊花,點點是離人淚。 --宋·蘇軾《水龍吟·似花還似非花》 70.莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 --蘇軾《風(fēng)定波·莫聽穿林打葉聲》 71.落木千山天遠(yuǎn)大,澄江一道月分明。--宋·黃庭堅《登快閣》 72.飛云冉冉蘅皋暮,彩筆新題斷腸句。--宋·賀鑄《青玉案·凌波不過橫塘路》 73.念武陵人遠(yuǎn),煙鎖秦樓。惟有樓前流水,應(yīng)念我、終日凝眸。凝眸外,如今又添,一段新愁。--宋·李清照《鳳凰臺上憶吹簫》 74.綠陰不減來時路,添得黃鸝四五聲。--宋·曾畿《三衢道中》 75.日落潭照樹,川明風(fēng)動花。----宋·陳與義《出山》 76.怒發(fā)沖冠,憑闌處,瀟瀟雨歇。抬望眼、仰天長嘯,壯懷激烈。三十功名塵與土,八千里路云和月。莫等閑、白了少年頭,空悲切。--宋·岳飛《滿江紅·怒發(fā)沖冠》 77.出師一表真名世,千載誰堪伯仲間?--宋·陸游《書憤》 78.田夫拋秧田婦接,小兒拔秧大兒插。--宋·楊萬里《插秧歌》 79.梅雪爭春未肯降,騷人擱筆費評章。梅須遜雪三分白,雪卻輸梅一段香。 --宋·盧梅坡《雪梅》 80.牧童歸去橫牛背,短笛無腔信口吹。--宋·雷震《村晚》
1.__is mentioned above, the number of the studentsin senior schools is increasing.
[99滬]A.Which B.As C.That D.It 答案:B 2.___ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.
[NMET 2001年-34] A.It B.As C.That D.What 答案:B 3.___ has been announced, we shall have our final exams next month.[ 03上海春招-32] A.That B.As C.It D.What 答案:B 4.______ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. [2004年北京卷-34] A.It B.As C.That D.What 答案:B 如果說研究十年高考能夠洞察命題規(guī)律的話,那么防真練習(xí)更能貼近高考,無論從命題上還是從技巧上完全或基本和高考相同。通過題組將學(xué)生思維模式歸類,多維透視,演示高考命題及解題軌跡。既能體現(xiàn)高考水平,又能提高學(xué)生的應(yīng)試能力。所以,我認(rèn)為在廣泛搜集、多方借鑒的基礎(chǔ)上,容百川以為海,刪繁就簡,歸納整合是有效的復(fù)習(xí)方法。 本材料的特點: ★實用性上是其他材料無法比擬的。 ★定位準(zhǔn)、材料新、質(zhì)量高、指導(dǎo)性強(qiáng)。 ★追蹤高考、真實模擬、重點突出。 ★題干的有效性、干擾性和啟發(fā)性強(qiáng)。 ★ 抓住了?键c,練習(xí)了必考點,使學(xué)生少做了無用功。 ★真正防真,無論從結(jié)構(gòu)上,還是內(nèi)容上,設(shè)題技巧上,都可以和高考題相媲美. 05單項選擇題考點透析 1、命題原則 突出語篇、強(qiáng)調(diào)應(yīng)用、注重實際、體現(xiàn)能力 2、備考考點 ①動詞和動詞短語、時態(tài)和語態(tài)、情態(tài)動詞、定語從句、情景交際是重點。 、诠谠~、代詞、句型和慣用法是考查的新趨勢。 、壑髦^一致、非謂語動詞、倒裝、強(qiáng)調(diào)和疑問句等是重難點(考查基本),但分值不大。 、苄稳菰~、副詞的級別及詞性間的轉(zhuǎn)化、連接副詞、關(guān)聯(lián)詞、介詞等考量不大。 3、備考知識 、僬_分析句子類型(簡單句、復(fù)合句和并列句)正確分析句子類型是正確理解題干、作出正確選擇的關(guān)鍵。 、谡莆蘸诵慕Y(jié)構(gòu),準(zhǔn)確獲取題干信息。 ③通讀題干,全面理解語境。 、芙Y(jié)合生活實際和生活常識進(jìn)行推理。 、葑⒁馕幕町。 4、解題方法和技巧 、傺芯繑M題意圖,對癥下藥 、诰渥咏Y(jié)構(gòu)分析 、壅倚畔⒃~,求最佳答案 ▲④結(jié)構(gòu)分析,簡繁轉(zhuǎn)化(還原法)如:下句: Rather than ____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____ a bicycle. A.ride; ride B.riding; ride C.ride; to ride D.to ride;riding 題干實際上是個倒裝句,將其還原成正常形式為:He always prefer____ a bicycle rather than ____ on a crowded bus.這樣我們就很清楚地看出該句考查的句型是:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.結(jié)構(gòu),因此最佳答案應(yīng)是C. 5、常見解題失誤 、俨荒軘[脫母語干擾。 、诓荒軘[脫思維定勢 、鄄蛔⒁夥治鲱}干 ④忽略關(guān)鍵信息詞 、莺雎(空格前后)附加信息。 05高考必考點防真精練100點 、--冠詞 1. I wonder what it feels like to be one of ____ really rich. The Brows already have Rolls Royce and now they are buying_____ third. [仿04NMET(I)--24] A.the; the B.不填; a C.the; a D.不填;the 2.---What do you think about____ dress in the shop window? --- Oh, it's beautiful. She will be pleased if she can have it as____ birthday present. [仿04NMET(I)--24] A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.the; the 3.On November 11, 2004, Palestinians learnt that Yasser Arafat, _____ symbol of their struggle, died in _____ Paris hospital. [仿04NMET(I)--24] A.a; / B.the;a C.a; the D.the; the 4.---It's reported that nearly 150,000 people lost their lives in Asian tsunamis(海嘯). ---Yes, ______ news came as _____ shock to me. [仿04NMET(I)--24] A.the; a B.the; the C.a; a D.a; the 5.---How many people are still leading _____ life under ______ poverty line in the world? --- Perhaps one fourth. [仿2004NMET(IV)-35] A.the; 不填 B.a; the C.a; a D. 不填; 不填 、--代詞 6.---It is said that Jack is very rich and goes to work in his own new car every day. What is he? --- _______, I am not sure. A.Somebody of a manager B.Something of a manager C.Anyone of a manager D.Anything of a manager [仿04遼寧卷-24 / 04NMET-35/ 04江蘇卷-21 / 04浙江卷-33 / 04福建卷-22 / 04重慶卷-31 / 04廣東卷-27 /04湖南卷--21] 7.As they are retired, Mr and Mrs Scott prefer a house in the country to spend their late years to _____ in a large city. [仿NMET(III) --34] A.like B.it C.one D.that 8.---Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert? [仿04四川卷--32] ---Yes. But I don't like _____ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don't like. A.this B.that C.those D.it 9.---Excuse me, where's the tea-room ? ---It's right over there. Can I help you with_____? [仿04湖南卷--21] --- No, thanks. A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 10.---Can you come on Monday or Tuesday ? [仿04北京卷--21] --- I'm afraid _____ day is possible. A.either B.some her D.any 11.---What's the difference between the first house and the second ? [仿04浙江卷--33] ---The first house has a garage while the second has _____. A.no one B.nothing her D.none 、坌稳菰~、副詞極其級別 12.The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying_____here. [仿04廣西卷--33] A.asmuch three times B.much as three times C.twice times much D.three times as much 13.---We are leaving on June 15. [仿04江蘇卷--32] ---So why not come to spend _____ days with us? I'm serious. A.all these last few B.these all last few C.these last few all D.all last these few 14.She looks more beautiful when she wears her____ skirt. {仿04江蘇卷--32} A.green tight new silk ight green silk C.silk new tight green D.tight silk green new 15.It's too late to go out now. ____ , it's starting to rain. [仿04NMET(I)--35] A.Meanwhile B.However C.Besides D.Anyhow 16.This pair of shoes doesn't look good, but that pair is _____ better, I think.[仿2004湖南卷--27] A.rather B.less C.even D.hardly 、--動詞短語積及動詞詞義及辨析 17.Shopping online can_____both convernience and choice, but not _____ websites aresafe enoung for shopping.[仿04湖南卷--34] A.charge;either B.supply; any C.offer; all D.provide; both 18.---When shall we start? ---Let's _____ the time for the trip. What about 8:30? Is that all right? [仿2002北京卷25] A.set B.meet C.make D.take 19.--- Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday ? ---Thank you. I'd love to, _____ I'll have to finish all my homework before the weeked, otherwise, my parents won't let me go. [仿2002北京卷27] A.because B.and C.so D.but 20.Now Robert, a football fan in our class, _____ rome of his daily allowance given by his parents in order to buy a new football. [仿04重慶卷--26] A.is giving away B.is throwing away C.is putting away D.is taking away 21.John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to _____ all his trousers to his measure. A.let out B.give away C.bring in D.make up [仿04湖南卷--30] 22.---Those shoes won't_____for mountain-climbing. ---_____this pair be OK? A.help;Shall B.work; May C.do;Will D.get;Would [仿04湖北卷36] 23.Bill , often regarded as one of the best students in his class , _____ to be student who cheated in the exam. [仿04浙江卷--25] A.came out B.let out C.sent out D.turned out 24.I hadn't intended to get much from the business I ran the first year, while it ____ so well. [仿04浙江卷--25] A.went out B.carried out C.made out D.turned out 25.He took pity on the people in the flooded-areas and ______ his clothes and quilts to them. [仿03北京卷23、NMET-2001--26] A.gave away B.gave out C.sent out D.threw away 26.He might have_____ his idea about the art at the exhibition much better if he had planned what he wanted to say. [仿2002北京春招--33] A.carried out B.worked out C.thought out D.made out 、--時態(tài)和語態(tài) 27.---Remember the first time we____ , Ed ? [仿04四川卷--25] ---Of course, I do. You _____ a song on the stage. A.have met;sang B.met;sang C.met;were singing D.have met;have sung 28.---I'm sorry, but there's no smoking room in this section on the train. ---Oh, I _____ that, and I won't smoke again. A.don't know B.won't know C.didn't know D.haven't known 29.Hi, Bill. I _____ you _____ in this city. How long have been here? [仿04福建卷--21] A.didn't know; were B.don't kow; are C.haven't known; are D.don't know; were 30.---Sorry, Mum. I've lost my pen again. ---I_____ it ! You never remember to put your things away after using them. A.knew B.know C.have known D.will know [仿04NMET-22 / 04遼寧卷-28 / 04重慶卷-23 / 04浙江卷-23 / 04江蘇卷-34 / 04福建卷-21 / 04湖南卷--31] 31.---Has Tom finished his job yet? [仿04四川卷--25] ---I have no idea of it; he _____ it this morning. A.has been doing B.had been doing C.did D.was doing 32.I should very much like to have gone to the party, but______. [仿04湖北卷--33] A.I'm not invited B.I won't be among the invited C.they won't invite me D.they didn't invite me 33.He has much money at the beginning of every month, but by the end of it he_____ have little left. B.will C.must D.should [仿04NMET(I)--22] 34.Sally______ a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it. [仿04NMET(II)--25] A.wrote B.has written C.was writing D.had written 35.---Has Tom finished his composition yet? ---I have no idea, he _____ it this morning. [仿04福建卷--21] A.would write B.has written C.wrote D.was writing 36.---Why were you not at the concert last night ? ---Oh.I ______ for a friend from Europe at the airport. [仿04福建卷--21] A.watched B.have been watching C.was watching D.had watched 37.Many new workers _____ trained and in two months they will _____ to build a new railway. A.are; be sending B.are being; be sent [仿04北京卷--22] C.are; send D.will be; be to send 38.I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I succeeded _______. [仿04NMET(IV)--32] A.first all B.in all C.at all D.after all 39.--- What were you up to when she dropped in ? [仿04天津卷--28] ---I _____ for a while and ____ some reading. A.had played; did B.played; did C.had played; was going to do D.was playing; was going to do 40.--- Have you telephoned your father ? [仿04NMET(II)--34] --- Yes. He _____ back next year. A.expects B.is expected C.will expects D.will be expected 41.---____ you _____the chief editor at the airport? [仿04浙江卷-23] ---No. He_____away before my arrival. A.Had; met ; was driven B.Have; met; has driven C.Have ; met; was driven D.Did; meet; had been driven 42.He simply repeated this year's work. He's the sort of boy who _____ to anyone whatever failures he'a had in whatever he does. [仿2003上海--32] A.doesn't mention B.hadn't mentioned C.didn't mention D.hasn't mentioned 43.---May I speak to your manager Mr.Willians at five o'clock tonight?" [仿04北京卷-27] ---"I'm sorry, Mr.Williams _______ to a conference before then." A.will have gone B.had gone C.would have gone D.has gone 44.The teaching building of our school_____ for many times. [仿04上海卷-29] A.has been added to B.has added to C.has been added up to D.has added up to 、--定語從句 45.We saw a film yesterday afternoon , _____we had supper in a nearby restaurant. A.when B.which C.before it D.after which [仿NMET I-23/III-28/湖北卷--25] 46.There comes a time in every man's life_____. [仿04湖北卷--23] A.that he needs to think B.when he has to think C.therefore he has to work hard D.then he will need it 47.Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded_____ other more well-informed experiments failed. A.which B.that C.what D.where [仿04湖南卷--23] 48.On the third floor there are two rooms, _____ is used as a meeting-room. A.one of them B.the largerof which C.and a larger of of them D.the largest one of which [仿04湖北卷--25] 49.--- Are you familiar with the music ? --- Yes. There was a time _____ this kind of music was quite popular. [仿04湖北卷--23] A.when B.that C.with which D.about which 50.He has got himself into a dangerous situation ____ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A.where B.which C.while D.why [仿04湖南卷--23] 51.The passenger was very impolite to the conductor, ____ , of course , made things even worse. A.who B.whom C.which D.what [仿04天津卷-23] 52._____ was known to all , Willian had broken his promise ______ he would give us a rise. A.As; which B.As; that C.It; that D.It ; which 、--狀語從句及連詞 53.John knocked at the door for nearly five minutes____his wife opened it. A.when B.before C.until D.as [仿04天津卷--32] 54.---The thread of my kite broke and it flew away. [仿04四川卷--23] ---I told you it would easily break_____was the weakest. A.where B.the place where C.for it D.where it 55.They were surprised that a child could work out the problem____they themselves couldn't. A.once B.while C.then D.if [仿04NMET(III)--35] 56.I had been puzzled over the problem for over an hour without any result, _____ all at once thesolution flashed across my mind. [仿04上海卷--38] A.while B.when C.then D.as 57.Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report _____ her boss could read it first thing next morning. [仿04NMET(I)--25] A.because B.so that C.before D.or else 58._____much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do. [仿04湖北卷--27] A.How B.However C.Whatever D.No matter 59.Generally speaking, _____ according to the derections , the drug has no side effect. [仿04湖北卷--28] A.when to take B.when taking C.when to be taken D.when taken 60.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could answer the phone. [仿04福建卷--31] A.before B.as C.since D.until 61.--- May I go and play with Tom this afternoon, Mum? ---No. You can't go out _____ your homework is being done. [仿04天津卷--32] A.until B.since C.before D.if 62.The idea of fish being able to produce electricity strong enough to light a lamp is almost unbelievable, _____ several kinds of fish are really able to do this. [仿04NMET(III)--30] A.therefore B.and C.then D.but 63.Is it true ______ the rain stops , it will be as hot as in the summer here? [仿03NMET--21] A.when B.that when C.whenever D.that 64.---_____ I watch TV, I'll turn it down and never make any noise. --- Good. ______ you are doing should never disturb others. _______ how important you are,never forget about how others feel. [仿2003上海卷--42] A.Whatever; Whenever; No matter B.Whenever; Whatever; No matter C.Whether; Whatever; 不填 D.No matter; Whenever; 不填 65. ______ they live in the same house, we would no trouble finding them. [仿2003上海卷-33] ---But as traveling salesmen as well as seasonal herdsmen and farmhands, as you know, they move house _______ many of the Americans who live on wheels. A.As far as; as often as B.As well as; as well as C.As long as;;as often as D.As long as ; as far as 66. He trained hard in puzzle-guessing, a sort of children's game, all year, _____ still failed to reach his best form in all the tests given to both adults and children. [仿NMET02--39] A.Then B.Thus C.Therefore D.Yet 67. _____ he thought he was helping us with the work , he was actually in the way. [仿NMET 1999--11] A.Because B.If C.Although D.When ⑧--名詞性從句 68.The most exciting thing for him was_____ he finally found two tinned fruits in_____ seemed to him to be a servant's bedroom. [仿04上海卷---37] A.that; what B.what; what C.that; that D.what; that 69.______ surprised me most was______ they had finished the so quickly. [仿04上海卷---37] A.What; what B.That; that C.That; what D.What; that 70._____ seems strange to us is ______ she can sing so many English songs beautifully.[同上] A.It; that B.That; how C.It; Why D.What; that 71.My parents used _____ they had to get a new car for my brother. [仿04湖南卷--24] A.what B.which C.all what D.不填 72.The question came up at the meeting _____ we had not enough money to do the research. A.whether B.if C.that D.what [仿04上海卷--40] 73.Is this hotel _____ you said we were to stay in your letter? [2004NMET(I)-31] A.where B.which C.in that D.in which 74.A modern university has been set up in ______ used to be. [仿2004上海春招-38/1998上海--24] A.which B.that C.what D.where 、--情態(tài)動詞和虛擬語氣 you imagine that a smart man like him_____ make such a stupid mistake? A.might B.should C.would D.need [仿NMET-I-29 / 湖北卷-26 / 湖南卷-28 / 江蘇卷-22 / 浙江卷-26 / 遼寧卷--29] 76.--- Who told you my address ? [仿NMET(I)-29] --- I don't remember clearly. It _____ Li Mei. ---It _____ Li Mei. She doesn't know it. be; mustn't be B.may have been;must have been C.may have been; can't be D.must have been ; can't have been 77.---This _____ John's house .It's number 101. [仿NMET(II)-29] --- I don't think so.He said a large white house but this is a small yellow one. 't be B.must be C.may not be D.should be 78.As is natural , a man as old as he ______ be very forgetful. [仿2003NMET--28] B.should C.would D.must 79.---Did you visit the famous museum ? ---No. We ______ it. But we spent too much time shopping. [仿2004福建卷--32] 't have visited B.could have visited C.must have visited D.shouldn't have visited 80.---How exciting ! I drove my new car at a speed of 110km/h on Sunday morning. [仿2004福建卷--32] ---Were you crazy ? You ______ yourself ! A.muxt have killed B.would have killed C.should have killed D.could have killed 、--非謂語動詞 81.When____, the museum will be open to the public next year. [仿2004NMET(IV)--25] pleting pleted C.being completed D.to be completed 82._____ the ladder, get someone to hold it. [仿2004湖北卷--28] A.When climbed B.When to climb C.When climbing D.When one climbs 83.Don't leave your work half _____. [仿2004天津卷--24] A.being done B.doing C.to do D.done 84.Any student,who is thougnt ______ the rules, for example, by cheating, has _____ before a student court. [仿2004湖北卷--33] A.to have broken; to appear B.to break; to get C.broken; taken D.to break; to be taken 85.Prices of daily goods _____ through a computer can be lower than store prices. [仿2004上海卷-35] A.buying B.bought C.are bought D.been bought 86.______ in the chimey for five hours, the thief looked very pale and tired. [仿2004江蘇卷--31] A.Having been trapped B.Being trapped C.trapping D.Having trapped 87.The crowd is too noisy, but anyway I have to make myself ______ to them because the news is so important to them. [仿2004NMET(III)--22] A.known B.understood C.heard D.known 、--強(qiáng)調(diào)句型及特殊結(jié)構(gòu) 88.____she is not so healthy _____she used to be ? [仿2004廣東卷--23] A.How it is that; as B.Why is it that; what C.Is it why; that D.How is it that; as 89.It was not until she had finished all her work_______home tired [仿2004湖北卷--24] A.did she return B.that she returned C.when she returned D.that did she return 90._____ his father came back from work_____ his homework. [仿2004湖北卷--24] A.Not until; he did B.It wasn't until; when he did C.It was until; that he didn't do D.It wasn't until; that he did 91.Only when _____ in 1945 _____ to his hometown. [2004重慶卷---34] A.was the war over; he returned B.the war was over; had he returned C.the war was over; he returned D.was the war over; had he returned 92. It is ______you deal with difficulties that shows_____ you are really like.[仿2004福建卷--35] A.what; what B.how; what C.how; that D.which; how 93._____only 20 minutes to go before the train left, I felt uneasy in the taxi to the railway station.[仿04北京卷--33] A.For B.I had C.With D.As 94.---John has got a very good job in the government. [仿2004浙江卷--28] --- _____ he looks so happy. A.No doubt B.No wonder C.That's because D.It's natural 95._____ be sent to work there ? [仿04福建卷--28] A.Who do you suggest that should B.Who do you suggest C.Do you suggest whom should D.Do you suggest who should 96.______ production up by 60% , the company has had another excellent year. [仿04福建卷--30] A.For B.As C.Throngh D.With ⑿--交際用語 97.---Hi, Brown! Are you going to have an outing? [仿2004天津卷--21] ---_____. A.I can't say B.Yes, I will do C.It's fun to do so D.That all depends 98.---Cliff, I lost your ball at school. I suppose I should pay for it. --- Oh. _____. It was just as old ball anyway. A.Take it easy B.By no means C.You got it D.Forget it . 99.---It must have been a wonderful evening, but you see, I'm terribly sorry I'm late again. ---Well, _____, but please come a bit earlier for the next party. [仿2002北京卷35] A.My pleasure B.I'm glad to hear that C.No, thanks D.It's OK 100.It is believed that if the reader takes _____ in a book, no doubt it is an_______ book which everybody is bound to be_______ in. {仿2003上海--30} A.interested;interest;interesting B.interest;interesting;interested C.interested;interesting;interested D.interest;interested;interested 答案: 1-5:CCBCB 6-10:BCDBC 11-15:DDABC 16-20:DCABB 21-25:ACDDA 26-30:DCCAA 31-35:DDBCD 36-40:CBDCB 41-45:DAAAD 46-50:BDDAA 51-55:CBBDB 56-60:BBBDA 61-65:CDBBC 66-70:DAADD 71-75:ACACB 76-80:CBABD 81-85:BCDAB 86-90:ADDBD 91-95:BBCBB 96-100:DDDDB
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